Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Woman... Stick figure!!!"

lulz. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope all yours was as great as mine was. We went over to Michelle's and there were nine people there (including Michelle and Gian and Sky and I). Everyone brought something and we all had good food and great fun. After a few people left the remaining of us (Sky, Kyle, Gian, Chris, Michelle, and me) played a very amusing game of pictionary. Sky and Kyle won. The title of this blog was one that Michelle guessed that I thought was hilarious. It was an all play and obviously the word was "Stick figure" and I couldn't believe she guessed it because anything involving people I drew stick figures. lol So that was pretty amusing. Some of those drawings were NSFW though. lol Point is we had a blast. All the food was delicious.

There is the turkey that Michelle and Gian made and to the left is the pasta salad I made. I got the recipe from a friend (thanks again, dude!) and it turned out well. I had to deviate a little but it tasted right to me. I also made my mom's gravy and that came out really well so I was excited about that.

Michelle and Gian also made the mashed potatoes. Chris made some really good mac and cheese. Dave and his wife Bhea made some awesome candid sweet potatoes. They also brought breads and apple pie. Kyle brought some really good pumpkin pie and Satoko, Michelle's friend, brought a squash turnover. It was all awesome.

Anyway, I just wanted to talk about that but I have to go now. I have a GIANT exam and tons of other things I need to get done so I probably won't be around for a couple of days.

Happy thanksgiving again everyone!

"But Thanksgiving is more than eating, Chuck. You heard what Linus was saying out there. Those early Pilgrims were thankful for what had happened to them, and we should be thankful, too. We should just be thankful for being together. I think that's what they mean by 'Thanksgiving,' Charlie Brown."
Marcie (Jimmy Ahrens) A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 19, 2009


WTF? And homosexuals can't get married because god help us if they did it would make our straight people marriages less meaningful. Because you know, us heteros all have the most bestest reasons to get married and our love is stronger and more worthy of the rights to marriage then theirs.

Seriously though. I honestly do not get it. I don't see how people can think that the "sanctity of marriage" is more violated by two consenting adults who love each other than it is by two people who hate each other, or one person who deceived another, or those who have their "practice marriages" (which I've posted about before). It is beyond ridiculous. And the worst part of it is these people think that their opinions matter and that their beliefs should be the ones followed. Yet, do you know what sort of outrage it would cause if divorce, adultery, and birth control became issues we got to vote on? Those are all things that are in the bible (and yes some people do choose to follow those, but not most). A woman on OHO said it best, she said that people go on about how the bible is interpreted differently by everyone and that people follow their own beliefs on what it means to them but when it isn't their "sin" that is up for discussion it is about Christianity and not their interpretation of the bible. So thank you N.W.

Point is it shouldn't be your (general you) decision what two people do. It bugs me even more when the people who say they "don't care what 'they' do" still vote against it. Whatever happened to the "land of the free"? Or you know, separation of church and state? Grrrrr....

Anyway, I have to clean and do homework. I have two exams I need to study for.

Here, instead of a quote (because I can't think of one) you get this cracked article.

(Thanks for both articles, Desiree)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey guys...

Sorry it's been a while. Been busy with school. Lots to do. IFSM and Social Psych are a lot more time consuming than I expected them to be. School is pretty much the only thing going on with me. Sky is leaving for a TDY soon so we decided to put up the Christmas tree mad early so he can get to enjoy it. Here's a picture of it.

What do you think? I should ask Michelle if I can post a picture of her tree when it's done because I have a feeling it's going to be gorgeous.

She and I have already decided that after Christmas when everything goes on sale we're buying a ton of stuff. They have these REALLY pretty ornaments at the BX but they're like $3 a piece. So when those babies go on sale, oh yeah, we're all over that. lol

But I do have to get back to school. I have tons to do and not much time. I'll try and post again soon.

"You won't have to worry about that. When you went to the loo I slipped a tiny pellet of poison into your drink. You'll be dead in about an hour.... Just kidding!!"
Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs) Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dude... FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are easily offended and absolutely love Twilight you may not want to read this. There is strong language (but really, what is different about that than anything else I post). But even if you dig Twilight but you have a good sense of humor (and you probably do if you read my blog) then enjoy this.

I'm done with BIO finally. YAY! Haven't gotten my grades yet, hopefully I did well. I'll post grades when I get them. Tomorrow my Social Psych and IFSM classes start and I have my first exam in Japanese. Woo... lol I'm thinking about keeping my degree plan (major) but changing my career plan and instead of being a school counselor trying to be an animal behaviorist. But we shall see. I think I'll make an appointment with the academic adviser and discuss my options and all that.

But that's enough of that. This weekend we've been helping Michelle and Gian move. We got all their stuff over to the new house and the slept there last night. I'll probably go over and help Michelle unpack some tonight. Roxy is loving her new yard. :) So that's really all that's going on there.

Genesis' little sister has a name! Faith Naomi. :D

But those are all the things that's been going on right now. I shall post again later. And I'll post Christmas tree pictures when we get it up. Sky's going TDY so we're putting it up pretty early. But I have to wake him up and we have to run errands and I have to study for my exam. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

"This is Halloween, this is halloween...

Pumpkins scream in the dead of night!" Ok, so you get it. This blog is about Halloween. So we were planning on going out with Michelle and Gian and meeting up with some friends at the E-Club for this Halloween ball thing at night so we were going to hang out at home passing out candy until then. But things changed. Our car is in the shop and we really needed to go to the commissary so Michelle being super awesome said we could take her car and then come pick her up when she got off work. So we walked over and got her car and went shopping and then we were about to start getting ready to go get her when she called and asked if we wanted to go to Hachinohe to a restaurant that is similar to Viking (all you can eat; yakiniku, sushi, bread, gyoza, yakisoba... etc.) and since we didn't know how long we would be out Sky and I decided to go in costume. So we went and had an amazing dinner. Sky ate his weight in meat and sushi and (???) cotton candy. lol Anyway, so we ate dinner and then we went to Michelle's so she and Gian could get ready. Michelle was a pin up girl (and she looked SOOO cute!!) and Gian was a greaser. So after they got ready we went back by our house and Sky changed, he was going to be Tyler but he decided to be the Narrator instead. I gave him a really convincing black eye. I was so proud, everyone thought it was real! Anyway, after we all got ready we headed to the club.

It didn't end up being as cool as it could have been but there were some really great costumes. Some of my favorites were Edward Scissorhands, Dick in a box dude (who totally kept candy in his dickbox), MJ (who there is a picture of), Cruella DeVille, practically the entire cast of Alice in Wonderland, and the Wizard of Oz, Darth Vader and Leia, and V from V for Vendetta. But here, enjoy some photos.

I really wish we would have gotten more pictures of some of the really great costumes. I was so impressed.

Unfortunately we didn't get to see any trick or treaters because we were out all day so now we have like a ton of candy we don't know what to do with... Anyone want some Fun Dip? lol

Speaking of adorable little kids this is Genesis (Kimmie's daughter) at the pumpkin patch and in her costume. She is SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!

Anyway, I leave you now, I'm starving. Hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween!

"I don't even care... I don't even like jelly."
Dane Cook