The Soloist was a little depressing. I wish they would have played that first. It was still good though. I thought Jamie Foxx did amazing. Robert Downey Jr. was incredible as well, obviously. Not to mention really, really ridiculously good looking. :)
Anyway, today I did some homework that I was slacking on a little. I also made my house fairly presentable since I have a friend coming over tonight and I need to start getting this place super presentable for homecoming! Its still a while away but if I keep procrastinating I'll get done at the last second. lol Ugh... I really need to stop that. In fact, I think I'll start trying to get ahead. :) But before that, enjoy these amazing yet disturbing images. NSFW or children.
They were playing vollyball. lol Sorry, I had to see it and now you do too!
"What's a fuckass?"
Samantha Darko (Daveigh Chase) Donnie Darko
What is the volleyball picture from? I cannot abide by that guy's butt cheek hanging out.
lol, that's my roomate's cheek!
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