Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So today I headed to the post office. I called a lady who's house we had gone over to for a poker game a few days before Sky left. Her husband works with Sky and he wanted me to get to know the people he was going to be leaving with.

I was just going to walk but I ended up calling her because it started snowing, and not just a little. I'm refreshed though because I've pretty much been inside all day with no contact with any humans except electronically and it was nice to get some face time with someone who isn't hundreds of miles away. Also I got to love on her doggie. :D But we went to the post office and then to the Mokuteki and I had a grilled chicken wrap and then got that coffee that I had been craving.

Also I had been feeling sort of down on myself lately and puppy love definitely helps with any sort of depression. Its even better because her dog talks. lol Next time we hang out I'm going to have to get a picture of her pup (who isn't really a pup) and ask if I can post it on here. She's such an interesting dog.

Well, because I was gone all day unfortunately I didn't really do anything all that productive so I guess I'd better do that now. :s

"Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want."
-Jim Rohn

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