Michelle, Gian, some friend's of thiers, and myself went to this festival that was right outside the main gate. I forgot my camera so I stole all these pictures from Michelle. Check these out.
There was the dance show, the cool decorations, and food... lots of food. It was like this festival was just an excuse to sell food on the street. lol Oh and that picture of me was basically just a picture of that Japanese girl. :)
Other than that festival and going to the bowling alley a couple times I've pretty much sat around watching NCIS.
Today I went to the Youth Center for some observations for my term paper. I'm going to call my key spouse and see if I can tag along to one of her son's baseball games to observe there and then maybe just observe her children at her house sometime. Maybe go to a park too. Nothing conclusive as of now. Stay tuned. Maybe I'll even post my paper as a blog, if I think it's that good. :p
But now I'm probably going to go back to watching NCIS. So enjoy... or be horrified by this video courtesy of collegehumor.com.
"I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany."
Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Word! Looks like a good time. Doragun Baru Zee!
Wow ... what a loser. How did they keep a straight face during that speech!?
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