My name is Laura. My birthday is 24 Mar 1988. I am "white" and Filipino. I have an older brother and older sister. I'm an AF brat. My dad was in for 23 years. I was born in NY but grew up in Japan. We moved to Kadena AB Okinawa, Japan when I was 2. We remained there for seven years before PSCing to Yokota AB Honshu, Japan. We lived there for another 3 1/2 years until my sister graduated and my dad retired. We then moved to Texas (where the majority of my family currently resides) to be with my grandparents and "uncle." I put uncle in quotations because my uncle is not blood related. He is my dad's best friend, they have been friends longer than I have been alive and is as much family as the rest of my family. Anyway, we stayed in Texas for almost four years before my dad got a civil service job and relocated to Surprise, AZ. I was attending college through a dual enrollment program and needed to volunteer somewhere. My dad got me in with the multimedia center on base doing front desk duties where I met my friend Levi. Two months later (Feb 05) Levi introduced me to Sky. By March I was smitten. By April we were dating and by September of that year we were engaged. :D We wed on 15 Oct 2006. We remained in Arizona for the first two years of our marriage before getting orders to Misawa AB, Japan.
Of course, that is just a small portion of my life and the things I've experienced... I'm not bored enough to go into complete detail but I will give you a few more things. I was a terrible teenager. A total problem child. I dropped out and got my GED after much heartache and urging. I've blown some good opportunities and now obviously kick myself for it. There are some things I would have done differently but for the most part I am happy with the things that have happened. As much as I hate to admit how much I've wronged not only my family but myself, I look back and smile... Why? You might ask... I know my sister probably is... :p But it's because my family was ALWAYS there for me. Stood by my side every step of the way. I am very fortunate to have them. Somehow, even through all the BS, we are closer than ever, and I couldn't... wouldn't, trade that for anything.
I've also been through a lot of stuff with friends... with some people I use that term loosely, and with others that word just isn't enough. The people who are more like family to me are pretty much the people spoken of in my blog, and you know of some of them. Others I have not mentioned (or not mentioned by name) and that is for different reasons. One of the big reasons is they have not given permission for me to name them. Anyway, I just wanted to say that even with all of the crap I've gone through with people, I'm thankful in a way for that as well. Not only did it make it MUCH more apparent who my real friends are. The ones I would be broken without, the ones who aren't just friends... but also my family.
Well now that I've given you a cliff-notes version of my life we can get to the fun stuff. :) Pictures! I don't have anyone's permission to use their photos so right now it will just be Sky and I but I may do one of friends later.
A picture from the set of the very first pictures we took together.
A picture from our engagement session
My FAVORITE wedding photo

And one more because it's amazing. My cake topper...
After the wedding we moved into a house next door to my parents with some roomies... we spent a year there. Very shortly after moving we welcomed our baby, Bella.

Bella spent almost a year being an only child before we brought home her sister, Sasha.

Bella and Sasha spent another year amusing us, loving us, and always being home to greet us.
Then we received orders to Japan and had to say good bye to them. They now reside in Florida with my wonderful in laws and another very good playmate. They are happy as can be. Here is Sasha with her new best friend, Bandit, in the lovely trench they've started for my in laws.
Now my husband and I are here in Misawa, cold and puppy-less. We miss them and our family and friends dearly. We're happy to be here though, just wish everyone else could have come with us! (If you read this you have to come visit)... there, I think I just solved most of my problems... now I just have to get my mother in law to teach the dogs to read. :)
I just wanted to share...
1 comment:
Hopefully this winter in Misawa will be short like our last winter there was. Sledding at the ski lodge with a giant thermos of hot chocolate always made winter more fun for us when we were there.
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