Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So lets see here...

Monday: Went with Peggy to McDonalds (OMG YUM!) then to the Pony Plaza (OMG LOVE!) and Homac (OMG AWESOME!). We were then going to meet up with Michelle at the Post Office and she called as we were leaving Homac to let us know she was going to be there soon so we went to head out and we saw this bus shaped like a dalmatian. It even had a portruding snout... so we had to follow it and take a picture. :D (I will post that when I can.) So that made us late but when Michelle saw the picture it was unanimous that it was worth it. :p So after that we went to the mall were we each got some things from the 100 yen store. Then we made Michelle eat Pepper Lunch (OMFG MMMMMMMM!!!!) and of course she loved it because she is pro beef and anti seafood. Oh and it's awesome. I bought my TNBC (The Nightmare Before Christmas) bento! Then we had some Baskin Robins (it is WAY better in Japan) and headed on our way. Course, what I didn't say is that we spend like 4 hours in the mall. :o It was fun! After that I went home and went to bed.

Tuesday: I volunteered at the kennel again. I had a lot of fun and a big bruise to remind me. :p When I had playtime with Seamus the pit bull I held a rope up to see if he would jump for it but he decided he would just climb up me instead. So I have big ol' love scratches from him. There was a new doggie that stole my heart. His name is Oakly, he's big and black and I'm not positive what breed he was. He wasn't as large as a great dane but he had a similar shape. He was a little stockier though. Probably just a mix. Anyway, he was like the SWEETEST most calm dog I'd ever met. He and his family are moving but before they adopted him he had been abandoned so when they can't get in to see him they make sure he gets his play-time so he knows he is loved and not being abandoned. I had a fleeting thought to steal him. :p When his owner came in she was happy to hear he was such a hit that he was threatened to be stolen so that's good I guess. lol Anyway, after we finished working there we went to our homes and showered and ate then Michelle picked me back up so we could drop off our scholarship applications at the education center. After that we went and hung out at her place for a while.

Wednesday: At about 10 my key spouse came and picked me up and we went to the Cafe Aomori for some coffee were we sat and talked for like EVER! lol Then she had to pick up her kids and I had homework to do so she dropped me off back at home. I worked on homework for a while then Michelle called to see what I was doing. She needed some motivation to get out of the house so I had reminded her that she needed to run some errands. So we decided when she was done with that she'd drop by to see if I was done with homework and we could hang out. I was done with what I needed to do so we decided to go to her place and watch a movie (and American Idol) and stuff. I made her watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall and she made me an effen delicious grilled cheese sandwich. I seriously considered moving in. :p Oh it was excellent. And now I want one. :D So after the movie and such we started talking decorating and we measured all the windows in her place for curtians, measured the wall for a couch, moved the couch she had around a bit, then looked online and redecorated our homes in our minds. Then depressed ourselves because it is going to take forever to accomplish said redecorating. Especially with the limited furniture and shipping options we have. But eventually we will figure something out. So after all that at around midnight she dropped me off back at home and I went to sleep.

Thursday (today): So far I've already had a slight melt-down and recovery. That happened between 9 and noon. I'm just that good. :s I guess I'm just being too hard on myself. But I'm working on it. And I'm researching some things. I'm going to try and get my license here but I'm not going to pressure myself into getting it. At least now I know it is an option and I know all the information to accomplish it. Also, I have like 8 billion hoops to jump through if I want to start a pet sitting business but I talked to a really nice gentleman at the housing office who told me what said hoops were. I'm going to talk to Sky when I get the chance and let him know all the info and we will decide from there. If anything I'll just keep volunteering and at least have some more experience to put on my resume. Anyway, tonight I guess I shall learn what Bunko is. I'm hanging out with Peggy and we're going to check out the MESC bunko night. So I guess I should shower now. :p I will let you know the secret of bunko when I return.

"And some huge meteorite's like, 'well fuck that'"
Group X (????) WTF, Mate


Michelle said...

LOL, this post cracked me up. Informative too, cause I didn't know Oakley's story. Hope you're having fun playing Bunko! I'm enjoying chillin like a bum ;)

Beauty Freak and Fitness fanatic said...

i heart that quote!!!! hahahahaha how have you been, i still fail at blogging. side note husbands is leaving very very soon n im sad faced T___T like that one i just made.