I've been doing great. I haven't had ANY soda (and I mean none) in at LEAST a month... and then I had two yesterday and one today. To be fair though it is only because I have no cold water and I have an issue with beverages that are warm and aren't supposed to be that way.
I've got some reading to do for both my classes and then some laundry to fold and then I think I'm meeting up with a friend after she gets off work. Sky is out snowboarding with her husband, I'm not sure if they'll hang out with us afterward or not. They may just be too tired. Sky went snowboarding yesterday too and I know he was exhausted. I'm just glad he's having fun. This may be the last time he gets to go this season.
Last night we had another friend over for dinner. He brought a couple of movies. We watched Wanted. It was pretty good. Obviously not in any way, shape, or form realistic but hey, entertaining anyway. He also left The Departed, The Dark Night, and Kung-fu Panda for me to watch. I'll probably watch one of those while I fold some laundry. Next time he comes over I'm going to have to make him watch Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang.
Oh speaking of Robert Downey Jr. I had this crazy dream last night! I had (literally) bumped into him walking down the street. I looked up to apologize saw it was him and I guess the look on my face told him I was about to scream so he led me into this alley so that no one would notice him. I guess the shock wore off and I got so excited to meet him that I threw up all over myself and *gasp* his shoes. (By the way, I think I would die if I puked on RDJ's shoes) So he was really nice and hailed a cab and we went to his apartment where he let me shower and wash my clothes. So while we were waiting for my clothes to dry (I was wearing a robe) we were sitting at the dinner table talking and his wife came back from the grocery store and was kind of like, "uh... what?" and I got up and walked over, introduced myself and told her what happened. She laughed and asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. lol Weird, right? And afterward I woke up like it was a bad dream, you know, the ones where you sit straight up in bed and gasp? I think that was me freaking out about throwing up on my celebrity crush. lol. Just thought that was amusing. Especially since I remembered it! I almost never remember my dreams. So there you have it. On to fold laundry and junk. :s
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
I'm not feeling great today... Not sick... Just, not feeling well. I'm feeling very run down. I think it is more emotional than physical though.
I've been feeling overwhelmed a bit I think. It has a lot to do with the schedule thing. I'm also just feeling all the pressures I'm putting on myself. It is starting to hurt! Literally.
Sky and I are thinking of doing massages for v-day. I think that will be good. He and I need to sit down and have a talk about some things. We've got this truck back in the states and we still haven't come to a decision about whether we should keep it or not. Every time we're together I forget to talk about those things because all I want to do is hug him. I haven't seen him a lot lately. Like pretty much since he started working. He works really long hours and then when he isn't working he's snowboarding. I don't want to take that away from him, it is something he enjoys so much.
... I don't know. I guess I'm feeling isolated. I really have no reason to. I could do whatever I wanted. I guess I'm just letting the stuff that needs to get done stand in my way. That isn't exactly a bad thing but I think I'm punishing myself. You know? For example, it is the weekend but I don't feel like I should do anything because there are still things that need to be accomplished here at home. You know? Bah... ramble, ramble, ramble.
I want to take a nap. That's another thing I haven't been allowing. :s I could take a bath but I don't want to clean my tub. How sad is that? I'm making progress though. I guess I should continue...
Here, enjoy this.
I've been feeling overwhelmed a bit I think. It has a lot to do with the schedule thing. I'm also just feeling all the pressures I'm putting on myself. It is starting to hurt! Literally.
Sky and I are thinking of doing massages for v-day. I think that will be good. He and I need to sit down and have a talk about some things. We've got this truck back in the states and we still haven't come to a decision about whether we should keep it or not. Every time we're together I forget to talk about those things because all I want to do is hug him. I haven't seen him a lot lately. Like pretty much since he started working. He works really long hours and then when he isn't working he's snowboarding. I don't want to take that away from him, it is something he enjoys so much.
... I don't know. I guess I'm feeling isolated. I really have no reason to. I could do whatever I wanted. I guess I'm just letting the stuff that needs to get done stand in my way. That isn't exactly a bad thing but I think I'm punishing myself. You know? For example, it is the weekend but I don't feel like I should do anything because there are still things that need to be accomplished here at home. You know? Bah... ramble, ramble, ramble.
I want to take a nap. That's another thing I haven't been allowing. :s I could take a bath but I don't want to clean my tub. How sad is that? I'm making progress though. I guess I should continue...
Here, enjoy this.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"I'm about to put tiger balm on this [essay's] nuts..."
No really, I have an essay to write for sociology. Due on Friday. Have some ideas but I still need to organize my thoughts and make it cohesive and junk.
I was talking to the great M-I-L... the Julinator. She was saying that my blog has been showing my exhaustion. If I'm slacking I apologize. Just trying to get everything done.
Man I have been slacking! I totally forgot to post the picture of the picture of the tater tot casserole! Well here it is if you still want to see it.

Anyway, school has been intense for sure. I wouldn't say hard but I'm just trying to like submerge myself in it. I've been trying to think of everything in my life that has anything to do with either one of my classes. I don't know if it is helping or if it is just giving me a headache. :p
The gym has definitely been helping lately. I'm feeling a bit more energized and feeling better about myself. If I can stay on track with that and we can get our sleeping a little more regular than I think I'll be alright. I need to start making to do lists and such.
Moving on though... I've got laundry and school. Before I leave you though I want to leave you with a thought. While I was indulging in one of my guilty pleasures (TMWC) I read a confession about a girl who was 22 and felt trapped in a loveless marriage because of their child. She said she fell out of love with her husband. It reminded me of an article I read about long happy marriages. They asked a whole bunch of couples who have been married various amounts of time how they stuck through everything. When they asked one couple who had been married for like 60 something or 70 years how they did it and one of them responded, "we never fell out of love at the same time." I found that kind of sad and inspiring in a way. Thoughts?
No really, I have an essay to write for sociology. Due on Friday. Have some ideas but I still need to organize my thoughts and make it cohesive and junk.
I was talking to the great M-I-L... the Julinator. She was saying that my blog has been showing my exhaustion. If I'm slacking I apologize. Just trying to get everything done.
Man I have been slacking! I totally forgot to post the picture of the picture of the tater tot casserole! Well here it is if you still want to see it.
Anyway, school has been intense for sure. I wouldn't say hard but I'm just trying to like submerge myself in it. I've been trying to think of everything in my life that has anything to do with either one of my classes. I don't know if it is helping or if it is just giving me a headache. :p
The gym has definitely been helping lately. I'm feeling a bit more energized and feeling better about myself. If I can stay on track with that and we can get our sleeping a little more regular than I think I'll be alright. I need to start making to do lists and such.
Moving on though... I've got laundry and school. Before I leave you though I want to leave you with a thought. While I was indulging in one of my guilty pleasures (TMWC) I read a confession about a girl who was 22 and felt trapped in a loveless marriage because of their child. She said she fell out of love with her husband. It reminded me of an article I read about long happy marriages. They asked a whole bunch of couples who have been married various amounts of time how they stuck through everything. When they asked one couple who had been married for like 60 something or 70 years how they did it and one of them responded, "we never fell out of love at the same time." I found that kind of sad and inspiring in a way. Thoughts?
So much to do so little time. Just got done with some government homework. Now on to sociology. Still need to clean, eat, and maybe make an actual meal. Maybe not. Bleh.
Went to a briefing today. They have one every once and a while to prepare spouses for possible TDYs (temporary duty) and such. The Chaplin was talking and had asked the group what 1 or 2 of the things the Chaplin would have to report if it were shared with him. People were answering things like "suicide" and "child abuse" and when someone would answer he would toss them a Hershey's kiss. I responded, "nothing" and he was like "YES!" and launched like an entire handful of candy at me and then passed the WHOLE bag back to me. This was like a grocery bag full of bags of hugs and kisses. I was assaulted by a religious advisor with chocolates. So then, because I'm trying to get in shape and even if I weren't it is just Sky and I and those would probably go bad before they were finished, I was trying to hand some out and like no one was talking them so finally I asked this lady who had kids if she wanted the bag and she took it off my hands. I am actually quite proud of myself for parting with chocolate. I'm sure I will be regretting that here in a minute when I start my sociology reading again... blah... on to get a brownie.
Went to a briefing today. They have one every once and a while to prepare spouses for possible TDYs (temporary duty) and such. The Chaplin was talking and had asked the group what 1 or 2 of the things the Chaplin would have to report if it were shared with him. People were answering things like "suicide" and "child abuse" and when someone would answer he would toss them a Hershey's kiss. I responded, "nothing" and he was like "YES!" and launched like an entire handful of candy at me and then passed the WHOLE bag back to me. This was like a grocery bag full of bags of hugs and kisses. I was assaulted by a religious advisor with chocolates. So then, because I'm trying to get in shape and even if I weren't it is just Sky and I and those would probably go bad before they were finished, I was trying to hand some out and like no one was talking them so finally I asked this lady who had kids if she wanted the bag and she took it off my hands. I am actually quite proud of myself for parting with chocolate. I'm sure I will be regretting that here in a minute when I start my sociology reading again... blah... on to get a brownie.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
is certainly higher today than it was yesterday. Which is incredible because something I did really pissed my back off and moving around is not fun at all. In fact, doing anything right now isn't very pleasant. I just hope it is feeling better by tomorrow so I can do the gym.
Last night I made the casserole. It was pretty good. I'd like to try it with the turkey rather than the beef. I also made some brownies and put a scoop of chocolate Designer Whey protein in with the mix. Now I won't feel so bad if I eat the whole pan. :p I'd like for us to get some more protein so we can continue with the shakes and just adding protein to recipes would be good I think.
Anyway, got some of the dishes done and got some of the laundry put away. Still need to wash quite a few things. We're really running out of room here. I'm not sure what to do. Sky doesn't like to part with many things so I guess I'll be sticking some more stuff in storage. Bleh... can't I just be lazy some more today?
Last night I made the casserole. It was pretty good. I'd like to try it with the turkey rather than the beef. I also made some brownies and put a scoop of chocolate Designer Whey protein in with the mix. Now I won't feel so bad if I eat the whole pan. :p I'd like for us to get some more protein so we can continue with the shakes and just adding protein to recipes would be good I think.
Anyway, got some of the dishes done and got some of the laundry put away. Still need to wash quite a few things. We're really running out of room here. I'm not sure what to do. Sky doesn't like to part with many things so I guess I'll be sticking some more stuff in storage. Bleh... can't I just be lazy some more today?
So.... yeah....
I have totally decided not to do like any of those things that I mentioned in my last post. Well I did make the casserole but I totally am not doing laundry. I'm tired and my back is KILLING me. So there... :p
Monday, January 26, 2009
I need to chill.
I'm trying to do too much. I think I need to come up with a better schedule. Work on my time management and stuff. I think that is what it is. I'm so worried about not having enough time for everything so as soon as I think of something that needs to get done I go and do it like right then. Even if I was about to do something else. I'm pretty sure I'm driving Sky nuts.
So I'm going to try and relax and take one thing at a time. Today I'm going to do some school work, fold and put away the two clean loads of laundry, remove everything from the "common area" that doesn't belong there, make tater tot casserole and possibly brownies, and then reward myself by watching a movie.
Oh, the pot roast was pretty good but we were so hungry and tired that I forgot to take a picture of it. It wasn't very pretty though so it is quite alright I didn't get a picture. Actually it was quite offensive looking but man was it tasty. My slow cooker is tiny so only one potato fit in there with the meat but we heated up some asparagus to go with it. I think they worked very well together. I'm really glad I decided against the rice and steamed veggies because the pot roast was very filling. I'm definitely going to try it again with a smaller, less fatty cut so I can put more veggies and such in with it.
I'm trying to do too much. I think I need to come up with a better schedule. Work on my time management and stuff. I think that is what it is. I'm so worried about not having enough time for everything so as soon as I think of something that needs to get done I go and do it like right then. Even if I was about to do something else. I'm pretty sure I'm driving Sky nuts.
So I'm going to try and relax and take one thing at a time. Today I'm going to do some school work, fold and put away the two clean loads of laundry, remove everything from the "common area" that doesn't belong there, make tater tot casserole and possibly brownies, and then reward myself by watching a movie.
Oh, the pot roast was pretty good but we were so hungry and tired that I forgot to take a picture of it. It wasn't very pretty though so it is quite alright I didn't get a picture. Actually it was quite offensive looking but man was it tasty. My slow cooker is tiny so only one potato fit in there with the meat but we heated up some asparagus to go with it. I think they worked very well together. I'm really glad I decided against the rice and steamed veggies because the pot roast was very filling. I'm definitely going to try it again with a smaller, less fatty cut so I can put more veggies and such in with it.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Our family is going to disown us...
My sister and I are in some unintentional ridiculous amazon wish list competition. What can I say? We like shiny, pretty, expensive things. lol To be fair mine didn't get obnoxious until today. :p
Ugh... I'm tired but we've got tons to do today and yet I seem to be waiting for Sky to get up... I'm sure I'll stand here in a minute and get something to eat and be productive. :s Maybe...
When Sky does get up though we'll be running to the post office to pick up the packages that have been waiting for us (we still thought they were on holiday hours), we'll run by the Thrift Store to drop some things off as well as look and see if they have a folding table. If we fail there we will stop by the furniture store. Then on to the BX to see about those plastic drawer things and the stationary store because I once again temporarily forgot about my parent's upcoming anniversary. I suck with dates... seriously.
I think I'm making pot roast tonight. Wish me luck, I'll post later.
Ugh... I'm tired but we've got tons to do today and yet I seem to be waiting for Sky to get up... I'm sure I'll stand here in a minute and get something to eat and be productive. :s Maybe...
When Sky does get up though we'll be running to the post office to pick up the packages that have been waiting for us (we still thought they were on holiday hours), we'll run by the Thrift Store to drop some things off as well as look and see if they have a folding table. If we fail there we will stop by the furniture store. Then on to the BX to see about those plastic drawer things and the stationary store because I once again temporarily forgot about my parent's upcoming anniversary. I suck with dates... seriously.
I think I'm making pot roast tonight. Wish me luck, I'll post later.
WE GOT THE TV!!! We are the proud new owners of an AWESOME 40" Sony Bravia!

Amazing picture. Look, Katherine Heigl is in my living room! :p
Speaking of celebrities my man Robert Downey Jr is up for an Oscar for Tropic Thunder. I really, really hope he wins. I think he totally deserves it. Not just because he's my celebrity crush but because he just did amazing in that movie. If anyone watched the special features where they showed all of their different takes it is just amazing his dedication. He stayed in character almost the entire time. It was crazy. Although when he did talk as him it was weird to see RDJ's voice coming out of a black guy. lol.
I hope that he doesn't lose to Heath Ledger just because of the events. Obviously it is a tragedy that he passed but I think it is almost unfair to award him with all these awards just on account of his death. If he was going to win anyway that's great, well you know what I mean. Anyway, I will be hoping for RDJ's success!!!
I'm going to enjoy my TV now.
Amazing picture. Look, Katherine Heigl is in my living room! :p
Speaking of celebrities my man Robert Downey Jr is up for an Oscar for Tropic Thunder. I really, really hope he wins. I think he totally deserves it. Not just because he's my celebrity crush but because he just did amazing in that movie. If anyone watched the special features where they showed all of their different takes it is just amazing his dedication. He stayed in character almost the entire time. It was crazy. Although when he did talk as him it was weird to see RDJ's voice coming out of a black guy. lol.
I hope that he doesn't lose to Heath Ledger just because of the events. Obviously it is a tragedy that he passed but I think it is almost unfair to award him with all these awards just on account of his death. If he was going to win anyway that's great, well you know what I mean. Anyway, I will be hoping for RDJ's success!!!
I'm going to enjoy my TV now.
Friday, January 23, 2009
So far...
Nothing has really happened but I have lots to do today.
Last night though Sky came home and tried the food I made. He really liked it and that made me very happy. He's gone snowboarding for the day and then later tonight we may go out with some friends. Not sure yet.
I definitely still have my reading to do. I just can't seem to focus on that. I'm not sure why. My brain keeps skipping or something. Oh well, I'll try and get it done today for sure. We have a couple packages in the mail but I have to wait for Sky to get them. I really really hope that one of them is my books. If it is I will surely update.
Last night though Sky came home and tried the food I made. He really liked it and that made me very happy. He's gone snowboarding for the day and then later tonight we may go out with some friends. Not sure yet.
I definitely still have my reading to do. I just can't seem to focus on that. I'm not sure why. My brain keeps skipping or something. Oh well, I'll try and get it done today for sure. We have a couple packages in the mail but I have to wait for Sky to get them. I really really hope that one of them is my books. If it is I will surely update.
Baked ziti baby, yeah
So I made some baked ziti... actually it was penne because they didn't have ziti at the commissary. Anyway, here's a picture.

And this is the recipe I used. I nixed the sour cream though, because I forgot I needed it mostly. I also added some minced garlic to the sauce even though I used "Roasted Garlic" sauce. Sky and I love our garlic. I think it could have used more garlic and cheese than I put in. Nothing wrong with the recipe that I used I'm just a n00b.
So the food was good my only beef (ha, no pun intended) was that my kitchen kept trying to kill me! Seriously! I stirred the penne and some of it like shot out at me. Then it kept trying to boil over even after I turned it down. I had turned around to grab some onion and slipped (I guess on some water when the penne attacked) luckily I was able to catch myself before something really bad happened. I was going to make brownies but I think the kitchen and I have some issues to work through before I spend any sort of extended time in there.
Moving on, I just watched the Sex and the City movie (I know, I know but I love it) and the part when they're at the jewelry auction in the bathroom really bugs me! Like, obviously I got married and want it to last forever but really people, marriage isn't always that way. It also isn't a cure all. I really dislike when people act that way, I don't know, I'm weird I guess. I think maybe it was the way she worded it, "We all told her to get married but she didn't want to listen." Like if you don't get married to someone you've been seeing after a certain point you'll lose them. I'm sorry I just don't think relationships should be that way or be viewed that way. Bleh, whatever... it was a movie. Brought to you by my soapbox moment of the day.
And this is the recipe I used. I nixed the sour cream though, because I forgot I needed it mostly. I also added some minced garlic to the sauce even though I used "Roasted Garlic" sauce. Sky and I love our garlic. I think it could have used more garlic and cheese than I put in. Nothing wrong with the recipe that I used I'm just a n00b.
So the food was good my only beef (ha, no pun intended) was that my kitchen kept trying to kill me! Seriously! I stirred the penne and some of it like shot out at me. Then it kept trying to boil over even after I turned it down. I had turned around to grab some onion and slipped (I guess on some water when the penne attacked) luckily I was able to catch myself before something really bad happened. I was going to make brownies but I think the kitchen and I have some issues to work through before I spend any sort of extended time in there.
Moving on, I just watched the Sex and the City movie (I know, I know but I love it) and the part when they're at the jewelry auction in the bathroom really bugs me! Like, obviously I got married and want it to last forever but really people, marriage isn't always that way. It also isn't a cure all. I really dislike when people act that way, I don't know, I'm weird I guess. I think maybe it was the way she worded it, "We all told her to get married but she didn't want to listen." Like if you don't get married to someone you've been seeing after a certain point you'll lose them. I'm sorry I just don't think relationships should be that way or be viewed that way. Bleh, whatever... it was a movie. Brought to you by my soapbox moment of the day.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Gah... I can't believe I missed a day
Where was I... seriously... I didn't even notice. Too involved with school and the house I guess.
I've gotten on this like crazy trip to be perfect. :p Seriously though I'm really intent on bettering myself. You know, getting in shape. Eating healthier. Cooking... blah, blah, blah. All stuff I mentioned here before. I just hope I can do it without turning into a complete nut. If I start getting all crazed health freak I'm abandoning my quest and getting fat. lol No but I certainly don't want to drive anyone up the wall.
Speaking of my health/cooking kick, we just got back from grocery shopping. Got stuff like fat free plain yogurt and frozen fruit so we can make our own cheaper, healthier, and hopefully tastier protein smoothies. Getting one at the gym all the time is not only expensive but fatty because its made with delicious soft serve. Our shopping trip also included Kashi snacks, South Beach Diet snacks, lite applesauce, and a whole bunch of ingredients for different recipes I found and that were found for me (thanks Kimmie, Desiree, and Danielle!) for me to try. Hopefully soon I'll be able to cook without needing a cookbook. (Probably not but a girl can dream, right?)
I got my first assignment for sociology turned in. Unfortunately I still haven't received any of my books so that's still driving me crazy. I have some assigned reading that I need to do though so I've got plenty to keep me busy I guess.
Speaking of busy... onward to complete my tedious tasks around the house and hopefully start on my reading before I get too tired to comprehend words.
I've gotten on this like crazy trip to be perfect. :p Seriously though I'm really intent on bettering myself. You know, getting in shape. Eating healthier. Cooking... blah, blah, blah. All stuff I mentioned here before. I just hope I can do it without turning into a complete nut. If I start getting all crazed health freak I'm abandoning my quest and getting fat. lol No but I certainly don't want to drive anyone up the wall.
Speaking of my health/cooking kick, we just got back from grocery shopping. Got stuff like fat free plain yogurt and frozen fruit so we can make our own cheaper, healthier, and hopefully tastier protein smoothies. Getting one at the gym all the time is not only expensive but fatty because its made with delicious soft serve. Our shopping trip also included Kashi snacks, South Beach Diet snacks, lite applesauce, and a whole bunch of ingredients for different recipes I found and that were found for me (thanks Kimmie, Desiree, and Danielle!) for me to try. Hopefully soon I'll be able to cook without needing a cookbook. (Probably not but a girl can dream, right?)
I got my first assignment for sociology turned in. Unfortunately I still haven't received any of my books so that's still driving me crazy. I have some assigned reading that I need to do though so I've got plenty to keep me busy I guess.
Speaking of busy... onward to complete my tedious tasks around the house and hopefully start on my reading before I get too tired to comprehend words.
Still before midnight so I haven't missed today!
I've been kind of off all day it seems. We went to the gym this morning and then I kept getting distracted by everything! Well I got my paper mostly done. Just waiting for Desiree to check it out and see what she has to say about it. We do that a lot, ask each other for our opinions. :) I'm so happy to have such a great sister to do that with. I don't know what I would do without her. I love you, Desiree! I'm all mushy for sisters after watching the first season of Charmed. lol
So after we came back from the gym and showered I sent Sky off. After that I watched some TV. Then talked to a friend on the phone and then finally worked on my essay. I'm feeling awfully lazy today. Could have something to do with the sore legs or the hurt toe. Not sure. Don't care. Hope it goes away by tomorrow though!
Got to talk to my uncle today though so that was awesome. That is about it really though. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting...
I've been kind of off all day it seems. We went to the gym this morning and then I kept getting distracted by everything! Well I got my paper mostly done. Just waiting for Desiree to check it out and see what she has to say about it. We do that a lot, ask each other for our opinions. :) I'm so happy to have such a great sister to do that with. I don't know what I would do without her. I love you, Desiree! I'm all mushy for sisters after watching the first season of Charmed. lol
So after we came back from the gym and showered I sent Sky off. After that I watched some TV. Then talked to a friend on the phone and then finally worked on my essay. I'm feeling awfully lazy today. Could have something to do with the sore legs or the hurt toe. Not sure. Don't care. Hope it goes away by tomorrow though!
Got to talk to my uncle today though so that was awesome. That is about it really though. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Today was my ultrasound and besides being anything from fun it was okay. The tech said everything looked normal to her but the radiologist would have to look it over and then he would submit it to my PCM (Primary care manager) and I should get a phone call today or tomorrow and if not I should go ahead and call them. So after I was done being probed and pushed on I went out to meet Sky and my lovely husband had brought me a gigantic chocolate donut!! Oh I love that man.
When we got home we went back to sleep for a while considering last night, even though I tried to be good, I did not get much sleep. I went and got in bed at about 9:30 probably fell asleep about 10 but then woke up at around 12:30 and couldn't go back to sleep until 2. Then I woke up at 6 and started chugging water. Bleh... that was such an unpleasant experience. We shall hope I don't ever have to do that again. Really, I don't know how pregnant women do that. When I was getting the external (I had to have a full bladder) I was like trying to take my mind off of how much I needed to use the restroom, and obviously sometimes they have to push a little to get better images... yeah, so not helping. Finally when she told me I could go to the bathroom I almost hugged her. Oy, definitely not having kids for a while.
So now I have laundry to do, reading to do, and an essay to work on (still). I used to be able to just do them without even thinking but I want to do well so badly that I'm psyching myself out and making a huge deal of something I usually just did the night before it was due... Well on to be productive I guess.
When we got home we went back to sleep for a while considering last night, even though I tried to be good, I did not get much sleep. I went and got in bed at about 9:30 probably fell asleep about 10 but then woke up at around 12:30 and couldn't go back to sleep until 2. Then I woke up at 6 and started chugging water. Bleh... that was such an unpleasant experience. We shall hope I don't ever have to do that again. Really, I don't know how pregnant women do that. When I was getting the external (I had to have a full bladder) I was like trying to take my mind off of how much I needed to use the restroom, and obviously sometimes they have to push a little to get better images... yeah, so not helping. Finally when she told me I could go to the bathroom I almost hugged her. Oy, definitely not having kids for a while.
So now I have laundry to do, reading to do, and an essay to work on (still). I used to be able to just do them without even thinking but I want to do well so badly that I'm psyching myself out and making a huge deal of something I usually just did the night before it was due... Well on to be productive I guess.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Busy, busy, busy
Last night I started working on what I could for my classes and started freaking about about my books. Finally I calmed down after talking to Sky and Desiree about it and decided I would call the textbook place in the morning about it.
I got up at 8 and called the textbook place for UMUC because I'm concerned one of the books I ordered may not be the right edition. Although I believe it should be seeing as how I found it using the ISBN. Anyway, I called and the guy I spoke to was really nice. He said if I needed to order one through them and find out it is the right edition (that I bought on half) that he would let me return it if necessary. I'm going to give the other books until tomorrow before I purchase the other ones. I really don't want to have to buy the other ones because then we can't get the TV we were looking at buying and we've been waiting to do that for quite some time... but I have to do what I have to do.
Well after I got off the phone with the textbook department I went back to sleep. Then we both got up at 11 and got ready to go to the gym. We checked the mail first and ran by the hospital to pick up my ultrasound prep sheet. I am so not looking forward to that. After that we swung by the thrift store to see if there happened to be a folding table similar to the one I want (of course there wasn't) and then finally headed to the gym.
We got to the gym and got on the treadmill for a bit. Sky was early for PT (physical training) so we had some time to kill. After that he went to meet up with his coworkers and I went and stretched. We met back up in the weight room and started working out. We did abs and legs. I started off on the machine that works your center abs (top and bottom) and then moved to the one that works your sides. That one is really hard and my sides were on fire. I only had it up to 50 pounds. After I got off of that one I moved to a leg machine and this woman (who was at least 40, seriously was probably 50, but maybe even older since typically Asian women look younger than they are) gets on that machine and has the weights up to 90! That was quite intimidating. So after we finished our workout (and being embarrassed) we went and got fruit smoothies but they didn't have the protein like they usually do so we just came home and added some ourselves. Then Sky had to get ready for work and I decided I was sick of the house the way it was so I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed. Now I'm doing laundry and taking a break. After this I will start back on school work and then back to laundry. Busy, busy, busy...
I got up at 8 and called the textbook place for UMUC because I'm concerned one of the books I ordered may not be the right edition. Although I believe it should be seeing as how I found it using the ISBN. Anyway, I called and the guy I spoke to was really nice. He said if I needed to order one through them and find out it is the right edition (that I bought on half) that he would let me return it if necessary. I'm going to give the other books until tomorrow before I purchase the other ones. I really don't want to have to buy the other ones because then we can't get the TV we were looking at buying and we've been waiting to do that for quite some time... but I have to do what I have to do.
Well after I got off the phone with the textbook department I went back to sleep. Then we both got up at 11 and got ready to go to the gym. We checked the mail first and ran by the hospital to pick up my ultrasound prep sheet. I am so not looking forward to that. After that we swung by the thrift store to see if there happened to be a folding table similar to the one I want (of course there wasn't) and then finally headed to the gym.
We got to the gym and got on the treadmill for a bit. Sky was early for PT (physical training) so we had some time to kill. After that he went to meet up with his coworkers and I went and stretched. We met back up in the weight room and started working out. We did abs and legs. I started off on the machine that works your center abs (top and bottom) and then moved to the one that works your sides. That one is really hard and my sides were on fire. I only had it up to 50 pounds. After I got off of that one I moved to a leg machine and this woman (who was at least 40, seriously was probably 50, but maybe even older since typically Asian women look younger than they are) gets on that machine and has the weights up to 90! That was quite intimidating. So after we finished our workout (and being embarrassed) we went and got fruit smoothies but they didn't have the protein like they usually do so we just came home and added some ourselves. Then Sky had to get ready for work and I decided I was sick of the house the way it was so I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed. Now I'm doing laundry and taking a break. After this I will start back on school work and then back to laundry. Busy, busy, busy...
All that is happening
Well first off, I logged into my classes and they still weren't available so I killed some time on OHO while Sky slept. I discovered that "The Heart Attack Grill" is indeed real, and found this video on it. (Warning, includes barely dressed women)
Watch CBS Videos Online
Pretty insane stuff.
After that, Sky and I went to get something to eat and look around at the BX to see which TV we may buy. We've decided to get a small Sony Bravia right now and then when we move back to the states (and can afford it) we will get a really big, really nice one and put the Bravia in our bedroom. So that will happen on Thursday because today they were out of stock. So we put in our name and are having them hold one for us. We're excited.
So we got home and I logged back into my classes. Everything for my government appears to be available however, my syllabus for sociology is not available yet. I do have tons of work to do with what is available so I will get on with that.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Pretty insane stuff.
After that, Sky and I went to get something to eat and look around at the BX to see which TV we may buy. We've decided to get a small Sony Bravia right now and then when we move back to the states (and can afford it) we will get a really big, really nice one and put the Bravia in our bedroom. So that will happen on Thursday because today they were out of stock. So we put in our name and are having them hold one for us. We're excited.
So we got home and I logged back into my classes. Everything for my government appears to be available however, my syllabus for sociology is not available yet. I do have tons of work to do with what is available so I will get on with that.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Okay, here we go.
Picture time...
Here is the stuff going to my brother in law and his wife (is she my sister in law? I have no clue... lol. Someone please tell me the answer to that.)
Okay they're getting: 2 fans, 2 cell phone charms, 1 "wisdom saying frame," 1 little good luck doll guy (the gold one brings wealth), and the pink and blue things are giant erasers.

Here is the stuff going to my brother and sister. The note pad magnet is for the both of them. Right now the only thing for my brother is the gum (under the magnate) but he will be getting more gum/candy/drinks. My sister has the little good luck frame, the cow piggy bank, the Hello Kitty "No Drinking and Driving" and "No Smoking" signs, and the Hello Kitty erasers (which are awesome!)

Here is a close up of what the magnet note pad thing says... (may need to click for full size image)

Last but certainly not least here is what my mother and father in law are getting. They have the seven in one good luck cat (neko). It's left paw raised beckons people, it's right paw is for wealth, good business. I figure they both would be good. Mom has her painting and dad has his guitar making. Also since they've inherited our dogs it seems like their visitors have decreased in numbers so maybe the cat will help. The little package of the green, orange, and red things are erasers. The other lucky cat is a cell phone charm. Then there is the fan, origami and washi (handmade) paper, the note book, and the little wooden saying thing.

A close up of the amazing note book for you. (May need to click for full size image)

I got tongs, a cutting board, another piggy bank, little make up brushes, some gum, and these...

The dolphin, bunny in a dress, and penguin are erasers. I will never use the penguin because of how awesome it is. The other thing... well the little frog with a star on it's chest is from an anime. I saw part of an episode and it was insane so I needed to buy this. From the episode all I saw was this thing said something to the frog and it said EH? and there were a whole bunch of え (eh) behind it. It was quite amusing. Actually from what I could see I'm not positive if I would understand it even if I was fluent in Japanese. It had some crazy stuff going down. Anyway, I thought it was funny. It is a package of small colored pencils but I had to buy it.
So that was the 100 yen store. Everything was a 100 yen except the big wooden saying thing I got for my mother and father in law and my cutting board. I can't wait to go back though. I forgot to take pictures while I was there. I will try to remember next time. They are so much more awesome then the dollar stores in America. I need to go get some frames. So there you go!
Here is the stuff going to my brother in law and his wife (is she my sister in law? I have no clue... lol. Someone please tell me the answer to that.)
Okay they're getting: 2 fans, 2 cell phone charms, 1 "wisdom saying frame," 1 little good luck doll guy (the gold one brings wealth), and the pink and blue things are giant erasers.
Here is the stuff going to my brother and sister. The note pad magnet is for the both of them. Right now the only thing for my brother is the gum (under the magnate) but he will be getting more gum/candy/drinks. My sister has the little good luck frame, the cow piggy bank, the Hello Kitty "No Drinking and Driving" and "No Smoking" signs, and the Hello Kitty erasers (which are awesome!)
Here is a close up of what the magnet note pad thing says... (may need to click for full size image)
Last but certainly not least here is what my mother and father in law are getting. They have the seven in one good luck cat (neko). It's left paw raised beckons people, it's right paw is for wealth, good business. I figure they both would be good. Mom has her painting and dad has his guitar making. Also since they've inherited our dogs it seems like their visitors have decreased in numbers so maybe the cat will help. The little package of the green, orange, and red things are erasers. The other lucky cat is a cell phone charm. Then there is the fan, origami and washi (handmade) paper, the note book, and the little wooden saying thing.
A close up of the amazing note book for you. (May need to click for full size image)
I got tongs, a cutting board, another piggy bank, little make up brushes, some gum, and these...
The dolphin, bunny in a dress, and penguin are erasers. I will never use the penguin because of how awesome it is. The other thing... well the little frog with a star on it's chest is from an anime. I saw part of an episode and it was insane so I needed to buy this. From the episode all I saw was this thing said something to the frog and it said EH? and there were a whole bunch of え (eh) behind it. It was quite amusing. Actually from what I could see I'm not positive if I would understand it even if I was fluent in Japanese. It had some crazy stuff going down. Anyway, I thought it was funny. It is a package of small colored pencils but I had to buy it.
So that was the 100 yen store. Everything was a 100 yen except the big wooden saying thing I got for my mother and father in law and my cutting board. I can't wait to go back though. I forgot to take pictures while I was there. I will try to remember next time. They are so much more awesome then the dollar stores in America. I need to go get some frames. So there you go!
So we did not end up going to the bowling alley last night. We thought we would take a nap after we ate and then, not only did we not end up sleeping well, I woke up feeling like hurling. I believe it was just exhaustion but I didn't think all the movement in bowling would help. So I called up our friend and she understood. She knew we had woken up at 3am. So then we laid down and went to sleep. That was at like 9pm or something. I woke up about 1:30am and got some water. When I looked at the clock I refused to do that again. So I just laid in bed until I finally fell back asleep. We ended up sleeping until about 10am. It was nice. Definitely refreshed.
We were going to go and get dinner with the people we were supposed to bowl with but we totally forgot that it was Sunday today. Sunday and Monday are the Japanese weekends so everything off base is usually closed. So we decided rather than wander around off base looking for something that might be open or going to one of the 6 places on base we would just wait until Saturday.
We did some laundry and cleaning today. Now we finally mustered up the strength/energy to make something to eat. I will try and get back on to post about the stuff from the dollar store after we eat. It will be a long photo post. Need some energy for that. :)
We were going to go and get dinner with the people we were supposed to bowl with but we totally forgot that it was Sunday today. Sunday and Monday are the Japanese weekends so everything off base is usually closed. So we decided rather than wander around off base looking for something that might be open or going to one of the 6 places on base we would just wait until Saturday.
We did some laundry and cleaning today. Now we finally mustered up the strength/energy to make something to eat. I will try and get back on to post about the stuff from the dollar store after we eat. It will be a long photo post. Need some energy for that. :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
100 yen store
I went to the 100 yen store and spend way more money than I should have. I hope Sky won't be mad at me.
I'm exhausted right now. Sky and I woke up at 3am and weren't able to fall back asleep so I think I'm going to take a nap. We're going bowling later tonight I will probably write more after that but right now I'm seeing doubles. It has taken me entirely too long to type this because of all the corrections in errors. On that note...
I'm exhausted right now. Sky and I woke up at 3am and weren't able to fall back asleep so I think I'm going to take a nap. We're going bowling later tonight I will probably write more after that but right now I'm seeing doubles. It has taken me entirely too long to type this because of all the corrections in errors. On that note...
Ha... I knew it!
Maybe I should just be psychic when I grow up. Only when it comes to relationship stuff though. One of my best friends is celebrating her 21st birthday today. When I saw her in Colorado we were trying to predict when her boyfriend would propose and I knew it would be on her birthday! I'm just that awesome. Everyone should listen to me. :p lol Just had to brag about my wicked skills.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I feel so trapped.
About half of me wants to work and half of me doesn't. The half that doesn't is not because of laziness, but rather fear. Fear of letting work get in the way of school or vice versa. Fear of embarrassing myself. Fear of being undependable. Fear of giving up too easily or not quitting when I should. I really want to better myself and I'm going to try my hardest. That being said a part of me really does just feel so trapped in this vicious cycle. I want to help out financially (especially since school costs so much) but I don't want my grades to suffer because of it.
Another issue is even if I do decide to work I have no clue if anyone will hire me. The things I want to do I am not even remotely qualified for. Most of the things I am qualified for I don't have interest in doing. As far as all the things in between... well I'm not sure. My resume is about as impressive as this post has been thus far... which in my opinion is very sad.
Although on a positive note I already completed one of my first "assignments" for my class. That makes me happy. Maybe when school starts I will start feeling like I'm making a difference in my life. Until then I think I will just try to do fun things to take my mind off it. Fix my house too. Right now though I could use a warm bath and a beverage.
About half of me wants to work and half of me doesn't. The half that doesn't is not because of laziness, but rather fear. Fear of letting work get in the way of school or vice versa. Fear of embarrassing myself. Fear of being undependable. Fear of giving up too easily or not quitting when I should. I really want to better myself and I'm going to try my hardest. That being said a part of me really does just feel so trapped in this vicious cycle. I want to help out financially (especially since school costs so much) but I don't want my grades to suffer because of it.
Another issue is even if I do decide to work I have no clue if anyone will hire me. The things I want to do I am not even remotely qualified for. Most of the things I am qualified for I don't have interest in doing. As far as all the things in between... well I'm not sure. My resume is about as impressive as this post has been thus far... which in my opinion is very sad.
Although on a positive note I already completed one of my first "assignments" for my class. That makes me happy. Maybe when school starts I will start feeling like I'm making a difference in my life. Until then I think I will just try to do fun things to take my mind off it. Fix my house too. Right now though I could use a warm bath and a beverage.
I knew it...
I jinxed myself.
I was seriously considering adding "I've decided not to do anything else for the rest of the day for fear that my luck may change." To the end of my previous post but I didn't want to jinx myself. Turns out the thought of it alone was enough.
Almost immediately I became hormonal and moody. I could tell from my increasing impatience and my sudden urge to cry. Typically I would consider myself a patient person (though I must admit it decreased significantly as I started my relationship with Kimmie. That may sound mean but she knows what I'm referring to.) but the intense need for a response notified me of a swift change. I sat watching, but paying very little attention, to the first season of Charmed. My laptop sitting open on the coffee table kept stealing my attention. There were times where I obsessively refreshed my e-mail hoping for a response.
One of those times I received one. Although not the one I had been looking for. Instead it was an announcement from my new government professor. As I read over it my heart began to pound. I'm very much looking forward to starting classes but I am also terrified. I don't want to fail again. I know it sounds incredibly negative, I really am not a negative person for the most part, but I just want so badly to improve myself that I think I may be setting myself up for disappointment.
I don't get it really. I couldn't be happier with everything in my life... except for me. I have a wonderful family. My husband, my parents, my grandparents, my sister and brother, my uncles and my aunts, my in-laws... they are all amazing people. All of them love me very much and all of them are always there for me. I have the most fantastic friends I could ever ask for. I'm sure by now you're wondering where the bad in this is... well I will tell you.
Even though I am incredibly happy with all of that part of me is absolutely miserable. Why? I'm an almost 21 year old, license lacking, opportunity ruining, procrastinating, out of shape loser. Don't get me wrong, I am trying to change all that. I guess my point is though, that I should never have let it get this far. I should have tried harder when I had my opportunity to go to college for free. I shouldn't have let fear paralyze me with my driving. I should have hung out with my mom in the kitchen more and learned how to cook. I should have paid more attention when I had the amazing opportunity to learn Japanese the last time I lived here... actually the last two times I lived here. I am just so ashamed of myself for some of those decisions. Obviously now more than ever I am determined to do these things now. I guess on the bright side it is a good thing I screwed up so early. Now I have time to redeem myself but at the expense of certain things I would have rather not done.
I know part of the reason I'm taking this so hard is because I'm hormonal, but the truth is this is always in the back of my mind. Always. It just silently tortures me sometimes. Part of the reason sometimes my mood is unpredictable and a lot of the reason I have trouble sleeping at night. Most of the time I am incredibly happy, but there are those days where I just want to sleep for days. Today is one of those days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Until then...
I was seriously considering adding "I've decided not to do anything else for the rest of the day for fear that my luck may change." To the end of my previous post but I didn't want to jinx myself. Turns out the thought of it alone was enough.
Almost immediately I became hormonal and moody. I could tell from my increasing impatience and my sudden urge to cry. Typically I would consider myself a patient person (though I must admit it decreased significantly as I started my relationship with Kimmie. That may sound mean but she knows what I'm referring to.) but the intense need for a response notified me of a swift change. I sat watching, but paying very little attention, to the first season of Charmed. My laptop sitting open on the coffee table kept stealing my attention. There were times where I obsessively refreshed my e-mail hoping for a response.
One of those times I received one. Although not the one I had been looking for. Instead it was an announcement from my new government professor. As I read over it my heart began to pound. I'm very much looking forward to starting classes but I am also terrified. I don't want to fail again. I know it sounds incredibly negative, I really am not a negative person for the most part, but I just want so badly to improve myself that I think I may be setting myself up for disappointment.
I don't get it really. I couldn't be happier with everything in my life... except for me. I have a wonderful family. My husband, my parents, my grandparents, my sister and brother, my uncles and my aunts, my in-laws... they are all amazing people. All of them love me very much and all of them are always there for me. I have the most fantastic friends I could ever ask for. I'm sure by now you're wondering where the bad in this is... well I will tell you.
Even though I am incredibly happy with all of that part of me is absolutely miserable. Why? I'm an almost 21 year old, license lacking, opportunity ruining, procrastinating, out of shape loser. Don't get me wrong, I am trying to change all that. I guess my point is though, that I should never have let it get this far. I should have tried harder when I had my opportunity to go to college for free. I shouldn't have let fear paralyze me with my driving. I should have hung out with my mom in the kitchen more and learned how to cook. I should have paid more attention when I had the amazing opportunity to learn Japanese the last time I lived here... actually the last two times I lived here. I am just so ashamed of myself for some of those decisions. Obviously now more than ever I am determined to do these things now. I guess on the bright side it is a good thing I screwed up so early. Now I have time to redeem myself but at the expense of certain things I would have rather not done.
I know part of the reason I'm taking this so hard is because I'm hormonal, but the truth is this is always in the back of my mind. Always. It just silently tortures me sometimes. Part of the reason sometimes my mood is unpredictable and a lot of the reason I have trouble sleeping at night. Most of the time I am incredibly happy, but there are those days where I just want to sleep for days. Today is one of those days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Until then...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Today has been a good day
Aside from the small amount of grumpiness Sky and I both woke up with, today has been an awesome day!
When Sky was at work I decided to try and get a few things done. I did a little bit of research to see what kind of employment opportunities might be available to me as well as ones that I thought I would enjoy. I also got my W-2 printed out. Then when Sky got home at almost seven I was still awake because I just wasn't able to fall asleep. So we were talking and I warmed him up the food I had made. He really enjoyed it so that made me very happy. He also brought home Thin Mints! That also put a smile on my face. So after he ate and everything we went to sleep.
When we woke up we were both quite groggy and as previously mentioned a little moody. I got up just a bit earlier than he did and decided to make some phone calls to schedule some appointments. My prescription expires this month so I needed to make an appointment with the optometrist and a few other random appointments. So I got that done. Then we went over to TMO to pick up some paperwork since unfortunately our experience will not be claim free. Sky actually went in to the TMO while I ran over to the education center to see if the scholarships I applied for had been posted yet. The finally had and I got two out of the three I applied for! *does happy dance* That was really great news. I was starting to get a little nervous. Well after we did that we ran over to the post office so I could pick up a package and it was a purse from my parents because I'm incredibly spoiled. After that we went to the Cafe Mokuteki to grab a bite to eat before heading home so Sky could get ready for work.
He just headed out the door. I will probably relax a while before working on the house and laundry some more.
When Sky was at work I decided to try and get a few things done. I did a little bit of research to see what kind of employment opportunities might be available to me as well as ones that I thought I would enjoy. I also got my W-2 printed out. Then when Sky got home at almost seven I was still awake because I just wasn't able to fall asleep. So we were talking and I warmed him up the food I had made. He really enjoyed it so that made me very happy. He also brought home Thin Mints! That also put a smile on my face. So after he ate and everything we went to sleep.
When we woke up we were both quite groggy and as previously mentioned a little moody. I got up just a bit earlier than he did and decided to make some phone calls to schedule some appointments. My prescription expires this month so I needed to make an appointment with the optometrist and a few other random appointments. So I got that done. Then we went over to TMO to pick up some paperwork since unfortunately our experience will not be claim free. Sky actually went in to the TMO while I ran over to the education center to see if the scholarships I applied for had been posted yet. The finally had and I got two out of the three I applied for! *does happy dance* That was really great news. I was starting to get a little nervous. Well after we did that we ran over to the post office so I could pick up a package and it was a purse from my parents because I'm incredibly spoiled. After that we went to the Cafe Mokuteki to grab a bite to eat before heading home so Sky could get ready for work.
He just headed out the door. I will probably relax a while before working on the house and laundry some more.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I cooked!!
I know that doesn't really seem like a big deal to a lot of people but I'm really terrible. I am really impatient and really forgetful so cooking and I generally don't mix. But I did it! Thank you Danielle for being a wonderful phone guide!
I made miso soup, rice (well okay, my rice cooker did that), and chicken. Danielle helped me with the chicken. I baked it and just basted it with soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. It came out really well. I cooked it a little longer then I probably should have but since I basted it so much it came out really wonderfully. I can't wait until Sky gets home and can have some!
I am inspired! I think tomorrow I'll try burritos.
I know that doesn't really seem like a big deal to a lot of people but I'm really terrible. I am really impatient and really forgetful so cooking and I generally don't mix. But I did it! Thank you Danielle for being a wonderful phone guide!
I made miso soup, rice (well okay, my rice cooker did that), and chicken. Danielle helped me with the chicken. I baked it and just basted it with soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. It came out really well. I cooked it a little longer then I probably should have but since I basted it so much it came out really wonderfully. I can't wait until Sky gets home and can have some!
I am inspired! I think tomorrow I'll try burritos.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Appointment & Randomness
I had an appointment today to get my molds done so they can make me a mouth guard. Man does that stuff suck! They even had to re-do the top mold because the tray was the exact size of my upper teeth so it didn't fully cover my molars. The dental assistant was really nice though. So was the dentist but he didn't spend a whole lot of time in there.
Anyway, gah... I'm just looking around this house and I really just don't know what to do. I mean, we're looking at getting a TV this paycheck so hopefully when we do that it will visually open the living room up just a bit. This place is just so much smaller than we're used to. I'm such a spoiled brat. lol And with as much stuff as we have we still need more! It is crazy. I guess we should probably check out the Thrift Store when we can. I need a folding table and the furniture store only had price a price tag for one that was way too big. Hmm... we shall see. Hopefully soon I will have this place done. That being said I guess I should be productive.
Anyway, gah... I'm just looking around this house and I really just don't know what to do. I mean, we're looking at getting a TV this paycheck so hopefully when we do that it will visually open the living room up just a bit. This place is just so much smaller than we're used to. I'm such a spoiled brat. lol And with as much stuff as we have we still need more! It is crazy. I guess we should probably check out the Thrift Store when we can. I need a folding table and the furniture store only had price a price tag for one that was way too big. Hmm... we shall see. Hopefully soon I will have this place done. That being said I guess I should be productive.
This is incredible!!
My mother in law shared this with us and I just had to pass it on. I think it is just amazing. Before I do that though I would just like to mention a friend of mine back in Arizona had her daughter the day before yesterday and I would just like to say congratulations to her and her husband again and that I'm very glad everyone is happy and healthy and I hope she and baby get to go home very soon.
Now here is the awesome video:
Isn't that just great? I thought it was so cute! Just had to share.
Now here is the awesome video:
Isn't that just great? I thought it was so cute! Just had to share.
It is about time!
I am finally up and about! I did some stuff on the house. Not a whole lot but enough to make me feel a little accomplished. Still had a little pain but not too much. So hopefully this is it and it only continues to get better from here. That would make me mighty happy.
I'm still going to keep my ultrasound appointment though since it seems like those are quite hard to get into. I also have my appointment tomorrow for my night guard. I'm glad I'm getting it but I hate anything that has to do with dental stuff. I really don't like anything metal or plaster like being in my mouth. I guess I should get over/used to that if I'm going to be getting my orthodontic work done though.
Eh. So pretty much back to the norm. Trying to get my house done before I start school. I'll let you know how that works out for me. :)
I'm still going to keep my ultrasound appointment though since it seems like those are quite hard to get into. I also have my appointment tomorrow for my night guard. I'm glad I'm getting it but I hate anything that has to do with dental stuff. I really don't like anything metal or plaster like being in my mouth. I guess I should get over/used to that if I'm going to be getting my orthodontic work done though.
Eh. So pretty much back to the norm. Trying to get my house done before I start school. I'll let you know how that works out for me. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Which stands for "What The Eff." I say this because Sky and I totally started that whole thing! Almost four years ago...
When we first started hanging out we were talking about something that led him to tell me a story about this liquor he heard of that was called Effen Vodka. In my very sleep deprived state I thought that was just about the funniest thing I had ever heard in my entire life so from then on I started using it all the time. Then my friends all started using it. Then EVERYONE else started using it. Except people keep spelling it wrong on the internet! It is EFFEN people, not EFFIN! Gah... Spell it right or don't use it! :p Rant over.
When we first started hanging out we were talking about something that led him to tell me a story about this liquor he heard of that was called Effen Vodka. In my very sleep deprived state I thought that was just about the funniest thing I had ever heard in my entire life so from then on I started using it all the time. Then my friends all started using it. Then EVERYONE else started using it. Except people keep spelling it wrong on the internet! It is EFFEN people, not EFFIN! Gah... Spell it right or don't use it! :p Rant over.
Freakin sweet
So not only did we get our copy of Pineapple Express (which we will watch immediately after I post this) we went to Sukiya again so I could FINALLY take pictures of the food and such.
So here we go:
This is my Tuna Sashimi Bowl

Sky's Tuna Sashimi bowl. His has lettuce and cod roe mustard.

This is the little button you push when you're ready to order or when you need something.

Here are the little bowl sizes that made us laugh. The only one's I can actually read are the first and last ones. Mini and Mega.

So not only was there awesome food today at Sukiya there was an amazing play list. The first song we heard was Eye of the Tiger and I told Sky were were going to hear Hungry Like the Wolf at some point before we left. He didn't believe me.
The play list went as followed:
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
Hey Mickey - Toni Basil
Thriller - Michael Jackson
I Love Rock and Roll - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Let's Dance - David Bowie
Hungry like the Wolf (Bam, bitch!) - Duran Duran
and then another awesome one that we can't remember
That was hands down the best dining experience of my life so far.
So here we go:
This is my Tuna Sashimi Bowl
Sky's Tuna Sashimi bowl. His has lettuce and cod roe mustard.
This is the little button you push when you're ready to order or when you need something.
Here are the little bowl sizes that made us laugh. The only one's I can actually read are the first and last ones. Mini and Mega.
So not only was there awesome food today at Sukiya there was an amazing play list. The first song we heard was Eye of the Tiger and I told Sky were were going to hear Hungry Like the Wolf at some point before we left. He didn't believe me.
The play list went as followed:
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
Hey Mickey - Toni Basil
Thriller - Michael Jackson
I Love Rock and Roll - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Let's Dance - David Bowie
Hungry like the Wolf (Bam, bitch!) - Duran Duran
and then another awesome one that we can't remember
That was hands down the best dining experience of my life so far.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Woo! Finally!
I got pancakes!! I started making them but then I started feeling really crappy again so Sky took over. I'm a very happy still sick camper.
Pineapple Express is finally in the BX but Sky ordered it from Wal-Mart already and unfortunately our copy didn't come in the mail today. :( I really want Sky to see it. That movie was hilarious. James Franco and Seth Rogan were awesome. I can't wait to get it! :)
So I will update later.
Pineapple Express is finally in the BX but Sky ordered it from Wal-Mart already and unfortunately our copy didn't come in the mail today. :( I really want Sky to see it. That movie was hilarious. James Franco and Seth Rogan were awesome. I can't wait to get it! :)
So I will update later.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Because I'm way too lazy to think of a title right now.
So here I am laying on the couch, still not feeling well at all. It has been more dizziness and nausea today than anything else. I also had some weird pinch type pain that went through my lower abdomen and then like radiated into my back. It was really painful but it only happened briefly.
On to happier topics. First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!! I'm a total loser and thought her birthday was in February but, alas, I was incorrect and it is today. I feel so bad I wasn't able to make the trip down to celebrate with her. Anyway, I hope she had an awesome time in Tokyo. :D
Another cool thing, Sky and I received our order from Kohls! I tried on my stuff and it is just awesome. I got a white button up 3/4 sleeve shirt and an argyle sleeveless cardigan. ^_^ Yay!
I absolutely love it. So very cute. Really long too. As soon as I start feeling better and get out somewhere I'm definitely going to try and wear it.
Agh... time to curl up in a ball. Staring at a computer screen is not doing good things for my head.
So here I am laying on the couch, still not feeling well at all. It has been more dizziness and nausea today than anything else. I also had some weird pinch type pain that went through my lower abdomen and then like radiated into my back. It was really painful but it only happened briefly.
On to happier topics. First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!! I'm a total loser and thought her birthday was in February but, alas, I was incorrect and it is today. I feel so bad I wasn't able to make the trip down to celebrate with her. Anyway, I hope she had an awesome time in Tokyo. :D
Another cool thing, Sky and I received our order from Kohls! I tried on my stuff and it is just awesome. I got a white button up 3/4 sleeve shirt and an argyle sleeveless cardigan. ^_^ Yay!
Agh... time to curl up in a ball. Staring at a computer screen is not doing good things for my head.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My brother and husband FTW!!!
Hubby took me to Sukiya and I got my tuna sashimi bowl again. I fail though because I forgot the camera so I will have to take pictures next time we go. Anyway, while we were there we saw these two Japanese girls and one of them had this crazy character as a cellphone accessory thing and it reminded me of this anime we used to watch a long time ago. It was the only thing I could recall seeing other than Dragonball (the real Dragonball) but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called.
Naturally because I couldn't remember something that had to deal with entertainment I called my sister. The only description I could give her was "some dust bunnies, a big gray cat thing, and a cat bus" she was stumped. So I tried my luck and called my brother. I gave him the exact same crappy description and with little hesitation he responded "Totoro." Shocked, I asked him to repeat it (so I could google it) and he said, "Totoro. My Neighbor Totoro." and sure enough he was absolutely right! Therefore my brother FTW! Now I need to find it and watch it again!!
(For those of you who don't spend all your time on the internet like I do "FTW" stands for For The Win, just thought some of you may want to know that.)
Naturally because I couldn't remember something that had to deal with entertainment I called my sister. The only description I could give her was "some dust bunnies, a big gray cat thing, and a cat bus" she was stumped. So I tried my luck and called my brother. I gave him the exact same crappy description and with little hesitation he responded "Totoro." Shocked, I asked him to repeat it (so I could google it) and he said, "Totoro. My Neighbor Totoro." and sure enough he was absolutely right! Therefore my brother FTW! Now I need to find it and watch it again!!
(For those of you who don't spend all your time on the internet like I do "FTW" stands for For The Win, just thought some of you may want to know that.)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Not feeling well
Well for the past few days I hadn't been feeling well. Last night it got pretty bad so I ended up calling Sky and having him take me to urgent care. Well I discovered that I was extremely dehydrated and slightly anemic. As for why I haven't been feeling well, it could be a possible ovarian cyst or just run of the mill constipation. I'm sure all of you were just dying to hear about my bowel movements, but hey! That is what has been going on! :) So moving on.
Sky started doing PT at the gym and I was going to start going with him but since I haven't been feeling great I haven't been able to. He had PT today and actually just got back and had brought me a fruit smoothie from the gym. It is delicious and healthy! Yay smoothies.
So anyway, until I feel better I will probably be curled up on the couch either watching movies or playing around on the internet. I will still blog, even though there will probably be nothing to blog about. But worry not I will not go into detail about my "condition."
Sky started doing PT at the gym and I was going to start going with him but since I haven't been feeling great I haven't been able to. He had PT today and actually just got back and had brought me a fruit smoothie from the gym. It is delicious and healthy! Yay smoothies.
So anyway, until I feel better I will probably be curled up on the couch either watching movies or playing around on the internet. I will still blog, even though there will probably be nothing to blog about. But worry not I will not go into detail about my "condition."
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I want to cry!
Over something little, but still!!!
I've been craving pancakes for the past few days and something kept happening and I wasn't able to make them. Well this morning I decide I'm making them. So I put the powder into the bowl, I grease the pan, I get the milk, and then I go to get the eggs... what do I discover?? NO EGGS!!! :( I'm so depressed!!! I just wanted some freakin pancakes.
So I'm going to sit here and wallow in my pancake-less-ness until tomorrow. :s
I've been craving pancakes for the past few days and something kept happening and I wasn't able to make them. Well this morning I decide I'm making them. So I put the powder into the bowl, I grease the pan, I get the milk, and then I go to get the eggs... what do I discover?? NO EGGS!!! :( I'm so depressed!!! I just wanted some freakin pancakes.
So I'm going to sit here and wallow in my pancake-less-ness until tomorrow. :s
Monday, January 5, 2009
**Happy Dance**
I got to talk to a friend of mine!! One I hadn't spoken to on the phone for a very long time. It made me happy. :D
Another thing that made me happy! Sky got me a really pretty Japanese doll! (Sorry Desiree, this one is mine, but I will be on the look out for you.) I saw her yesterday and just fell in love. She's just beautiful. Oh, and she was second hand so she was very inexpensive! That was fantastic. I'm very happy to have found her. Hopefully I will be able to find another one like her for my sister at a similar price. Anyway, here are some pictures of her.

Isn't she gorgeous? I love her kimono. I'm so happy Sky decided to buy her for me. I thought if we didn't get her soon she would be gone. I'm so stoked to have one of my own! Now I just have to figure out where to put her!
So there were some happy things. Now I have to eat and do more laundry (I swear, it is never ending) and clean and organize more.
Another thing that made me happy! Sky got me a really pretty Japanese doll! (Sorry Desiree, this one is mine, but I will be on the look out for you.) I saw her yesterday and just fell in love. She's just beautiful. Oh, and she was second hand so she was very inexpensive! That was fantastic. I'm very happy to have found her. Hopefully I will be able to find another one like her for my sister at a similar price. Anyway, here are some pictures of her.
Isn't she gorgeous? I love her kimono. I'm so happy Sky decided to buy her for me. I thought if we didn't get her soon she would be gone. I'm so stoked to have one of my own! Now I just have to figure out where to put her!
So there were some happy things. Now I have to eat and do more laundry (I swear, it is never ending) and clean and organize more.
XD : ( ^_^
Those are my mixed feelings.
Danielle and I did a lesson today. We covered sentence structure and numbers. She wanted to go on and do some vocabulary and short sentences but she's having a really bad ear ache and Gary had come home so I told her she should go snuggle and feel better. Plus, as I told her I needed to organize our lesson into a cohesive study guide for me since we just did it over skype and there is a lot of unnecessary stuff in there.
I'm sad because the TV got sold! I was almost sure it had but we had gone by the post office and the ad was still up so it gave me hope! False hope that is... Oh well, back to waiting for everything. Guess the couch and love seat come before the TV. Darn... I was so excited. :(
Anyway. I need to clean and continue studying.
Danielle and I did a lesson today. We covered sentence structure and numbers. She wanted to go on and do some vocabulary and short sentences but she's having a really bad ear ache and Gary had come home so I told her she should go snuggle and feel better. Plus, as I told her I needed to organize our lesson into a cohesive study guide for me since we just did it over skype and there is a lot of unnecessary stuff in there.
I'm sad because the TV got sold! I was almost sure it had but we had gone by the post office and the ad was still up so it gave me hope! False hope that is... Oh well, back to waiting for everything. Guess the couch and love seat come before the TV. Darn... I was so excited. :(
Anyway. I need to clean and continue studying.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I haz them! Ha... lolspeak. Such an amazing thing. Anyway, we did order the books that I need for my classes. Got them on half.com. Ended up spending almost $90 less then we would have spent ordering through the college. So that made me pretty happy. They were still a bit pricey though. I think it is a little weird how expensive they get. Through the college my SOCY book would have been $110!
Moving on, it seemed like we were running around all day and got like nothing accomplished. We bought my books, which is cool, but we did that from home anyway. We did go back to Sukiya and I got a tuna sashimi bowl. I was going to take a picture but I seemed to have inhaled it first. I was so good! It had little strips of nori (seaweed), green onions, tuna, and of course rice. Sky got curry. We both cleaned our bowls out.
Well we went to the BX and Sky got a haircut and I was wandering around looking at all the vendor stuff and I saw the prettiest doll! I want her! And I think we're going to get her! YAY! I'll put up pictures if we do get to buy her.
Danielle and I are having to hold of on our Japanese lesson for a little while because I'm waiting on a phone call. Sky and I are thinking about buying a TV from this guy but if he doesn't call by five I'm going to call his cell phone... and be upset. lol Not really, but I'm impatient! I want to know! So we shall see. We may get a new TV this week! I'll keep you posted (ha!).
Moving on, it seemed like we were running around all day and got like nothing accomplished. We bought my books, which is cool, but we did that from home anyway. We did go back to Sukiya and I got a tuna sashimi bowl. I was going to take a picture but I seemed to have inhaled it first. I was so good! It had little strips of nori (seaweed), green onions, tuna, and of course rice. Sky got curry. We both cleaned our bowls out.
Well we went to the BX and Sky got a haircut and I was wandering around looking at all the vendor stuff and I saw the prettiest doll! I want her! And I think we're going to get her! YAY! I'll put up pictures if we do get to buy her.
Danielle and I are having to hold of on our Japanese lesson for a little while because I'm waiting on a phone call. Sky and I are thinking about buying a TV from this guy but if he doesn't call by five I'm going to call his cell phone... and be upset. lol Not really, but I'm impatient! I want to know! So we shall see. We may get a new TV this week! I'll keep you posted (ha!).
So... I got a little camera happy...
This camera is so neat, and I decided to take a bunch of random pictures. So here they are.
Dinner that Sky made. Very good, very rich. Unfortunately too rich for my tummy. :(

Here is a beverage that I haven't tried yet.

Here is a cute little coke next to a full sized coke.

It's so little! Which is good for me. Those are the sized sodas that I will need to be drinking because I'm supposed to cut way back on caffeine. So that is good for me. Anyway, just wanted to share.
Dinner that Sky made. Very good, very rich. Unfortunately too rich for my tummy. :(
Here is a beverage that I haven't tried yet.
Here is a cute little coke next to a full sized coke.
It's so little! Which is good for me. Those are the sized sodas that I will need to be drinking because I'm supposed to cut way back on caffeine. So that is good for me. Anyway, just wanted to share.
Now that I'm not being rushed...
I forgot to mention that at the Christmas party we won a camera (kamera)! Its a Nikon Coolpix S550. Pretty cool. Really tiny and cute. We weren't thrilled that it took a different type of card because we thought it would be expensive (takai), but lo and behold, we got a freaking 4GB SD for $10!!!! I was stoked! I took some pictures of it and most came out kind of blurry so I'll just put up one stolen from a website. I don't think cameras like taking pictures of other cameras. Anyway, love it. It has rechargeable batteries and a gigantic screen.
After we ate we went into a men's (otoko) clothing store and a shoe store. We were going to go to the 100 yen store but it was really cold and I was not doing so well so we decided to just head home. Although when we were driving past I took a picture of this store that is supposed to be like a Babies R Us. I thought it was cute (kawaii)!
Danielle and I are going to do a skype Japanese lesson tomorrow when the hubbies are at work. I think we'll be covering shopping and going out to eat. Which is good because that will probably make up the bulk of the speaking that I will be doing, at least for a while. Hopefully with Danielle helping me I'll start catching on more and I'll get through the class with little issues. And everyone is happy! Because Danielle will get to practice her teacher skills on me! So this should be good. Maybe we will do a weekly thing or something. We shall see. Check back for more on this development. :)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Holiday party...
Tonight was Sky's squadrons holiday party... even though the holidays are over. :)
Anyway. We got up and I talked to practically everyone in my family. Sky made breakfast (which was freakin awesome.) I even drank an entire glass of milk! Okay, I know for those of you who don't know me that isn't really a big deal, but for those of you who do it is huge!!! I hate milk. Anyway, moving on... After that we went to the BX and picked up a few things, then we went to the post office and mailed some stuff, and picked up some mail. After that we came home and started getting ready. Then we headed out to the party. We actually weren't late, which surprised me because I thought I had taken forever to get ready.
So we get there and I see just the person I wanted to see! My friend that I met at the bowling alley. I had lost her cell phone number and she had already moved into her house so I was really hoping to see her there so I could get her number again. So I got that. I also saw the other girl I was hanging out with and I was happy about that because we hadn't talked in a while and I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't sure if she had moved yet so I didn't want to just call the room and find out she wasn't there anymore. Good thinking on my part because she had moved. So I got her cell phone number and gave her my home phone number. So hopefully now that we all know how to get a hold of each other we can hang out soon.
Moving on. The party was interesting to say the least. They got to dress up their Section Chiefs as "geisha girls." It was hilarious. Some got make up... one got boobs! It was pretty funny.
Well now some friends of Sky's are trying to get me to go out and hang out so I will end this with a few pictures.

SO there.
Anyway. We got up and I talked to practically everyone in my family. Sky made breakfast (which was freakin awesome.) I even drank an entire glass of milk! Okay, I know for those of you who don't know me that isn't really a big deal, but for those of you who do it is huge!!! I hate milk. Anyway, moving on... After that we went to the BX and picked up a few things, then we went to the post office and mailed some stuff, and picked up some mail. After that we came home and started getting ready. Then we headed out to the party. We actually weren't late, which surprised me because I thought I had taken forever to get ready.
So we get there and I see just the person I wanted to see! My friend that I met at the bowling alley. I had lost her cell phone number and she had already moved into her house so I was really hoping to see her there so I could get her number again. So I got that. I also saw the other girl I was hanging out with and I was happy about that because we hadn't talked in a while and I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't sure if she had moved yet so I didn't want to just call the room and find out she wasn't there anymore. Good thinking on my part because she had moved. So I got her cell phone number and gave her my home phone number. So hopefully now that we all know how to get a hold of each other we can hang out soon.
Moving on. The party was interesting to say the least. They got to dress up their Section Chiefs as "geisha girls." It was hilarious. Some got make up... one got boobs! It was pretty funny.
Well now some friends of Sky's are trying to get me to go out and hang out so I will end this with a few pictures.
SO there.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Little update...
So we went to the BX and commissary. I didn't end up getting anything for the holiday party, but Sky did. :p We ended up finding something here that will work. So that's cool. But we did buy some pretty awesome stuff at the commissary. I wanted to start snacking healthier so we bought some things for that, and one of those things was the Laughing Cow creamy swiss cheese spread. Oh... my... goodness... That stuff is freaking amazing!!! Mmmm.... So good. Seriously. If you haven't had some try it immediately... if not sooner. :)
Also... check this out. That guy is everywhere! I've seen him on everything. He seems pretty funny. Watch the video. I was cracking up. Danielle showed it to me and I loved it so much I had to pass it on to you. Enjoy. I'm going to sleep! Oyasumi nasai!
Also... check this out. That guy is everywhere! I've seen him on everything. He seems pretty funny. Watch the video. I was cracking up. Danielle showed it to me and I loved it so much I had to pass it on to you. Enjoy. I'm going to sleep! Oyasumi nasai!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
We haven't really done anything yet. When Sky gets up (swings) we're going to go to the BX and commissary. We really need groceries. Then we'll either find me an outfit or shoes for the holiday party tomorrow. I find it amusing that their holiday party is after the holidays.
I'm not really sure if I should get shoes or an outfit/dress though. I mean, there will be a number of functions that we will probably attend and I have some dresses but not many. I think that's okay though because I won't really be wearing cocktail/party dresses just whenever, you know? So I guess shoes would be the better route here. I think. I don't know, I guess we will just see what we can find. Our BX is certainly not that big.
So yeah, holiday party tomorrow. That will be nice. I haven't gotten out much. I've just been so fatigued lately. I really don't know why. I think I'm really losing motivation on this whole house thing! :s I really need to stop that. Usually it wouldn't be this way but there's just something about it. It seems like every time I take a step forward I take a step back. Just feels counter-productive for some reason. I don't know. Maybe taking a breather tomorrow out of the house will refresh me. Here's hoping. :)
So anyway, here. Check this out:
Japanese tetris. America stole it! I think the Japanese version is WAY better. Anyway, enjoy.
I'm not really sure if I should get shoes or an outfit/dress though. I mean, there will be a number of functions that we will probably attend and I have some dresses but not many. I think that's okay though because I won't really be wearing cocktail/party dresses just whenever, you know? So I guess shoes would be the better route here. I think. I don't know, I guess we will just see what we can find. Our BX is certainly not that big.
So yeah, holiday party tomorrow. That will be nice. I haven't gotten out much. I've just been so fatigued lately. I really don't know why. I think I'm really losing motivation on this whole house thing! :s I really need to stop that. Usually it wouldn't be this way but there's just something about it. It seems like every time I take a step forward I take a step back. Just feels counter-productive for some reason. I don't know. Maybe taking a breather tomorrow out of the house will refresh me. Here's hoping. :)
So anyway, here. Check this out:
Japanese tetris. America stole it! I think the Japanese version is WAY better. Anyway, enjoy.
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