Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a very interesting past few days

Life has been very hectic...

We just arrived at Keesler and we're going to be off to bed pretty soon but I just wanted to stop by and say a few things.

Lets start with the election. Although I wasn't a huge fan of either candidate I truly think the best decision was made considering I think Palin is the devil. Anyway, for those of you who disagree its over and done with and you should have listened to McCain's ending speech. If he can extend the olive branch then you should too. I'm still pissed that there was voting going on about gay marriage. Its a basic right that people should not get to choose for others, but once again, I could go on for years on that... I am glad the election is finally over. This was the biggest circus I've ever witnessed. And I've been to Cirque du Soleil.

Anyway, these past few days have been very emotionally and physically exhausting. I've been going cross country with two very hyper active dogs with a few more hyper active dogs in our path so that was interesting. I got some great pictures of the dogs drugged up so I'll put those up when I have a better connection.

I miss everyone already and I can't wait to see the people that I'm going to see. Sorry this is so short and sporadic but as I said I am physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. On that note, oyasumi nasai!

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