Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bad words

I've decided to try and stop saying gay/homo...etc because I have nothing against homosexuals, in fact, I'm totally for gay marriage etc as most of you know, or you can see from my previous posts. I've been doing pretty well, I believe I've only slipped once in the past two days. I've been using lame a lot though. :)

I am also going to stop using p***y as a sign of weakness, because well, its pretty sexist. I will however continue using c**t and t**t. =)

Today we went over to my parents house and had a ridiculously awesome meal because my mom is the shizznit. She made beef and broccoli, lumpia, rice, and this Vietnamese salad that was really, really good.

Now I'm just sitting here, even though I should be doing something productive...
Well... I'm going to try that now.

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