No really, I have an essay to write for sociology. Due on Friday. Have some ideas but I still need to organize my thoughts and make it cohesive and junk.
I was talking to the great M-I-L... the Julinator. She was saying that my blog has been showing my exhaustion. If I'm slacking I apologize. Just trying to get everything done.
Man I have been slacking! I totally forgot to post the picture of the picture of the tater tot casserole! Well here it is if you still want to see it.
Anyway, school has been intense for sure. I wouldn't say hard but I'm just trying to like submerge myself in it. I've been trying to think of everything in my life that has anything to do with either one of my classes. I don't know if it is helping or if it is just giving me a headache. :p
The gym has definitely been helping lately. I'm feeling a bit more energized and feeling better about myself. If I can stay on track with that and we can get our sleeping a little more regular than I think I'll be alright. I need to start making to do lists and such.
Moving on though... I've got laundry and school. Before I leave you though I want to leave you with a thought. While I was indulging in one of my guilty pleasures (TMWC) I read a confession about a girl who was 22 and felt trapped in a loveless marriage because of their child. She said she fell out of love with her husband. It reminded me of an article I read about long happy marriages. They asked a whole bunch of couples who have been married various amounts of time how they stuck through everything. When they asked one couple who had been married for like 60 something or 70 years how they did it and one of them responded, "we never fell out of love at the same time." I found that kind of sad and inspiring in a way. Thoughts?
"We never fell out of love at the same time" makes a certain amount of sense to me, although I know what you mean about it being sad.
One of my favorite... stories (I suppose)... about marriage was act one of this episode of this american life. It was a study that worked to figure out what made happy marriages happy.
Hey, you were supposed to send me the recipe for this!
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