Monday, October 19, 2009


I am just amazed at the stupidity of some people. *eye roll* Some people just really need to think things through, and maybe get a grown up's opinion before they make any decisions. lol But whatever.

On the bright side Sky and I got a really cute anniversary gift from my friend Jayme and her fiance Richard. They sent us candles with our wedding colors and here is what I did with them.

Perfect timing too because I was looking for some candles to put in those vases. So thanks again guys, I love them!

I'm watching Transformers and doing TONS of laundry. Seriously, it is embarrassing how much laundry I have. lol But I should get back to that before I lose momentum.

"Satan's camaro in my yard!!! It's stalking me!"
Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBoeuf) Transformers

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