Thursday, February 12, 2009

Did you know....

That Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars, Sarah Marshall) is "Lucy Stillman" in Assassin's Creed? Sky noticed the character looked an awful lot like her so we IMDBed her and sure enough... its her. Thought that was interesting.

Ugh... I have a lot to do tomorrow school wise. I've just been having such difficulty concentrating. I hope it passes soon. :s My brain feels like its about to fall out. I just can't focus because there is so much I have to do. I'm driving myself nuts.


"Quit tailgatin me you pasty teabag! I'm goin potty. Wanna hold my dick?"
The dude playing the dude disguised as another dude
AKA "Kirk Lazerus" playing "Lincoln Osiris" played by Robert Downey Jr.

1 comment:

manysisters said...

You silly wifey! You are rockin! don't never say you do nothing! Super wifey you!, love , the senior Super Wife