I've been doing great. I haven't had ANY soda (and I mean none) in at LEAST a month... and then I had two yesterday and one today. To be fair though it is only because I have no cold water and I have an issue with beverages that are warm and aren't supposed to be that way.
I've got some reading to do for both my classes and then some laundry to fold and then I think I'm meeting up with a friend after she gets off work. Sky is out snowboarding with her husband, I'm not sure if they'll hang out with us afterward or not. They may just be too tired. Sky went snowboarding yesterday too and I know he was exhausted. I'm just glad he's having fun. This may be the last time he gets to go this season.
Last night we had another friend over for dinner. He brought a couple of movies. We watched Wanted. It was pretty good. Obviously not in any way, shape, or form realistic but hey, entertaining anyway. He also left The Departed, The Dark Night, and Kung-fu Panda for me to watch. I'll probably watch one of those while I fold some laundry. Next time he comes over I'm going to have to make him watch Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang.
Oh speaking of Robert Downey Jr. I had this crazy dream last night! I had (literally) bumped into him walking down the street. I looked up to apologize saw it was him and I guess the look on my face told him I was about to scream so he led me into this alley so that no one would notice him. I guess the shock wore off and I got so excited to meet him that I threw up all over myself and *gasp* his shoes. (By the way, I think I would die if I puked on RDJ's shoes) So he was really nice and hailed a cab and we went to his apartment where he let me shower and wash my clothes. So while we were waiting for my clothes to dry (I was wearing a robe) we were sitting at the dinner table talking and his wife came back from the grocery store and was kind of like, "uh... what?" and I got up and walked over, introduced myself and told her what happened. She laughed and asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. lol Weird, right? And afterward I woke up like it was a bad dream, you know, the ones where you sit straight up in bed and gasp? I think that was me freaking out about throwing up on my celebrity crush. lol. Just thought that was amusing. Especially since I remembered it! I almost never remember my dreams. So there you have it. On to fold laundry and junk. :s
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