Monday, January 12, 2009

It is about time!

I am finally up and about! I did some stuff on the house. Not a whole lot but enough to make me feel a little accomplished. Still had a little pain but not too much. So hopefully this is it and it only continues to get better from here. That would make me mighty happy.

I'm still going to keep my ultrasound appointment though since it seems like those are quite hard to get into. I also have my appointment tomorrow for my night guard. I'm glad I'm getting it but I hate anything that has to do with dental stuff. I really don't like anything metal or plaster like being in my mouth. I guess I should get over/used to that if I'm going to be getting my orthodontic work done though.

Eh. So pretty much back to the norm. Trying to get my house done before I start school. I'll let you know how that works out for me. :)

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