Oh, before that we went to PAWS and they had a doggie!!! I wanted to steal her! She was really small. She was a full grown golden lab but she was probably only 30 or 40 pounds. She was so sweet! And soft. But I don't think we can get a dog. I really want to though. :( I miss my furbabies.
Well we got to the festival and had some fun. We had some sake and we went to an "ice bar." The ENTIRE thing was ice. Even the "glasses" you drank out of. Unless you got canned or bottled beer. We had some yakisoba and I FINALLY had a crepe. It was yummy. Anyway, here are some pictures.
Mr. Snowman and I
Part of the snow sculpture
The sculpture in its entirety
The ice bar
My friend's melty ice cup
An ice booth
The sake... which was REALLY GOOD
A microwave in an igloo which we found so odd I had to take a picture
My really pretty crepe!
And last but certainly not least... the grand finale of our fireworks show
The bartenders in both bars took a picture of my friend and I together. The one in the fully ice bar the bartender let us go back behind the bar. lol We accidentally went in there when it was closed but he couldn't tell us it was closed. Luckily we left pretty quickly and went back later. I had an awesome time. Everyone there was so nice. The only downside was I didn't double up on socks so my toes were FREEZING. But that was my bad. Next time I'll know better. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much (really any) of the Taiko drum show. But its cool. We still had an excellent time. Oh and there was a shiba inu and it was just all over me! I think it smelled the other dog. It was so cute too though. I wanted to steal it too! :(
Oh there was also a place where you could make candles and other things out of wax and it was really cool. I got a few pictures but none were that good. We didn't do it though. We were waiting in line for the bathroom and by the time we were done waiting in line it was time for the fireworks show and then time to go. But they were making wax candle holders by dipping the bottoms of balloons in wax. It was very interesting to watch. So yeah, that was all really. Now I'm going to make a PBJ and watch NCIS.
"I believe you took my stapler."
Milton Waddams (Stephen Root) Office Space
Wow, that looks awesome. Edina and I were just oohing and aahing over the pictures. I am so jealous that you get to be back in Japan. :( I am going to cry into my chocolate milke now.
how fucking dare you flaunting that crepe around like some slutty snack we all can't have!!! you whore! i fart in your general direction!
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