12/13 - I blogged and then shortly after it started snowing. It actually stuck! I was excited. I started feeling crappy and bailed on the bowling alley. That was about it.
12/14 - We went and bought our dinette set! Delivery will be on Tuesday the 16th. I'm excited. After we bought our dinette we went and ate at the food court and then went into the BX which was way more than either one of us could take so we ended up just leaving after a little bit. We went home and took a nap and then watched some DVDs.
12/15 - I got up at about 0830 and called TMO shortly thereafter to check on our stuff. Its at the port, it just needs to clear customs which will take a few days but delivery on the 18th shouldn't be a problem I guess. I'm so excited to get our stuff back! I can't wait! We'll have pillows! Moving on, when Sky got home I made perogies and then we picked up a friend to go and get his car and then headed to the BX where we witnessed the most amazing phenomenon. There was a guy standing at the counter at A&W wearing a pleather vest that read "#1 STUNNAS." So we giggled about that and then Sky got this look on his face like he had just seen a really awesome ghost so I turned to see what he was looking at and saw the guy in the vest, as I turned to ask if he knew him I saw the actual guy still at the counter... can you believe that? There were TWO MEN wearing PLEATHER VESTS that said "#1 STUNNAS." I wish I got a picture. I laughed so hard I cried. After that we just went home and watched a DVD and went to bed.
12/16 - Our dinette got delivered!! I hoofed it over to the self help store and got a screwdriver so I could put it all together before Sky got home. While working though I got a call from someone asking if I wanted to go out so I called the other woman that I know and we all walked around together. We went to the bakery that is right off base and just walked around there for a bit. Well I was really hungry and so was one of the other ladies so she and I went to the food court while our other friend headed back to her room. We got carried away talking and before I knew it, it was almost five. So I told her if I ever wanted to get this set put together I needed to take off so we walked the same way for a bit and then parted ways. I got in the door and was damn near attacked by Sky. He ran up and hugged me and told me how worried he was. I felt really bad. I didn't leave a note because I thought I would be home before he would be so when he got home and saw I wasn't there and there was no note he called the lady who didn't go to the BX with us and she told him that I was heading that way last she saw me. So he drove there and when he couldn't find me there he drove around base past the Inns because he figured I might have gone back there. So lesson learned there. I need to start leaving notes. Especially since we still don't have cell phones. So after he was done hugging me we put the rest of the chairs together and then were trying to decide what to do for dinner. We ended up going to the Filipino restaurant that is right off base and ate there. I almost cried in my pansit. I miss my mom :( Obviously I miss everyone else too but my mom always makes me cry when I talk to her. I don't know why. Also I haven't gotten to talk to her as much as I have my dad and my sister but hopefully that will change very soon. I digress. After dinner and a serving of depression we decided to come back home and eat the amazing strawberry cake that I bought from the bakery. It was yummy. Oishii (Delicious). So soft and fluffy. I'm making myself hungry. lol So after that we did our regular routine of watching a DVD and heading to bed. I can't wait when we can watch movies on an actual TV rather than the laptop, and on a couch rather than an air mattress.
12/17 (Today) - I woke up about 0800 but was feeling really lazy so I just stayed in bed a while. My sister called. I actually got to talk to my grandparents because she was over at their house, so that was really nice. It was the first time I had spoken to them since we left the States. So that was cool. Almost immediately after I got off the phone with them TMO called and told me that our stuff was actually here and Sky or I needed to come in and sign paperwork and set up delivery. I called him to see if he wanted to do it or if he wanted me to and he wasn't in so I just talked to someone he worked with and explained the situation and he put it as an appointment for us so Sky will be able to help me when the stuff gets delivered. So I walked over to TMO and signed the paperwork and set up delivery for tomorrow! I'm so excited! Unfortunately since we'll be so busy I had to take my name off the roster for the Second hand kimono shop. I'll just go next time. They do it every other month. No big deal. After I went to TMO I walked over to the self help store to return the screwdriver and pick up a water filter for the house because the ones at the commissary don't fit. Only thing is the instructions are in Japanese so Sky and I will have to try and decipher it together when he gets home. But that's only one of the many things I must do before our stuff gets here. I will try and post as soon as I can.
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