First, my Yokosuka trip. I went to see Danielle for her birthday! I wasn't sure it was going to happen since I had to rely on Space A and sometimes that isn't easy to catch. But obviously I did, and it was fine. So I flew in to see her and stayed for a week. When I first got there we mostly just hung out at her house and prepped for her party. We also started watching Glee so now there's another show I have to keep watching! (Way to go, Danielle :p) I had a blast with them though.
The big thing we did was our trip to Tokyo where we went to H&M and Forever21 in Harajuku, stopped and checked out one of the busiest intersections in the word in Shibuya, went to the Square Enix store in Shinagawa, and stopped in Yokohama for sticker pictures and the store with a ton of Totoro stuff! I didn't take pictures of that store because I thought I would die from all the cute. Seriously, Danielle and I were freaking out. But here are pictures from everything else.
Walking from the train station to the stores in Harajuku
Danielle and I at H&M
Weird, creepy, shady rabbit thing on the wall of H&M
Shoe art at Forever21
Unfortunately pictures weren't allowed to be taken on the inside. I was sad faced because there was some pretty amusing stuff in there! But here's another picture of the outside.
For some reason those condoms are named George and Emily. So after Harajuku we headed over to Shibuya... by accident. We thought that's where the Square Enix store was but after further investigation we discovered it was actually in Shinagawa. But we took advantage of our misdirection and took some pictures and video of one of the busiest intersections in the world... well in Japan at least. Here is a photo of all the people waiting to cross. That's right outside Shibuya station, we're in the Starbucks across the street.
And here are people crossing.
So yeah, that scene in the Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift... Complete bullshit. Just in case you were wondering. So yeah, after we watched that like a billion times we headed back into the train station (holding hands as we crossed like a bunch of foreigners) to head to Shinagawa.
In Shinagawa we only did the Square Enix store. Here are some pictures of that. We took a billion so I'm not going to put them all in here, just a few.
Here was the front.
Giant Cactuar!
On the "first floor" (there were like three stairs) had all the plush dolls and less pricey stuff. "Upstairs" were the more detailed collectibles and jewelery and stuff. And in the ground there was a giant Sephiroth replica.
I thought it was amazing, so here is a close up.
And now I'm getting lazy so I'm just going to add some of the pictures of the figurines and if you don't know them ask, look them up, or ... too bad for you. :)
And now I'm too tired to discuss anything else. Came home. School ended (got an A). Went to a going away. People got drunk. It was funny. Made a new friend. School started. I'm going snowboarding soon so I'll be back to post about that. Later!
"It breathes fire, Marshall!"
Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) How I met your Mother
We'll definitely get pics this weekend of us snowboarding!
Glad you though that party was funny!
You went to H&M and you probably didn't even buy me anything. That makes you a twatwaffle.
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