Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hip Hip


Bandit and Sasha were playing!!! Like running around and chasing each other! Sasha went right up and licked Bandit's face too. It was too adorable. I wasn't able to get any pictures because I was afraid if I went in the house one of them would follow me and they would stop playing. So hopefully since this is already happening and its only the third day they will be sisters by the end of our visit.

The dogs might sleep with my in laws tonight just to see how they all react to being in the same room all night. Hopefully that works well. Anyway, I just wanted to post and be happy about it!

1 comment:

hisMRSz said...

hey i was just wondering what part of florida you were at???

i live in florida and were moving to japan in 2 months as well...

check me out if you like...