The night before I stayed at Peggy's and we watched "Bride Wars" and had some berry (?) sake. Then we slept. I woke up in the morning not knowing where the hell I was (not due to the sake... or at least I don't think so.) but then I figured it out. So we got up at nine-something and had to be at BK before ten to get breakfast croissanwiches. So we hurry up and get ready and head to base and when we get there WE get selected for a random search. Where they pretty much made us pull over to this adorable twelve-year-old looking cop who wanted to make sure all of Peggy's paperwork was current since we had that road tax thing a week or so ago. The entire time we're like talking about how we MUST get to Burger King and he is just cracking up and finally tells us to go. lol He must have thought we were nuts. Anyway, we got some food and then stopped by the furniture store to set up delivery for my new couches (f*ck, yeah!) and then we decided to go out to the beach. So we pretty much drove around aimlessly until we hit water. But here are some beach photos. I think we were at Miss Veedol's beach.
We had to drive through this cool little forest to get to the beach.

We went up on this tower to take pictures. We were going to go all the way to the top but the wind was WAY too strong.

Here's the forest from the tower

So anyway, after we did that we went back to Peggy's and watched Lost in Translation. Then we went to this great little park where they had all these pretty lamps that were pink for the cherry blossoms. I wish we would have gone there earlier. Our cherry blossoms probably died a little early because we got this like freaking snow storm like a week or so ago. Anyway, here are some pictures of the park and then some of the cherry blossoms on base (I got those ones a couple days ago.) And some of the cherry blossoms while there was snow on the ground (this was the next morning so it had melted A LOT)
Here are some of the lamps in the park

All the tiny petals they shed

Me in the petals

The lamps again

Here are some of the cherry blossoms on base

Here they are with the snow

And last but certainly not least, the dalmatian bus and the fresh egg vending machine.

So that's that. :D
"I don't think it's a gay drink. Mo-ji-to."
Brian Griffin (Seth MacFarlane) Family Guy
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