(This is the front, we went down the back.)

So I decided let's just go on the lift. I got on the lift great, getting off was a much different story. I was still holding on to the chair and the guy starts yelling at me... needless to say I ate some serious shit. I twisted my leg wrong, but luckily I landed on my board so I sort of just sledded off to the side out of the way. My leg hurt pretty badly but I decided to keep going. Man, the first go it took me FOREVER to get down. I continued to bust ass but Michelle and Satoko were very patient with me. Satoko even had to get out of her board a few times to come help me up. lol It was pretty bad. So when we finally got to the bottom (like an hour and a half later, no joke) we decided we needed a break. We had already unstrapped from our boards and there was a small hill on the way to the rest area so we decided to sled it (which we had done earlier in the day) and somehow I got turned around and then I looked over my shoulder and saw a board hauling ass down the hill toward the building and I look down and I'm not on my board. I looked up in terror (it was a rented board) as it slammed against the building and bounced off. It was pretty amusing, I wish someone had gotten it on video. Obviously the board was fine (it even got all the snow cleaned off from the impact :D) and we went in for a break. After a short breather Satoko went down once alone and seriously only took like 10 minutes (lift included) and then we decided to go down it together once more.
The second time around I did SOOOOO much better. I only fell a couple of times, I was able to get up by myself. It was a blast. We made it down in like 10 to 15 minutes (not including the lift). I didn't fall directly off the lift but there is a barrier and I thought I wasn't going to be able to stop so I grabbed on to Satoko but when she tried to stop my board ran into hers and I accidentally brought her down right on top of me. It was amusing, it's too bad Michelle didn't see it. Satoko is so funny, because even though it was completely my fault she kept apologizing to me. I didn't even get hurt because she weighs like, nothing. Anyway, point is, snowboarding is awesome. I can't wait to go again. Sky and I might go by ourselves next weekend so he can give me some one on one training. But here, enjoy some action shots of me.

Okay, well now I'm tired and want to go to bed. Oyasumi.
"Is it true that there's a point on a man's head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?"
Danny Butterman (Nick Frost) Hot Fuzz
You look cute!
Wuuu I can't wait to go again either! Better start snowing so we don't have to go too far!
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