That's my evil laugh. I finally got the booth with the outlet! So hopefully that means I can spend more time trying to upload photos... lets see if this works!
Okay so one down! Hopefully I can get more up. Here is the view from our "indoor balcony" at the Hyatt. That down there is the restaurant and lobby, it was really cool.

Very nice place, for those of you reading my blog going to Misawa, hopefully you get to stay there too! Beds were great! We had a really good nights sleep, which we certainly needed!
Here is one of the famous beer vending machines, it was on our floor of the Haneda Excel hotel.

Okay some people may not be as amazed/amused as I was but look!

That area was the only place not fogged up! Because its heated!!! I think that is freaking awesome! The room at the Excel was small (as expected) but very, very nice. We didn't take a lot of pictures because of our camera batteries but as soon as I find/get some more you will have plenty of awesome Japanese stuff to look at. That room was so cool. On the nightstands were buttons that read "Room," "Ceiling," and "Foot." We were scared to push them because they didn't know what they did, finally we got brave and they were for the lights! lol I know that sounds lame but it was awesome.
Here's a picture of Sky's curry that we got from that place I was talking about in my last blog where you make your selection and put money in the machine and it gives you a ticket.

It was REALLY good. And I don't even like curry! lol Next time we see a restaurant like that (which honestly should be this weekend when we go off base again) I will take a picture of the machine and display and stuff.
I know you can't really see any of the shops or anything but this is inside the Haneda "airport." This is right before going out to the observation deck. I don't care what anyone says that is a mall, not an airport with a market place! lol

This was on the observation deck. As you can see it is a vending machine that dispenses hot food. Danielle and I are being dorks. :)

Here is a Japanese stop sign.

So you can't really see it but we thought it was funny. That big sign in the back says, "What are your plans for the holiday season?" and then there is a van, a big plus sign, a DRUM that says "ALCOHOL DRINK," a big equal sign, and then a big black coffin. What's funnier about that is when you first see it, since they're so spaced out, all you see walking in the gate is the big "What are your plans..." sign and a barrel that says "Alcohol drink." Anyway, I thought it was funny!

I'm assuming this is a restaurant/bar but I thought the sign was funny and cute.

It was closed when we went by so if we have the chance to get out this upcoming weekend we're going to go check it out.
This is the karaoke bar that we went to. We took this in the morning on Sunday so it was closed. Once again, if we get to get out this weekend I'll try and get a picture while its opened. The karaoke bars are so cool, I knew this prior to coming but you get your own personal room. So no one but the people you come with can hear if you suck! :p

This was right between Dacha and the karaoke bar. They are setting up for some sort of Christmas thing, when its done I'll take more. Those "trees" are made of bottles!

This is Dacha, again it was closed, again we will go back.

That's really it so far for pictures. But there will be much more to come, and if you read my blog and you're moving here and you want to know some thing in particular post a comment and let me know! Hope you enjoyed!
Oh... and one last one for your amusement.

Me being myself in my footie penguin pajamas and a bottle of Aquarius. :D