Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our family is going to disown us...

My sister and I are in some unintentional ridiculous amazon wish list competition. What can I say? We like shiny, pretty, expensive things. lol To be fair mine didn't get obnoxious until today. :p

Ugh... I'm tired but we've got tons to do today and yet I seem to be waiting for Sky to get up... I'm sure I'll stand here in a minute and get something to eat and be productive. :s Maybe...

When Sky does get up though we'll be running to the post office to pick up the packages that have been waiting for us (we still thought they were on holiday hours), we'll run by the Thrift Store to drop some things off as well as look and see if they have a folding table. If we fail there we will stop by the furniture store. Then on to the BX to see about those plastic drawer things and the stationary store because I once again temporarily forgot about my parent's upcoming anniversary. I suck with dates... seriously.

I think I'm making pot roast tonight. Wish me luck, I'll post later.

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