I was totally amused. So amused I had to post it.
In other news I'm on skype with Kimmie, Levi, and Genesis. I got to watch Genesis open one of her presents which was ridiculously adorable, of course.
LOL, a quick conversation on skype with Kimmie on Christmas Sky has decided when we have kids they're getting silent toys. :p No, really, it looked like they were all having a blast. She was saying that Christmas is so much more fun with a baby.
Sky and I have pretty much done like nothing but bum around on the computers all day. Its 1900 and I'm still in my PJs. We'll probably watch a movie here in a while but I was adding (a ton) to my Amazon wish list. When Sky actually looked at it he laughed at me and asked, "what are you training to be? Super wife?" and yes, for a matter of fact, I am! :p I have tons of kitchen stuff on there (including an apron, oh my), and tons of workout stuff. I really want to better myself while we're here. I want to learn to cook, I want to get in good shape, I want to start eating healthy, and most importantly, get my degree. While doing all that I also want to travel. :) I really have my work cut out for me. Anyway, back to my online wish list spree.
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