I'll start from what happened last night.
So last night Sky went over to a friends house to drink and play guitar so obviously he stayed the night because we don't believe in driving after drinking. I didn't go because I wasn't feeling well and because it would have been way too much of a pain in the ass to get the dogs over there, so I just stayed home and decided to watch Robert Downey Jr movies. Well while doing so I was checking on this website where you can post anonymous messages and there was one that I was following closely about gay marriage and adoption. (here's the link if you want to read it http://truemilitarywivesconfessions.com/2008/10/i-am-prochoice-and-completely.php)
So of course any of the basis against gay marriage and adoption have religious foundations. Well a while back Kimmie bought me a bible and while I had heard parts of the bible in different churches as well as skimmed through a few I had never actually sat down and decided to read it from the beginning; well last night I decided to do just that. So I sit down and I begin to read it from the beginning.
Let me tell you, I was truly offended. At one point my jaw literally dropped. The part when god finds out that Eve and Adam eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he says to Eve, and I quote, "I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you." (Pause for reaction) WTF?? Seriously, am I the only one who thinks that god sounds like a total sexist prick?? That certainly isn't my only beef with the bible either. There are talking snakes and people who live to be nine-hundred something years old and mystery women who come out of nowhere. I just think its ridiculous how much stock is put into something that I find littered with guessing. I mean seriously with the exception of god himself, who could have accurately written the bible?
Even if the whole god thing is real this god is certainly not the type of deity I would want to be worshiping. Sexist, vengeful, unforgiving, judgmental. I am certainly no saint... and in the realm of religion and sins I'm probably doomed to hell. I've smoked, drank, done drugs, disobeyed and disrespected my mother and father, had premarital sex, I swear, and I don't believe... but in all honesty I think I'm a damn good person. I try not to lie, cheat, or steal even though I have in the past. I do what I can to help people and I would like to do more, and when the opportunity presents itself in my life I will be all over it. I honestly think that if god was supposed to be all about forgiveness that I would make it into heaven with no issue. I also think its ironic that a good portion of religious people that I've spoken with love judging sinners themselves. The ones I have encountered are some of the most judgmental people ever. Don't get me wrong, I judge, I try very hard not to but everyone does, and if you say you don't your full of it. Anyways, I should stop. I could go on for days about this (seriously I only read 8 pages of actual text) but I digress.
So this morning Sky comes in about 9 and shortly after his friend called to ask how he got out of the house when all the doors were still locked and just joking around I start saying that his friend should make me pancakes, and he agreed! So we showered and then headed over where he not only made pancakes, he made eggs, bacon, and English muffins! And then we find out he doesn't eat breakfast! I felt like such an asshole because we were eating this awesome meal he made for us and he's just sitting there! :( But he made me feel better because he made me a teddy bear pancake! It was so cute I almost didn't want to eat it. But I did, and it was delicious. So after we ate and hung out a bit we headed to my parents' house to drop off a computer desk for them. We stayed over there a bit and then Sky got a wild hair up his ass and decided we either needed to go bowling or go to a movie. So we checked out the movie listings and they didn't work out so we decided to go to the bowling alley on base.
We were bowling for a while and then these kids came up to the lane next to ours. There were three of them two girls and a boy. The boy was the oldest and he was probably about 8 and then one of his sisters was probably 6 and the other probably was 4. They were incredibly adorable and so well behaved! I was a little upset that their mom was like half way across the bowling alley but they were just great little kids. The youngest had a 6lb ball and it was like half the size of her so they put up the bumpers and they had this little ramp where all she had to do was set the ball in there and give it a little push and it would pretty much go straight ahead. Her brother was always helping her move it so she could get her pins and always telling the two girls to let us go first. They were just so cute. I had to share that. But we had a total blast bowling (Sky kicked my ass!) so I'd say today was a win. I still need to finish up my guest bedroom which is lame but its okay. I think we'll watch The Bank Job now...
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