So here I am laying on the couch, still not feeling well at all. It has been more dizziness and nausea today than anything else. I also had some weird pinch type pain that went through my lower abdomen and then like radiated into my back. It was really painful but it only happened briefly.
On to happier topics. First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!! I'm a total loser and thought her birthday was in February but, alas, I was incorrect and it is today. I feel so bad I wasn't able to make the trip down to celebrate with her. Anyway, I hope she had an awesome time in Tokyo. :D
Another cool thing, Sky and I received our order from Kohls! I tried on my stuff and it is just awesome. I got a white button up 3/4 sleeve shirt and an argyle sleeveless cardigan. ^_^ Yay!
Agh... time to curl up in a ball. Staring at a computer screen is not doing good things for my head.
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