Friday, February 6, 2009


So today was the potluck. It was definitely interesting meeting all the people Sky works with. I was like the only spouse there too, which was sort of weird.

I guess we're going to clean tomorrow and finally watch Eagle Eye and then we're going to go over to some guy's house and play poker.

I'm really tired. Just got done talking to Kimmie and submitting my last assignment for the week. Really, really late. Not by the professor's standards but by my own. I didn't mean to I was just stuck. Not a big deal though, got it done.

I've decided to start having a "quote of the day" in my blog. Today's quote brought to you by some guy Sky works with.

"Prostitutes are like cats. They don't have souls."
(If you are a prostitute or a cat I apologize.)


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