I went to this Boot Camp class at the gym. Here was the description from the fitness center website: "BOOT-CAMP Combinations of kickboxing & core-training with pilates." Yeah... LIES. lol It wasn't really what I thought it would be but I guess I came on a "strength training" day rather than a cardio day. Anyway, it was pretty intense but it wasn't as bad as I'm really making it out to be I just am not up to that level yet. So I'm thinking that I'm going to try Zumba on Friday to see how that is. If that is still too intense (because I'm a huge wimp) than I will do Yoga. There are three different kinds of yoga. There's yin yoga, which I guess is really low impact. It's all seated and focuses more on the stretching and all that. Then there is "fitness yoga" or just regular yoga which is like the middle level. Then here is power yoga which is the most intense and is more geared toward strength training. But I guess I will just try the classes until I find something I feel comfortable doing to work up my endurance and abilities and then I will keep stepping it up. I'll also do some cardio too. So we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck.
Anyway, Sky just got home and I'm making him give me a massage before bed! :) Oyasumi!
"This is what it feels like to be a bear."
Peter Griffin (Seth McFarland) Family Guy
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Japanese 114 started today. *sigh* I'm actually going to have to really try at this, but on the bright side maybe I'll learn some shit I might actually use!!! Eff!! lol For real, I haven't used Japanese outside the classroom because there is not a whole lot that I have learned that I can use in the real world. :s Anyway, we shall see.
We now have a Surf. Although I haven't seen it since it became ours. I went to lunch with Michelle and another friend and then Michelle and I went to her new house and measured her windows for curtains and the spaces for appliances. Then we chilled at her place until she had work. Then I just went to work with her and worked on some of my bio stuff before class. Then I had class.
That is pretty much it. I'm going to call my friend and go to bed. Oyasumi!
"My apartment smells of rich mahogany."
Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
We now have a Surf. Although I haven't seen it since it became ours. I went to lunch with Michelle and another friend and then Michelle and I went to her new house and measured her windows for curtains and the spaces for appliances. Then we chilled at her place until she had work. Then I just went to work with her and worked on some of my bio stuff before class. Then I had class.
That is pretty much it. I'm going to call my friend and go to bed. Oyasumi!
"My apartment smells of rich mahogany."
Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Saturday, October 24, 2009
ATTN iPhone/Touch users!!!
Doodle Jump... It's 99 cents. Do it... now... this game will change your life.
That is all...
That is all...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Driving progress!!! We're thinking about trading our Subaru for a Toyota Surf (AKA 4 Runner) so we traded with the guy for a night so I could drive it and see if I was comfortable with it. I LOVED it. I drove from this abandoned housing area to the Cafe Mokuteki. Sky drove it from there to the shoppette but then I had him pull over at the school because I wanted to drive it home. Then.... (are you ready for this?) when we got home... I BACKED IT IN!!! Granted, it was a front spot so there was only someone on one side of me which made it easier but still. I'm excited. I'm really hoping that guy wants to trade. :)
The other exciting thing that's happened is I'm growing something!!! Granted they're navy bean plants and they're for biology but I haven't killed them! So maybe I can get a house plant and keep it alive. I'll just pretend there is a grade depending on them. lol
Also I went to my buddy's ALS graduation and that was... well, as fun as an ALS graduation can be. lol It was really cool to see the Fallen Warriors ceremony though. That was a first for me. Usually they have a table set up in recognition of the men and women who have lost their lives for this country and the POW/MIAs and there is a moment of silence but it was really wonderful to get to see the enactment of the things they do for fallen warriors during war times. So that is something I will carry with me. If I get the pictures from my friend and get his okay to put them up (since they have him in them) I will post them.
I do have to get going though, Michelle is on her way over and we're going to take Roxy to the dog park and then go to the 100 yen store because I need to get more of those tray things to bring my plants that aren't growing outside (because it's too cold) inside. I shall post again soon. :)
"And then she made me eat her hair pie... No you don't understand, Stewie had some too. Would you stop hitting me???"
Brian Griffin (Seth McFarland) Family Guy
The other exciting thing that's happened is I'm growing something!!! Granted they're navy bean plants and they're for biology but I haven't killed them! So maybe I can get a house plant and keep it alive. I'll just pretend there is a grade depending on them. lol
Also I went to my buddy's ALS graduation and that was... well, as fun as an ALS graduation can be. lol It was really cool to see the Fallen Warriors ceremony though. That was a first for me. Usually they have a table set up in recognition of the men and women who have lost their lives for this country and the POW/MIAs and there is a moment of silence but it was really wonderful to get to see the enactment of the things they do for fallen warriors during war times. So that is something I will carry with me. If I get the pictures from my friend and get his okay to put them up (since they have him in them) I will post them.
I do have to get going though, Michelle is on her way over and we're going to take Roxy to the dog park and then go to the 100 yen store because I need to get more of those tray things to bring my plants that aren't growing outside (because it's too cold) inside. I shall post again soon. :)
"And then she made me eat her hair pie... No you don't understand, Stewie had some too. Would you stop hitting me???"
Brian Griffin (Seth McFarland) Family Guy
Monday, October 19, 2009
I am just amazed at the stupidity of some people. *eye roll* Some people just really need to think things through, and maybe get a grown up's opinion before they make any decisions. lol But whatever.
On the bright side Sky and I got a really cute anniversary gift from my friend Jayme and her fiance Richard. They sent us candles with our wedding colors and here is what I did with them.

Perfect timing too because I was looking for some candles to put in those vases. So thanks again guys, I love them!
I'm watching Transformers and doing TONS of laundry. Seriously, it is embarrassing how much laundry I have. lol But I should get back to that before I lose momentum.
"Satan's camaro in my yard!!! It's stalking me!"
Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBoeuf) Transformers
On the bright side Sky and I got a really cute anniversary gift from my friend Jayme and her fiance Richard. They sent us candles with our wedding colors and here is what I did with them.
Perfect timing too because I was looking for some candles to put in those vases. So thanks again guys, I love them!
I'm watching Transformers and doing TONS of laundry. Seriously, it is embarrassing how much laundry I have. lol But I should get back to that before I lose momentum.
"Satan's camaro in my yard!!! It's stalking me!"
Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBoeuf) Transformers
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Oh I forgot!!!
How could I forget???
You want a really amusing website for when you're bored? At www.morphthing.com you can upload pictures and "morph" them or "morph" a baby between the two.

There is a morphed kid for Sky and I. And you can morph with celebrities and stuff. It is kind of time consuming if you want to upload your own picture but it is really amusing. Danielle and I played with it for at least an hour last night.
Anyway, just thought I would share. lol Have fun.
"I didn't get it everywhere... I got it somewhere."
You want a really amusing website for when you're bored? At www.morphthing.com you can upload pictures and "morph" them or "morph" a baby between the two.

There is a morphed kid for Sky and I. And you can morph with celebrities and stuff. It is kind of time consuming if you want to upload your own picture but it is really amusing. Danielle and I played with it for at least an hour last night.
Anyway, just thought I would share. lol Have fun.
"I didn't get it everywhere... I got it somewhere."
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Misawa Air Show 2009
Was pretty fun. We didn't get to see Gian and Michelle because nobody's phone was working out there. We did run into a couple other friends though so that was pretty cool. We didn't stay long, we didn't even stay to see the Thunderbirds *gasp* I know. But here are some pictures.
Here is JASDF's Blue Impulse demo.

And here are a few pictures of the F-2 Jrs. They aren't that great because I couldn't get very close. We didn't even get to watch the demo so I don't know what they did. I was just happy I got to see them in person. They are SOOOOO effen cute!!!

They are soooo cute!!!! lol So much cuter in person too. :)
Anyway, that's about it. Sky and I are probably going to hit up the BX, do some cleaning, and then watch some TV and hang out.
"I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day."
Rico (Danny McBride) Hot Rod
Here is JASDF's Blue Impulse demo.

And here are a few pictures of the F-2 Jrs. They aren't that great because I couldn't get very close. We didn't even get to watch the demo so I don't know what they did. I was just happy I got to see them in person. They are SOOOOO effen cute!!!

They are soooo cute!!!! lol So much cuter in person too. :)
Anyway, that's about it. Sky and I are probably going to hit up the BX, do some cleaning, and then watch some TV and hang out.
"I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day."
Rico (Danny McBride) Hot Rod
Friday, October 16, 2009
Today, tomorrow, the future...
I'm finally done with my essay part of my bio 101 midterm!!!! WOOOOOO!!!! *dances* Srsly... that shit took forever! And it was hard. Who, other than biologists and maybe doctors, knows anything about protein synthesis?? And when am I ever going to use this again??? Ugh... I can't wait for biology to be over. Anyway...
Tonight Sky and I are going to Magnum's Steakhouse for dinner to celebrate our anniversary. I would usually want to go somewhere off base for this but I have been craving a fully loaded baked potato and some steak and Magnum's just seemed like the place I would get both. Plus, they have that cute star shaped butter. :) I'm excited. They better have baked potatoes. lol
Tomorrow is the Air Show. The Thunderbirds just got here. They were like practicing right above our tower. So we might be seeing them. I don't know if we will be there that long. We both really want to see the JASDF F-2 demo which is at 0950 and then I really want to see the F-2 Jr demo at 1140 because they are SUPAA KAWAII! See?

OMFG I want one! I'm so easily amused. Ha... Anyway, if you're at Misawa come on out to the Air Show! Everybody's doing it. :)
I put the future in my title when really I just want to talk about how I'm trying to figure out what to do for Halloween. I don't have enough time to order a costume so I'm going to have to do something with very limited options. Hmmm... Suggestions? I have a few ideas but I'm not sure I can find anything that will work for them.
Well, better start getting ready for dinner.
"Sine your pitty on the runny kine!"
Pootie Tang (Lance Crouther) Pootie Tang
Tonight Sky and I are going to Magnum's Steakhouse for dinner to celebrate our anniversary. I would usually want to go somewhere off base for this but I have been craving a fully loaded baked potato and some steak and Magnum's just seemed like the place I would get both. Plus, they have that cute star shaped butter. :) I'm excited. They better have baked potatoes. lol
Tomorrow is the Air Show. The Thunderbirds just got here. They were like practicing right above our tower. So we might be seeing them. I don't know if we will be there that long. We both really want to see the JASDF F-2 demo which is at 0950 and then I really want to see the F-2 Jr demo at 1140 because they are SUPAA KAWAII! See?

OMFG I want one! I'm so easily amused. Ha... Anyway, if you're at Misawa come on out to the Air Show! Everybody's doing it. :)
I put the future in my title when really I just want to talk about how I'm trying to figure out what to do for Halloween. I don't have enough time to order a costume so I'm going to have to do something with very limited options. Hmmm... Suggestions? I have a few ideas but I'm not sure I can find anything that will work for them.
Well, better start getting ready for dinner.
"Sine your pitty on the runny kine!"
Pootie Tang (Lance Crouther) Pootie Tang
Thursday, October 15, 2009
OMG Awesome!
It's our three year anniversary!!!!! <3 <3 <3
I got an A on my Japanese final and an A in the class! WOOO!!!
Now enjoy the following video...
I don't even care if it's fake. It's entertaining.
"Perhaps it was the Noid who should have avoided me."
Mayor Adam West (Adam West) Family Guy
I got an A on my Japanese final and an A in the class! WOOO!!!
Now enjoy the following video...
I don't even care if it's fake. It's entertaining.
"Perhaps it was the Noid who should have avoided me."
Mayor Adam West (Adam West) Family Guy
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Say hello to Prince Kaiser
Here he is with me. And for your information I'm closer to the camera!

Here is a picture of his paw next to my hand.

Here is him sitting on Sky's lap. Notice the front paws planted firmly on the ground.

And here is the comparison of him and Bella.

And I don't know if I already said this but here is their info just in case:
Prince Kaiser
Breed: Great Dane/Bull Mastiff
Weight: 160ish
% Bed Occupancy: 56%
Princess Bella
Breed: Rat Terrier/Border Collie
Weight: 25-30ish
% Bed Occupancy: 87%
So there you have it.
"We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison."
Michael Bolton (David Herman) Office Space
Here is a picture of his paw next to my hand.
Here is him sitting on Sky's lap. Notice the front paws planted firmly on the ground.
And here is the comparison of him and Bella.

And I don't know if I already said this but here is their info just in case:
Prince Kaiser
Breed: Great Dane/Bull Mastiff
Weight: 160ish
% Bed Occupancy: 56%
Princess Bella
Breed: Rat Terrier/Border Collie
Weight: 25-30ish
% Bed Occupancy: 87%
So there you have it.
"We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison."
Michael Bolton (David Herman) Office Space
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Last night and today
Last night I was too tired to blog but here's what happened. At around 6 I started going a little crazy because we still hadn't heard from anyone about a plan and I don't like just winging stuff in a way. So I try calling the birthday boy (Ky) and he didn't pick up so I called Michelle. She hadn't heard anything either so then, me being impatient and wanting a plan, I start coming up with ideas. So we pretty much decided to go eat at Mike's (the Tex-Mex place right off base) so they call the Ky and ask him if that's what he and his girlfriend wants to do. Then there was lots of confusion but finally we ended up at Mike's at about 9. But they weren't dressed to go out so they had to leave and meet up with us again. So Michelle and Gian came back to our house with us since we had picked them up and Gian met Kaiser and then I took the opportunity to change because I was wearing heels and then we took Kaiser out. So finally at around 11 we met up at Dacha, the bar right outside the main gate that pretty much everyone hates but goes to anyway because it's close, we all had one drink there (except the DDs of course) and then we headed over to My Place.
When we got to My Place I only planned on having a drink and buying the Ky a drink and then heading home which would put us there at like 12:15 but we ran into another one of Sky's friends and he bought me my first drink there. Then they started singing karaoke and we had to stay a little longer. First Sky, Gian, and Ky sang "Bad" by Micheal Jackson and it was so funny! I wish we had that on camera. Our entire table was almost in tears. Sky and Gian were doing most of the main singing and then Ky would do all this background stuff (like the MJ high pitched "hee hee" if that makes any sense in text lol). And when they were singing the chorus instead of saying "You know it" they were saying "Chamona." Or something. Anyway, hilarious. After that Sky and his friend that we ran into sang "Message in a bottle" by The Police. Then after a couple people did their songs Sky and his friend Rick Rolled the bar! It was hilarious. (For those of you who don't know what Rick Rolling is watch the following video)
(There, now you've been Rick Rolled)
Then Gian and Ky sang "Everybody" by The Backstreet Boys, also funny. Then Sky and Gian were embarrassing us by singing along with this guy they didn't even know to a really weird slow version of "It's my life." Then Sky and I headed home at like 3 am. Much later than planned and then I wanted to but it ended up being totally worth it.
Today I've just been hanging out. I took care of Kaiser (and now he's passed out on my futon) and have been tidying up a bit as well as internetting. :( Kaiser leaves today. We're going to miss him. It's been really awesome having this gigantic dog following me around these past couple days. When his parents get here I'll ask about putting a picture of him up. But until then I bid you farewell.
"It takes a man to give away an angel. You're sweet."
Bernard 'Beanie' Campbell (Vince Vaughn) Old School
When we got to My Place I only planned on having a drink and buying the Ky a drink and then heading home which would put us there at like 12:15 but we ran into another one of Sky's friends and he bought me my first drink there. Then they started singing karaoke and we had to stay a little longer. First Sky, Gian, and Ky sang "Bad" by Micheal Jackson and it was so funny! I wish we had that on camera. Our entire table was almost in tears. Sky and Gian were doing most of the main singing and then Ky would do all this background stuff (like the MJ high pitched "hee hee" if that makes any sense in text lol). And when they were singing the chorus instead of saying "You know it" they were saying "Chamona." Or something. Anyway, hilarious. After that Sky and his friend that we ran into sang "Message in a bottle" by The Police. Then after a couple people did their songs Sky and his friend Rick Rolled the bar! It was hilarious. (For those of you who don't know what Rick Rolling is watch the following video)
(There, now you've been Rick Rolled)
Then Gian and Ky sang "Everybody" by The Backstreet Boys, also funny. Then Sky and Gian were embarrassing us by singing along with this guy they didn't even know to a really weird slow version of "It's my life." Then Sky and I headed home at like 3 am. Much later than planned and then I wanted to but it ended up being totally worth it.
Today I've just been hanging out. I took care of Kaiser (and now he's passed out on my futon) and have been tidying up a bit as well as internetting. :( Kaiser leaves today. We're going to miss him. It's been really awesome having this gigantic dog following me around these past couple days. When his parents get here I'll ask about putting a picture of him up. But until then I bid you farewell.
"It takes a man to give away an angel. You're sweet."
Bernard 'Beanie' Campbell (Vince Vaughn) Old School
Friday, October 9, 2009
Dude... This dog rocks.
Seriously lol. The reactions from people are so funny! Of course I've gotten a lot of "Oh my GOD"s and "That's a BIG dog"s but there have been other reactions as well. One girl in her car was driving by and I saw her jaw drop... literally. Last night a couple was in their car and they drove by on a street that intersected with the street we were walking Kaiser on. They were probably about twenty to twenty five feet from us and they turned around and came up the street we were on because one of them spotted him and they were trying to figure out what he was. One of them said "that couldn't have been a dog" so they had to come see for themselves. lol Then (also last night) we were walking him around and we saw some guy standing by the tower smoking. Then he walked around the other side of the tower, we just figured the wind was hitting him wrong or something but when we started to turn the corner he looked over, saw us, then just ran away. Literally ran. It was hilarious. Sky was like "did that guy just run away?" and we looked down at Kaiser and he had this look on his face that said "what did I do?" Poor thing. lol Luckily not a lot of people have been scared of him. I think only like four people he had seen fairly close have been scared of him.
He's fun to have around though. I'm gonna miss him! :( He'll be happy to go back to his family though.
Anyway, tonight we may go out with Michelle and Gian and some other friends because someone is having a birthday. Then Sky might have one of his friends over tomorrow to play guitar. But first we need to clean the house. It's been difficult keeping it clean with the rain and the dog. But we will try.
Sky wants to use the computer now so I'll post later.
Today, instead of getting a quote you get an entry from fmylife.com
Today, I snuck into my boyfriend's house because I knew his parents wouldn't be there. Later, I woke up in a hospital bed because his sister thought I was a burglar and tased me. FML
He's fun to have around though. I'm gonna miss him! :( He'll be happy to go back to his family though.
Anyway, tonight we may go out with Michelle and Gian and some other friends because someone is having a birthday. Then Sky might have one of his friends over tomorrow to play guitar. But first we need to clean the house. It's been difficult keeping it clean with the rain and the dog. But we will try.
Sky wants to use the computer now so I'll post later.
Today, instead of getting a quote you get an entry from fmylife.com
Today, I snuck into my boyfriend's house because I knew his parents wouldn't be there. Later, I woke up in a hospital bed because his sister thought I was a burglar and tased me. FML
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Rain, rain go away
No... Seriously... go away!
Poor Kaiser. I'm trying to keep his life as normal as I can but he wasn't able to get his walks yesterday because of how bad the weather was and today may not be much better. Hopefully the rain will take a break around the time I want to walk him. He and Sky are passed out in bed right now. lol You know, strangely enough for how big he is he still doesn't take up as much room as Bella did in bed! Yeah... wrap your head around that one. lol If I get his mommy's permission I'll post comparison photos of him and Bella. But for those of you that don't know who Bella is (or who have started reading late in my blogging) she is my dog who is staying with my in-laws while we're in Japan. She is a princess and she's all of about 25 pounds. Kaiser on the other hand (who is a prince) is probably at least 165 pounds but I'm thinking more around 180. Well here, since I'm her mommy here is a picture of Bella and her sister Sasha.

Awww... I miss them! :(
I miss everybody! I was just talking to Kimmie and I wish I could be back for everyone! My mom was sick, Kimmie is pregnant and sick, my sister is graduating soon, Jayme and Richard are getting married! And right now we're missing reunions on both sides of the family!!! :( :( :( Happy birthday to Desiree and Grandpa Norman! We miss all you guys! I love Japan but right now everyone is making me so homesick! I'm thinking I will go back to the states if Sky gets deployed again, if it's doable that is.
:( Anyway, I'm going to have to take Kaiser out pretty soon so I will leave you now.
"It's not herpes if it's everywhere."
Jason (Jason Segel) Knocked Up
Poor Kaiser. I'm trying to keep his life as normal as I can but he wasn't able to get his walks yesterday because of how bad the weather was and today may not be much better. Hopefully the rain will take a break around the time I want to walk him. He and Sky are passed out in bed right now. lol You know, strangely enough for how big he is he still doesn't take up as much room as Bella did in bed! Yeah... wrap your head around that one. lol If I get his mommy's permission I'll post comparison photos of him and Bella. But for those of you that don't know who Bella is (or who have started reading late in my blogging) she is my dog who is staying with my in-laws while we're in Japan. She is a princess and she's all of about 25 pounds. Kaiser on the other hand (who is a prince) is probably at least 165 pounds but I'm thinking more around 180. Well here, since I'm her mommy here is a picture of Bella and her sister Sasha.
Awww... I miss them! :(
I miss everybody! I was just talking to Kimmie and I wish I could be back for everyone! My mom was sick, Kimmie is pregnant and sick, my sister is graduating soon, Jayme and Richard are getting married! And right now we're missing reunions on both sides of the family!!! :( :( :( Happy birthday to Desiree and Grandpa Norman! We miss all you guys! I love Japan but right now everyone is making me so homesick! I'm thinking I will go back to the states if Sky gets deployed again, if it's doable that is.
:( Anyway, I'm going to have to take Kaiser out pretty soon so I will leave you now.
"It's not herpes if it's everywhere."
Jason (Jason Segel) Knocked Up
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Don't you hate it when you can't think of a title??
I do. lol
Anyway, I'm just hanging out waiting for Kaiser to come over. This is perfect timing. I'd be going out of my mind if I didn't get a doggy to hang out with. There's this GSD puppy that lives in our building. He lives on the floor above us and diagonal to our apartment. We saw him on the balcony but we never saw him up close until yesterday when we went to get into the elevator and out comes this dog. And O.M.G. he is SOOOOOOO ridiculously CUTE! Let me tell you, six floors in the elevator petting him was not nearly enough. lol He's adorable. And after seeing him I have never missed my dogs so much. He resembled our Sasha-bear at that age (about five or six months). So I definitely need a doggy fix. lol I sound like a freakin druggie... only... for dogs. :) In conclusion, I'm excited to hang out with Kaiser.
I'm currently avoiding homework by watching the Avenged Sevenfold Live in the LBC DVD for like the billionth time since we got it. I love Avenged Sevenfold. I'd love to see them in concert again. Here, why don't you enjoy a little bit of it?
*Warning: Scantily-clad females present in this video*
God... awesome... srsly.
On a more serious and important note I'm still struggling with the whole driving thing. Not doing it in general (I've been driving Michelle's car home on the nights I have class) but in finding time and a vehicle to do it. So I'm thinking since we've invested so much in the Subaru we're just going to try and go to this abandoned housing area and try to cruise around there a bit. Then if that doesn't work and I'm still really nervous and anxious with the Subaru we'll try again to find an automatic. Michelle just informed me that her coworker also kind of helps people find cars so I might be talking to him. So we'll see... stay tuned and there will be some progress on that hopefully in the near future.
Ugh... I guess it's time for me to get productive now... :S lol
Oh but before I leave you, I want all military people to go ahead and wrap your heads around this (if you're on OHO you've already seen it.) What NOT to wear... well... ANYWHERE but especially to a military function. **Warning: almost nudity!**
Yeah... that was my reaction too.
"You think you're too cool for school... But I've got a news flash for you Walter Cronkite... You aren't."
Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) Zoolander
Anyway, I'm just hanging out waiting for Kaiser to come over. This is perfect timing. I'd be going out of my mind if I didn't get a doggy to hang out with. There's this GSD puppy that lives in our building. He lives on the floor above us and diagonal to our apartment. We saw him on the balcony but we never saw him up close until yesterday when we went to get into the elevator and out comes this dog. And O.M.G. he is SOOOOOOO ridiculously CUTE! Let me tell you, six floors in the elevator petting him was not nearly enough. lol He's adorable. And after seeing him I have never missed my dogs so much. He resembled our Sasha-bear at that age (about five or six months). So I definitely need a doggy fix. lol I sound like a freakin druggie... only... for dogs. :) In conclusion, I'm excited to hang out with Kaiser.
I'm currently avoiding homework by watching the Avenged Sevenfold Live in the LBC DVD for like the billionth time since we got it. I love Avenged Sevenfold. I'd love to see them in concert again. Here, why don't you enjoy a little bit of it?
*Warning: Scantily-clad females present in this video*
God... awesome... srsly.
On a more serious and important note I'm still struggling with the whole driving thing. Not doing it in general (I've been driving Michelle's car home on the nights I have class) but in finding time and a vehicle to do it. So I'm thinking since we've invested so much in the Subaru we're just going to try and go to this abandoned housing area and try to cruise around there a bit. Then if that doesn't work and I'm still really nervous and anxious with the Subaru we'll try again to find an automatic. Michelle just informed me that her coworker also kind of helps people find cars so I might be talking to him. So we'll see... stay tuned and there will be some progress on that hopefully in the near future.
Ugh... I guess it's time for me to get productive now... :S lol
Oh but before I leave you, I want all military people to go ahead and wrap your heads around this (if you're on OHO you've already seen it.) What NOT to wear... well... ANYWHERE but especially to a military function. **Warning: almost nudity!**
Yeah... that was my reaction too.
"You think you're too cool for school... But I've got a news flash for you Walter Cronkite... You aren't."
Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) Zoolander
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I finally decided what I'm taking next term! Japanese 3, Social Psyc, and IFSM! YAY!!! lol I looked at the syllabus for speech 125 and there is a LOT of reading and writing. I know that Japanese is going to be rather challenging so I'd rather not over do it. I just hope they don't change the speech book before I get the chance to take that class in the spring. So keep your fingers crossed for me!
Anyway, not a whole lot is going on here. We get the awesome dog that I'm watching on Wed. He is MASSIVE he's a great dane bull mastiff mix. So yeah, he's a pretty big guy. I can't wait. He's going to be so much fun. :) That's pretty much it though. I will update later. I'll ask his mommy if I can put a picture of him up here so check back later.
"You mu-mu-mu-make me h-h-happy."
Tugg Speedman as Simple Jack (Ben Stiller) Tropic Thunder
Anyway, not a whole lot is going on here. We get the awesome dog that I'm watching on Wed. He is MASSIVE he's a great dane bull mastiff mix. So yeah, he's a pretty big guy. I can't wait. He's going to be so much fun. :) That's pretty much it though. I will update later. I'll ask his mommy if I can put a picture of him up here so check back later.
"You mu-mu-mu-make me h-h-happy."
Tugg Speedman as Simple Jack (Ben Stiller) Tropic Thunder
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