Sorry, I have been thoroughly enjoying Sky's time off. :) We've eaten at Sukiya like eight times. lol He's been golfing and going to the driving range a lot. I've gone a couple of times. We really need to stop going when all the bugs are out. We'll probably go again Wednesday during the day. He's going tomorrow but I desperately need to do my biology work so he's going to leave me to it for a while.
Ugh... My biology book literally put me to sleep today. That's pretty bad. Oh well, I gotta do what a gotta do I suppose. Japanese has been going really well though. I've started trying to read everything I can off base and I'm getting pretty decent at it. I'm really happy about that.
There hasn't been a whole lot else happening. We watched Roxy yesterday while Michelle and Gian participated in a festival out in Shichinohe. She was a little terror. :p She was really hyper. Our airman friend came over to watch a movie and have some margaritas so when he left we decided to walk her home so she would get all that energy out. We walked him over and then stopped by the shoppette and while we were sitting outside giving Roxy water we had an interesting exchange. This couple walked by and here is how it went:
*guy comes over and pets roxy*
Girl: Quit molestin their dog.
*they go into the BX, Sky goes in to get some things so now I'm outside with just Roxy when the couple comes out*
Guy to girl: Oh, shit... you were supposed to get ice!
Girl: Fuck! ... You didn't pay for the ice?
Guy: I forgot. Go get some ice!
Girl: Ima sit down. You go get the ice.
Guy to me: You see this shit? *shakes head* What's the dog's name?
Me: Roxy.
Guy: *pets Roxy* I had a pitbull. I miss my doggie.
Girl: Go get the ice!
*guy goes inside and pays for ice. He comes back out a few minutes later*
Guy: *reaches toward Roxy* Echo! ... That's not the dog's name but I couldn't remember it.
lol. I was cracking up. And apparently while Sky was inside he and that guy had an equally amusing exchange. Anyway, when we got back to the house taking Roxy for a walk definitely worked and a few minutes later she was OUT. Stayed that way for pretty much the rest of the night. Michelle called me when they were on their way back and Sky wanted food but he had been drinking and then we all had this fun little exchange.
Michelle: We're on our way back now so we'll see you guys in a bit.
Me: Okay, hey I'm really sorry to ask but Sky has been drinking so if you guys are passing McDonald's would you mind stopping and bringing us some food.
*Gian starts laughing hysterically and I thought I had offended so I say*
Me: What? I'm sorry, you guys don't have to if you don't want to.
Gian: No it's okay. I am WRECKED so I understand.
*I laugh hysterically and really wish I had the phone on speaker*
This is so funny because Gian and Michelle don't really drink all that much and when they do they don't drink a lot. Anyway, I was just amused. So we got some free food for hanging out with their adorable puppy all day. Other than the fact I got no homework done I'd say it was a success. We got some really cute pictures of her. When I can figure out how to get the pictures off my phone I'll post them.
But it is now almost three AM so I'm going to go sleep. Oyasumi!
"Go fuck yourself San Diego."
Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) Anchorman: The legend of Ron Burgundy