12/18 - Sky and I got up about 0730. We deflated the air mattress and got as much as we could off the floor. We ate breakfast and then we waited... and waited... and waited. The guy who set up our drop off appointment said "morning" so by 10 you can imagine we were getting a bit antsy. So Sky called TMO and they got the carrier on the phone and found out they wouldn't be here until afternoon. So we had lunch and started watching a DVD. So they finally show up at about 1430. There are like forty freakin people in my house and absolutely no one is listening. I had all the boxes and the rooms color coded but they still asked me about almost everything. Of course, the things I wanted them to ask about they didn't so we were having a hell of a time trying to stay on top of everything. Then the lead lady was getting wicked bitchy once everything was inside for us to sign. We wanted them to put together the bed, the futon (only legs), and attach the top pieces of the dresser and desk. They only did the bed and the futon. I guess because those would have been the most obvious if left undone. They just set the top pieces of both the desk and the dresser on them. I was so pissed when I discovered that. They also didn't unpack. Ugh... serves me right for talking about my awesome TMO experience. From now on I'm not speaking about it until I've both shipped and recieved all of my stuff. Grr... OH and we discovered this box that had no tag and no writing on it so we figured it might be kitchen stuff because of the weight of it so Sky opens it up and... its like a 10 pound rock. Not joking. A huge rock. And it says "AZ" on it. So yeah... not happy. So after they cleared out Sky and I started working. We worked until about 2030 before we were just exhausted and decided to watch TV... on our TV! :) I'm happy we have our stuff back but it's just frustrating how it happened. Anyway, at about 2200 we went to sleep.
12/19 - I got up about 0830. I ate some breakfast and then I started cleaning, unpacking, and organizing. I've got the kitchen stuff totally unpacked but I have to do all of the dishes. I have tons of laundry too. So I started working and then I started feeling really crappy. Then Danielle called and she and I talked for a while since we were both feeling really sick. I got off the phone with Danielle because the lady from Quality Assurance was coming over to check out the massive rock. I think she thought we were exaggerating because when she saw it she looked pretty surprised. She took some pictures, gave me her e-mail address, and then left. After that Sky came home and we talked a while. He had a pretty crappy day. So we just laid off of the house for the night and watched some TV. I was feeling really sick then but I knew my parents were going to be calling so I toughed it out a little while. I got to speak with them briefly before going to bed.
12/20 - I woke up still feeling crappy at 0800 so I decided to go back to sleep. I finally crawled out of bed at about 1100. I did some dishes. Then I started feeling really crappy again so I just kind of hung out until Sky got home and then we vegged out together before bed.
12/21 - We were both still feeling under the weather so we stayed in pretty much all night. We did make one trip to the shoppette for junk food. And the best part was that it was snowing all night. It is beautiful out. I tried to get some pictures but with it still showing they didn't come out the way I wanted them to. But some were still pretty cool. I asked Sky on the way home if he wanted to make a snowman with me and he said no. It actually made me kind of sad because this is the most snow I ever remember being in and I'm excited. Then he told me it's because I don't have any snow gear so we're going to get me some. So when we got home I turned around and Sky had a snowball in his hand so I grabbed some snow and we had a little snowball fight. I was victorious! I hit him right in the face. I actually felt pretty bad about it but he thought it was hilarious. So then we just went back upstairs and watched TV and ate junk food before going to bed.
12/22 (Today) - We got up around 1000. I took more pictures of the snow. Then we watched some TV and hung out a bit. Finally we went over to UMUC and I dropped my Japanese class and tried to register for a government class but that needs to get worked out a little later. I dropped Japanese because I figured since I'll be walking I should probably take my on site classes during the summer... and you can imagine why. While I was there Sky ran over to the BX and picked up our modem. Then he came and picked me up and we ran the last errand that we needed then I started feeling really sick. So now I'm just home relaxing on the couch. I think I'm going to pass out here pretty shortly. Just wanted to post now that we have internet! :) You'll finally be getting some more contact. And lastly, because we found it amusing... Here is the Subaru and a Skyline that was parked next to us this morning.
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