Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today has been a good day

Aside from the small amount of grumpiness Sky and I both woke up with, today has been an awesome day!

When Sky was at work I decided to try and get a few things done. I did a little bit of research to see what kind of employment opportunities might be available to me as well as ones that I thought I would enjoy. I also got my W-2 printed out. Then when Sky got home at almost seven I was still awake because I just wasn't able to fall asleep. So we were talking and I warmed him up the food I had made. He really enjoyed it so that made me very happy. He also brought home Thin Mints! That also put a smile on my face. So after he ate and everything we went to sleep.

When we woke up we were both quite groggy and as previously mentioned a little moody. I got up just a bit earlier than he did and decided to make some phone calls to schedule some appointments. My prescription expires this month so I needed to make an appointment with the optometrist and a few other random appointments. So I got that done. Then we went over to TMO to pick up some paperwork since unfortunately our experience will not be claim free. Sky actually went in to the TMO while I ran over to the education center to see if the scholarships I applied for had been posted yet. The finally had and I got two out of the three I applied for! *does happy dance* That was really great news. I was starting to get a little nervous. Well after we did that we ran over to the post office so I could pick up a package and it was a purse from my parents because I'm incredibly spoiled. After that we went to the Cafe Mokuteki to grab a bite to eat before heading home so Sky could get ready for work.

He just headed out the door. I will probably relax a while before working on the house and laundry some more.

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