Monday, March 16, 2009

Epic hat is epic

So Sky had been talking about getting me this panda bear head hat that had scarves that attached to paws at the end. It sounded awesome but I thought it was going to be huge and I wouldn't be able to wear it anywhere. Well he sent a hat like it (the only panda they had was pink so I got a wolf) and I received it today.

Epic hat is epic

:D I'm a nerd I know. But this hat is worthy of geekin for the camera.

Uh, well other than getting my awesome hat I canceled my current internet and phone service because the new stuff starts at the very end of this month and I went shopping. Good thing too because I was really running out of food. And that's pretty much it. My head and back are hurting so I think I'll watch an episode of Buffy before I get to work on school stuffs. Just wanted to share my excitement about my new hat!

"Love is being stupid together."
-Paul Valery

1 comment:

Beauty Freak and Fitness fanatic said...

ive seen that hat before ^__^ i spend way too much time on the computer looking at crazy asian fashion..

check out to find other cool korean fashion stuffs ( is a korea/ asia dedicated site..) the other crazy trend is shoulder cat- has no real function just a stuffed cat on your shoulder