Poor Kaiser. I'm trying to keep his life as normal as I can but he wasn't able to get his walks yesterday because of how bad the weather was and today may not be much better. Hopefully the rain will take a break around the time I want to walk him. He and Sky are passed out in bed right now. lol You know, strangely enough for how big he is he still doesn't take up as much room as Bella did in bed! Yeah... wrap your head around that one. lol If I get his mommy's permission I'll post comparison photos of him and Bella. But for those of you that don't know who Bella is (or who have started reading late in my blogging) she is my dog who is staying with my in-laws while we're in Japan. She is a princess and she's all of about 25 pounds. Kaiser on the other hand (who is a prince) is probably at least 165 pounds but I'm thinking more around 180. Well here, since I'm her mommy here is a picture of Bella and her sister Sasha.
Awww... I miss them! :(
I miss everybody! I was just talking to Kimmie and I wish I could be back for everyone! My mom was sick, Kimmie is pregnant and sick, my sister is graduating soon, Jayme and Richard are getting married! And right now we're missing reunions on both sides of the family!!! :( :( :( Happy birthday to Desiree and Grandpa Norman! We miss all you guys! I love Japan but right now everyone is making me so homesick! I'm thinking I will go back to the states if Sky gets deployed again, if it's doable that is.
:( Anyway, I'm going to have to take Kaiser out pretty soon so I will leave you now.
"It's not herpes if it's everywhere."
Jason (Jason Segel) Knocked Up
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