Friday, March 13, 2009

Gah... I'm such a slacker...

:s I've been so distracted today. I mean I finished my assignments and I did some notes but I probably watched more TV and did less productive stuff than I should have. Things have just been difficult. My mind is going like a billion miles per hour all in different directions and its just been hard to focus. Its like the only thing I can think clearly about is hubby. Its lame I know but I'm serious. When I'm talking to him my mind slows down and I can just stop and stare at him. I miss him terribly.

I'm thinking I'm done even attempting productivity today but tomorrow will be packed with reading, notes, and going through recipes for the impending grocery shopping trip. I mostly need to worry about the big stuff since I'm going with a friend if I find I need anything little I won't really mind walking.

Not a whole lot has been going on here. I think I might take psychology instead of English next semester. It will be cheaper and I don't have to take the placement test first which I have yet to be able to do. I'll probably take the placement tests for English and math when the next semester starts because I'll only have one class to worry about. Quickly nearing the end of the term... lets hope I do well. :s

"And remember, if you hurt her I will beat you to death with a shovel. No one likes a vague disclaimer... Have fun."
Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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