Thursday, November 19, 2009


WTF? And homosexuals can't get married because god help us if they did it would make our straight people marriages less meaningful. Because you know, us heteros all have the most bestest reasons to get married and our love is stronger and more worthy of the rights to marriage then theirs.

Seriously though. I honestly do not get it. I don't see how people can think that the "sanctity of marriage" is more violated by two consenting adults who love each other than it is by two people who hate each other, or one person who deceived another, or those who have their "practice marriages" (which I've posted about before). It is beyond ridiculous. And the worst part of it is these people think that their opinions matter and that their beliefs should be the ones followed. Yet, do you know what sort of outrage it would cause if divorce, adultery, and birth control became issues we got to vote on? Those are all things that are in the bible (and yes some people do choose to follow those, but not most). A woman on OHO said it best, she said that people go on about how the bible is interpreted differently by everyone and that people follow their own beliefs on what it means to them but when it isn't their "sin" that is up for discussion it is about Christianity and not their interpretation of the bible. So thank you N.W.

Point is it shouldn't be your (general you) decision what two people do. It bugs me even more when the people who say they "don't care what 'they' do" still vote against it. Whatever happened to the "land of the free"? Or you know, separation of church and state? Grrrrr....

Anyway, I have to clean and do homework. I have two exams I need to study for.

Here, instead of a quote (because I can't think of one) you get this cracked article.

(Thanks for both articles, Desiree)

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