Friday, November 7, 2008

Picture time!!!

Its picture time!!!

Here are the dogs passed out the first day of driving. Thank goodness for those sedatives or we would never have even made it through Arizona!

Picture in Northern Arizona.

Sasha being funny and stoned.

New Mexico

Sasha's favorite place to sleep on the trip... the center console.

The stockyards in Ft. Worth!

Driving through Dallas as we left. My sister and I stayed at that funny looking hotel next to that ball thing. It's a Hyatt. It was such a nice place!

Bella decided to stand on Sasha's head and she had the funniest look on her face!!

Swamp thing in Louisiana.

Over the Mississippi River!!

The view directly off Keelser, AFB in Biloxi, MS.

The USS Alabama... in Alabama.

Pensacola, FL.

And... because we had to... The Jagermeister truck.

So there some of the pictures from our trip so far! :)

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