Monday, January 19, 2009

All that is happening

Well first off, I logged into my classes and they still weren't available so I killed some time on OHO while Sky slept. I discovered that "The Heart Attack Grill" is indeed real, and found this video on it. (Warning, includes barely dressed women)

Watch CBS Videos Online
Pretty insane stuff.

After that, Sky and I went to get something to eat and look around at the BX to see which TV we may buy. We've decided to get a small Sony Bravia right now and then when we move back to the states (and can afford it) we will get a really big, really nice one and put the Bravia in our bedroom. So that will happen on Thursday because today they were out of stock. So we put in our name and are having them hold one for us. We're excited.

So we got home and I logged back into my classes. Everything for my government appears to be available however, my syllabus for sociology is not available yet. I do have tons of work to do with what is available so I will get on with that.

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