Saturday, December 6, 2008

Well, nothing really interesting has happened today. Sky and a friend went looking for vehicles again. Which is good because we really need one. Anyway, not the point. I'm so happy to be here but I can't wait until we get a car and move into our house. I really miss talking to people on the phone. So far the only people I've been able tocall are my dad and Danielle. And that's cool but I really want to talk to so many other people. Desiree, Kimmie, my mom... everyone.

I can't wait until I start classes either. And hopefully work. I'm so restless. I know I'll be busier when we get into the house and get all of our stuff for me to put away though.

Anyway, last night we met up with that very nice Airman and then we went to the E club (Enlisted) with him and we hung out at the sports bar in there. Played some darts, listened to music, and just hung out. It was fun. We would have gone off base but we still have to buy a car and some things for the house so we probably won't be doing anything off base for a while because it's expensive out there.

Anyway, back to "Buffy" and maybe something more interesting will happen. :p

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