Today was my sister's birthday. So Happy Birthday again, Desiree! Sky got his wicked awesome hoodie today, and it came out really well. I really like it and now I kind of want one. :) But mine is pretty awesome too.
So I'm not feeling very well yet again. Sky made this really awesome dinner but I couldn't eat it. All I wanted was fruit but we didn't have any and I didn't think it was going to be enough to fill me up so my wonderful husband took me to the store, we got some grapes, a lunchable, and my ice cream that I can only get at a select few places. And he got some Leinenkugel, which he maintains to be the best beer ever, but I think beer is gross so I don't know. That's his thing. So I'm going to eat my lunchable and we're going to watch clerks 2 wearing our awesome sweaters.
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