What do you think? I should ask Michelle if I can post a picture of her tree when it's done because I have a feeling it's going to be gorgeous.
She and I have already decided that after Christmas when everything goes on sale we're buying a ton of stuff. They have these REALLY pretty ornaments at the BX but they're like $3 a piece. So when those babies go on sale, oh yeah, we're all over that. lol
But I do have to get back to school. I have tons to do and not much time. I'll try and post again soon.
"You won't have to worry about that. When you went to the loo I slipped a tiny pellet of poison into your drink. You'll be dead in about an hour.... Just kidding!!"
Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
qt. I love your stocking. :)
Well I suppose it would be gorgeous if I could get some flippin ribbon to finish it!
Yours looks so nice. I'm glad you got it up. I was mortified to hear you were probably not going to put one up. hehe...
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