Here is the stuff going to my brother in law and his wife (is she my sister in law? I have no clue... lol. Someone please tell me the answer to that.)
Okay they're getting: 2 fans, 2 cell phone charms, 1 "wisdom saying frame," 1 little good luck doll guy (the gold one brings wealth), and the pink and blue things are giant erasers.
Here is the stuff going to my brother and sister. The note pad magnet is for the both of them. Right now the only thing for my brother is the gum (under the magnate) but he will be getting more gum/candy/drinks. My sister has the little good luck frame, the cow piggy bank, the Hello Kitty "No Drinking and Driving" and "No Smoking" signs, and the Hello Kitty erasers (which are awesome!)
Here is a close up of what the magnet note pad thing says... (may need to click for full size image)
Last but certainly not least here is what my mother and father in law are getting. They have the seven in one good luck cat (neko). It's left paw raised beckons people, it's right paw is for wealth, good business. I figure they both would be good. Mom has her painting and dad has his guitar making. Also since they've inherited our dogs it seems like their visitors have decreased in numbers so maybe the cat will help. The little package of the green, orange, and red things are erasers. The other lucky cat is a cell phone charm. Then there is the fan, origami and washi (handmade) paper, the note book, and the little wooden saying thing.
A close up of the amazing note book for you. (May need to click for full size image)
I got tongs, a cutting board, another piggy bank, little make up brushes, some gum, and these...
The dolphin, bunny in a dress, and penguin are erasers. I will never use the penguin because of how awesome it is. The other thing... well the little frog with a star on it's chest is from an anime. I saw part of an episode and it was insane so I needed to buy this. From the episode all I saw was this thing said something to the frog and it said EH? and there were a whole bunch of え (eh) behind it. It was quite amusing. Actually from what I could see I'm not positive if I would understand it even if I was fluent in Japanese. It had some crazy stuff going down. Anyway, I thought it was funny. It is a package of small colored pencils but I had to buy it.
So that was the 100 yen store. Everything was a 100 yen except the big wooden saying thing I got for my mother and father in law and my cutting board. I can't wait to go back though. I forgot to take pictures while I was there. I will try to remember next time. They are so much more awesome then the dollar stores in America. I need to go get some frames. So there you go!
thats sergent frog thing, i know what u mean. crazy. its says iro enpitsu which means as u said colored pencils. n the one with animals says omoshiro keshigomu which means interesting/funny/amusing erasers lol. gomu- from gomi i believe which means trash so like trash remover or some shit. lol.
Thanks, Laura, I love it! All of it. :)
wow wow wow!!!! I am so excited to see all the cool things and that you thought of us!! Can't wait to see the paper and the trees book!!! Yay!!!
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