Today is not a good day. I seem more tired and unfocused than usual. Hopefully after a good nights sleep and my appointment tomorrow I'll feel better.
The hubby isn't online which is also making me sad. I hope I get to talk to him before I go to sleep tonight. It will be early though because my dental appointment is at freakin seven am. Seriously... No wonder the person canceled. Sheesh. Anyway. I'm getting up at like 5 or 5:30 so I can eat and stretch before I head out. I hope my calves don't kill me. They're still sore so we'll see how that goes. Nothing is really terribly far anyway. And I'm really just going to the hospital, the HAWC, and the post office. Unless I get a wild hair and decide to go grocery shopping immediately afterward. But I'll probably wait until after I talk to them at the HAWC and then come home and figure out what I have and what I don't have and all that.
Anyway... just complaining. My head hurts. I can't really focus on what I'm reading. But I already submitted my two conferences and now I just have the quiz and midterm and then whatever I get assigned in government... Joy. I'm going to relax and try reading again a little later.
"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out."
Anton Chekhov
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
I have a song stuck in my head...
*Singing* "Love... love can keep us together/ Think of me babe whenever/ Some smooth talking girl comes along/ Singin a song/ Don't mess around you just got to be strong/ Just stop, because I really love you/ Stop, I been thinkin' of you..." Yeah I don't know the rest... Sorry, had to get that out of there.
Anyway, nothing much going on here. Just school, school, talking to Sky, school, wii, cleaning, and more school. I'm pretty dull right now. :s
I might get interesting again, let's hope! :D
"My vagina's depressed."
Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) Sex and the City
Anyway, nothing much going on here. Just school, school, talking to Sky, school, wii, cleaning, and more school. I'm pretty dull right now. :s
I might get interesting again, let's hope! :D
"My vagina's depressed."
Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) Sex and the City
Thursday, February 26, 2009
**Happy dancing**
I got to see him on webcam!!! AND I didn't lose my shit! lol I'm too tired to think of a nicer synonym so there you have it.
Right now I'm waiting for him to wake up so we can talk because I'm not sure about the whole staying up till he gets home from work thing. But we shall see. So far everything is pretty uneventful for the both of us. But now I'm going to just hang out till he calls. I'll drop by if something crazy interesting happens.
"Why in pluperfect hell would you pee on corpse?"
Gay Perry (Val Kilmer) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Right now I'm waiting for him to wake up so we can talk because I'm not sure about the whole staying up till he gets home from work thing. But we shall see. So far everything is pretty uneventful for the both of us. But now I'm going to just hang out till he calls. I'll drop by if something crazy interesting happens.
"Why in pluperfect hell would you pee on corpse?"
Gay Perry (Val Kilmer) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I HEARD FROM HIM!!!!! Well... read from him... I missed his calls :( Then I cried like a baby when I saw that I missed his calls. I've recovered... mostly. Hopefully I can talk to him soon.
I didn't have a very good day today. I got some things done but other things were pretty much useless. I went to my appointment and just discussed options. I made two appointments for March 2, one to get my night guard fitted (FINALLY) and on at the Health and Wellness Center (HAWC). Hopefully the HAWC can help me figure out a nutrition plan and workout regimen that works for me.
I missed the deadlines for the scholarships offered so if I want to take a class next term it will have to be out of pocket but I picked up the apps so I can fill them out for the summer. I'm thinking maybe I can take one class next term and then try and CLEP (test out of) a course. Then I'll hopefully go back to two courses for the summer. We shall see. I'm going to start hunting grants down. If anyone has any info send it my way please because I don't even know where to start! I'm trying to not get a student loan.
Well if I'm going to save me money I better get back to work.
"I laugh in the face of danger... And then I hide until it goes away."
Xander Harris (Nicholas Brendon) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I didn't have a very good day today. I got some things done but other things were pretty much useless. I went to my appointment and just discussed options. I made two appointments for March 2, one to get my night guard fitted (FINALLY) and on at the Health and Wellness Center (HAWC). Hopefully the HAWC can help me figure out a nutrition plan and workout regimen that works for me.
I missed the deadlines for the scholarships offered so if I want to take a class next term it will have to be out of pocket but I picked up the apps so I can fill them out for the summer. I'm thinking maybe I can take one class next term and then try and CLEP (test out of) a course. Then I'll hopefully go back to two courses for the summer. We shall see. I'm going to start hunting grants down. If anyone has any info send it my way please because I don't even know where to start! I'm trying to not get a student loan.
Well if I'm going to save me money I better get back to work.
"I laugh in the face of danger... And then I hide until it goes away."
Xander Harris (Nicholas Brendon) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Still no word. :( I apologize. I know I'm just a big bag of impatience but I can't help it! I think once I've heard from him I can chill out a bit and maybe concentrate better.
Although I've decided to focus on our next anniversary rather than on when he'll be back. My reasoning is because if I think about when he's coming back that will just be a constant reminder that he's gone and that sucks. So anniversary countdown it is. It will be our third. <3
Oh man. I just started feeling really crappy. :s I really need to start getting to the gym soon. I can feel my all over body soreness and fatigue again. :s I think stress is exacerbating the situation. And with my sociology midterm approaching and the massive amounts of homework my professors like to give me PLUS the lack of communication with Sky right now I'd say I'm pretty stressed out.
Hopefully next semester will be better. I just have to try not to take such time consuming classes. lol And maybe I'll be less rusty. Ugh... back to work for me. :s
"Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?"
Richard Bach
Although I've decided to focus on our next anniversary rather than on when he'll be back. My reasoning is because if I think about when he's coming back that will just be a constant reminder that he's gone and that sucks. So anniversary countdown it is. It will be our third. <3
Oh man. I just started feeling really crappy. :s I really need to start getting to the gym soon. I can feel my all over body soreness and fatigue again. :s I think stress is exacerbating the situation. And with my sociology midterm approaching and the massive amounts of homework my professors like to give me PLUS the lack of communication with Sky right now I'd say I'm pretty stressed out.
Hopefully next semester will be better. I just have to try not to take such time consuming classes. lol And maybe I'll be less rusty. Ugh... back to work for me. :s
"Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?"
Richard Bach
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
One down...
Many to go... I officially have a "donut of misery." Another one of those things I picked up from the ladies at OHO. Its depressing to look at right now. But I'll start checking it out after a while.
I'm going to try and keep myself busy. I've definitely got school helping. I'm hoping to start attending the yoga classes at the gym. Or maybe I'll mix it up and attend whatever classes that interest me. That would be good too. My Wii Fit shipped so now it's just a matter of time until I get that in the house. That will be nice having around. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I think I'll run by the Health and Wellness center and see if I can talk to them about some things. I think I'm hurting myself by not being well enough informed. Sky and I did this quiz a while back and we were surprised by what we didn't know. Even more surprised by what we thought we knew. Like I always thought that cardio was good before a workout but it turns out that hurts more than helps. So I'm going to check that out and see if they have a nutritionist there I can talk to. I would like to start planning out my meals and everything for that matter. The less free time I have on my hands the better. Until I get to start talking to him regularly.
My mother in law got her hair cut and it looks fantastic. Its really short. Very sassy though. :D It fits her. Kind of made me want to get my hair cut but I've worked too long! lol
I'd better get back to my schoolwork though.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Lao Tzu
I'm going to try and keep myself busy. I've definitely got school helping. I'm hoping to start attending the yoga classes at the gym. Or maybe I'll mix it up and attend whatever classes that interest me. That would be good too. My Wii Fit shipped so now it's just a matter of time until I get that in the house. That will be nice having around. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I think I'll run by the Health and Wellness center and see if I can talk to them about some things. I think I'm hurting myself by not being well enough informed. Sky and I did this quiz a while back and we were surprised by what we didn't know. Even more surprised by what we thought we knew. Like I always thought that cardio was good before a workout but it turns out that hurts more than helps. So I'm going to check that out and see if they have a nutritionist there I can talk to. I would like to start planning out my meals and everything for that matter. The less free time I have on my hands the better. Until I get to start talking to him regularly.
My mother in law got her hair cut and it looks fantastic. Its really short. Very sassy though. :D It fits her. Kind of made me want to get my hair cut but I've worked too long! lol
I'd better get back to my schoolwork though.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Lao Tzu
Monday, February 23, 2009
*cries* :(
I couldn't sleep last night. I'm so tired and I just wish he could hold me while I cry. I miss him so much already. I know I'm being a girl but I can't help it. Hopefully we will get to talk soon.
"Last night" (AKA this morning) when we were unable to sleep we finished the fourth season of NCIS. That was probably the most disturbing thing either of us had ever seen. Seriously... Ugh... I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Anyway, we didn't buy the fifth season and now I regret it. :s They didn't have it anywhere on the internet so we watched some new episodes of Family Guy and we saw a really funny one. Well parts of it were really really funny. I couldn't find just the clips I wanted so here is the whole episode. You can watch the whole thing or you can watch the exchange starting at 00:50 (dance) and then the exchange at 06:24. Now you may have to have/have had a dog to understand the latter but its still effing funny.
But the time has come for me to work on my homework.
"And every time I fall, I see your face/ I realize you're more to me than a saving grace"
Lyrics from "Saving Grace" by Mouthwash
"Last night" (AKA this morning) when we were unable to sleep we finished the fourth season of NCIS. That was probably the most disturbing thing either of us had ever seen. Seriously... Ugh... I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Anyway, we didn't buy the fifth season and now I regret it. :s They didn't have it anywhere on the internet so we watched some new episodes of Family Guy and we saw a really funny one. Well parts of it were really really funny. I couldn't find just the clips I wanted so here is the whole episode. You can watch the whole thing or you can watch the exchange starting at 00:50 (dance) and then the exchange at 06:24. Now you may have to have/have had a dog to understand the latter but its still effing funny.
But the time has come for me to work on my homework.
"And every time I fall, I see your face/ I realize you're more to me than a saving grace"
Lyrics from "Saving Grace" by Mouthwash
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Man, yesterday and so far today I've been feeling very ill. I'm just so drained... Physically, emotionally... mentally... any ally that can be drained really. That's what I am. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep for months while simultaneously acing my classes, getting in shape, and cooking (and eating) better and healthier foods. Is that too much to ask?
On the bright side Sky and I are headed to Sukiya since they should have my tuna sashimi bowl back. Thank goodness. I mean their beef bowls are good but they're so... I don't know, rich maybe? Kinda hard on my tummy. Not good. Especially right now.
Well I guess we're going to look at PAWS (just look! and torture ourselves) and go to Sukiya now and then come back and watch more NCIS. On the fourth season now!
"Please don't shame me in the synagogue."
Brenda (Bette Midler) First Wives Club
On the bright side Sky and I are headed to Sukiya since they should have my tuna sashimi bowl back. Thank goodness. I mean their beef bowls are good but they're so... I don't know, rich maybe? Kinda hard on my tummy. Not good. Especially right now.
Well I guess we're going to look at PAWS (just look! and torture ourselves) and go to Sukiya now and then come back and watch more NCIS. On the fourth season now!
"Please don't shame me in the synagogue."
Brenda (Bette Midler) First Wives Club
Saturday, February 21, 2009
^__^ I love my hubby
He's so awesome! He bought me a Wii Fit!!! I'm so excited! We had to order it off amazon because there are never any in the store but yay! I can't wait to get it and try it out! :D
Also, I joined the dark side... yes, yes... I now have a Facebook. Someone is going to teach me how to use this thing.
Ummmm... that's really all. So there.
"Who in crickey fuck is Half Squat?"
Kirk Lazerus (Robert Downey Jr) Tropic Thunder
Also, I joined the dark side... yes, yes... I now have a Facebook. Someone is going to teach me how to use this thing.
Ummmm... that's really all. So there.
"Who in crickey fuck is Half Squat?"
Kirk Lazerus (Robert Downey Jr) Tropic Thunder
Towada Snow and Light Festival
So today I went with a friend to the Towada Snow and Light Festival because her husband had "the duty" (AKA weekend duty). I had a great time. Bus ride there was bad because we were on this crazy winding road and I get motion sickness so I was feeling not to hot. But when we got there I started to feel better.
Oh, before that we went to PAWS and they had a doggie!!! I wanted to steal her! She was really small. She was a full grown golden lab but she was probably only 30 or 40 pounds. She was so sweet! And soft. But I don't think we can get a dog. I really want to though. :( I miss my furbabies.
Well we got to the festival and had some fun. We had some sake and we went to an "ice bar." The ENTIRE thing was ice. Even the "glasses" you drank out of. Unless you got canned or bottled beer. We had some yakisoba and I FINALLY had a crepe. It was yummy. Anyway, here are some pictures.
Mr. Snowman and I

Part of the snow sculpture

The sculpture in its entirety

The ice bar

My friend's melty ice cup

An ice booth

The sake... which was REALLY GOOD

A microwave in an igloo which we found so odd I had to take a picture

My really pretty crepe!

And last but certainly not least... the grand finale of our fireworks show
The bartenders in both bars took a picture of my friend and I together. The one in the fully ice bar the bartender let us go back behind the bar. lol We accidentally went in there when it was closed but he couldn't tell us it was closed. Luckily we left pretty quickly and went back later. I had an awesome time. Everyone there was so nice. The only downside was I didn't double up on socks so my toes were FREEZING. But that was my bad. Next time I'll know better. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much (really any) of the Taiko drum show. But its cool. We still had an excellent time. Oh and there was a shiba inu and it was just all over me! I think it smelled the other dog. It was so cute too though. I wanted to steal it too! :(
Oh there was also a place where you could make candles and other things out of wax and it was really cool. I got a few pictures but none were that good. We didn't do it though. We were waiting in line for the bathroom and by the time we were done waiting in line it was time for the fireworks show and then time to go. But they were making wax candle holders by dipping the bottoms of balloons in wax. It was very interesting to watch. So yeah, that was all really. Now I'm going to make a PBJ and watch NCIS.
"I believe you took my stapler."
Milton Waddams (Stephen Root) Office Space
Oh, before that we went to PAWS and they had a doggie!!! I wanted to steal her! She was really small. She was a full grown golden lab but she was probably only 30 or 40 pounds. She was so sweet! And soft. But I don't think we can get a dog. I really want to though. :( I miss my furbabies.
Well we got to the festival and had some fun. We had some sake and we went to an "ice bar." The ENTIRE thing was ice. Even the "glasses" you drank out of. Unless you got canned or bottled beer. We had some yakisoba and I FINALLY had a crepe. It was yummy. Anyway, here are some pictures.
Mr. Snowman and I
Part of the snow sculpture
The sculpture in its entirety
The ice bar
My friend's melty ice cup
An ice booth
The sake... which was REALLY GOOD
A microwave in an igloo which we found so odd I had to take a picture
My really pretty crepe!
And last but certainly not least... the grand finale of our fireworks show
The bartenders in both bars took a picture of my friend and I together. The one in the fully ice bar the bartender let us go back behind the bar. lol We accidentally went in there when it was closed but he couldn't tell us it was closed. Luckily we left pretty quickly and went back later. I had an awesome time. Everyone there was so nice. The only downside was I didn't double up on socks so my toes were FREEZING. But that was my bad. Next time I'll know better. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much (really any) of the Taiko drum show. But its cool. We still had an excellent time. Oh and there was a shiba inu and it was just all over me! I think it smelled the other dog. It was so cute too though. I wanted to steal it too! :(
Oh there was also a place where you could make candles and other things out of wax and it was really cool. I got a few pictures but none were that good. We didn't do it though. We were waiting in line for the bathroom and by the time we were done waiting in line it was time for the fireworks show and then time to go. But they were making wax candle holders by dipping the bottoms of balloons in wax. It was very interesting to watch. So yeah, that was all really. Now I'm going to make a PBJ and watch NCIS.
"I believe you took my stapler."
Milton Waddams (Stephen Root) Office Space
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Even... more... NCIS... and homework... and Animal Crossing
This time not exactly in that order. I've been doing lots of homework. I'm finished with all my stuff for this week... And before Friday... barely, but that's beside the point. ;)
While I still miss Kate its nice having Ziva around. She's such a pimp. If you haven't watched NCIS, I suggest you do so... immediately if not sooner. I love this show. Srsly.
My back is KILLING me. I need to get one of those orthopedic pillow things with the little back cutout thing for the base of the spine. I have absolutely no rear end what-so-ever and sitting at my computer chair isn't the best for that. I have been hobbling about my house like a little old lady all day today. Having trouble getting comfortable too. :( I need butt implants. :p Maybe I can tell TRIcare it's a medical necessity. Think that'll fly? ...yeah... me neither.
Not much else here. Kimmie is sick and I'm hope she starts feeling better soon! ((hugs)) Alright, deuce.
"DiNozzo. Big 'D' little 'i' big 'N' little 'ozzo.'"
Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) NCIS
While I still miss Kate its nice having Ziva around. She's such a pimp. If you haven't watched NCIS, I suggest you do so... immediately if not sooner. I love this show. Srsly.
My back is KILLING me. I need to get one of those orthopedic pillow things with the little back cutout thing for the base of the spine. I have absolutely no rear end what-so-ever and sitting at my computer chair isn't the best for that. I have been hobbling about my house like a little old lady all day today. Having trouble getting comfortable too. :( I need butt implants. :p Maybe I can tell TRIcare it's a medical necessity. Think that'll fly? ...yeah... me neither.
Not much else here. Kimmie is sick and I'm hope she starts feeling better soon! ((hugs)) Alright, deuce.
"DiNozzo. Big 'D' little 'i' big 'N' little 'ozzo.'"
Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) NCIS
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I really wish VS wasn't so expensive...
Because I love it.... and I want like everything from there. I got these pants on clearance and if I could wear them every day I would. They're SOOOOOO comfy! I wish I would have gotten multiple pairs when I got them because they were only 10 bucks and now they're like 40. :(
Anyway. Third season of NCIS for us. Yup, we finally have Ziva. But I miss Kate. But its okay I like both of them. Um... Danielle got Animal Crossing. They both need to get mics though because I feel silly talking to myself. lol But now I'm doing homework.
Don't forget people in Fort Worth! Go see the Vagina Monologues!
"Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with."
Mac MacGuff (J.K. Simmons) Juno
Anyway. Third season of NCIS for us. Yup, we finally have Ziva. But I miss Kate. But its okay I like both of them. Um... Danielle got Animal Crossing. They both need to get mics though because I feel silly talking to myself. lol But now I'm doing homework.
Don't forget people in Fort Worth! Go see the Vagina Monologues!
"Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with."
Mac MacGuff (J.K. Simmons) Juno
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Amazing... Thanks Will
"Car Ramrod... say it..."
Farva (Kevin Heffernen) Super Troopers
NCIS... Homework... Animal Crossing
That's what I've been up to... and sadly... in that order. I really should be doing more homework but if it's any consolation I'm not going to be watching NCIS for a very long time. :(
We've conquered the first two seasons and started on the third today. I started actually playing AC today. Went over to Kimmie's town. Stole some of her fruit and planted some trees in my town. It was cool. She's going to get the mic soon so we can talk. It was really weird being on the phone with her because I could hear myself through her TV. :p I can't wait for her to get the mic though because using the mote and nunchuck and then having the phone between my head and shoulder was REALLY starting to hurt. lol. She taught me a lot though. She spoiled me. She bought me a shovel and a fishing pole and then she taught me how to plant trees and fish. :D My friends are awesome. Even in video games. I'm up really late though so everything in my town is closed right now so I'm going to go to someone else's town here shortly. Just thought I'd drop in.
Oh and if you are in the Fort Worth area go and see the Vagina Monologues! It helps raise money for battered women and to raise awareness and prevent said cruelty. And my sister is in it, which only helps it be more awesome. Check out for show times and venues. There are showings every year.
"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why."
Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
We've conquered the first two seasons and started on the third today. I started actually playing AC today. Went over to Kimmie's town. Stole some of her fruit and planted some trees in my town. It was cool. She's going to get the mic soon so we can talk. It was really weird being on the phone with her because I could hear myself through her TV. :p I can't wait for her to get the mic though because using the mote and nunchuck and then having the phone between my head and shoulder was REALLY starting to hurt. lol. She taught me a lot though. She spoiled me. She bought me a shovel and a fishing pole and then she taught me how to plant trees and fish. :D My friends are awesome. Even in video games. I'm up really late though so everything in my town is closed right now so I'm going to go to someone else's town here shortly. Just thought I'd drop in.
Oh and if you are in the Fort Worth area go and see the Vagina Monologues! It helps raise money for battered women and to raise awareness and prevent said cruelty. And my sister is in it, which only helps it be more awesome. Check out for show times and venues. There are showings every year.
"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why."
Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Monday, February 16, 2009
I know... I know...
I've been late a lot but I've been trying to spend time with Sky and been very engrossed in NCIS. :D
Sky has been spoiling me, today he bought me the Wii microphone. :D So Now I can play AC and talk to the people I play with! I started playing today while Sky ran and got ice cream from the Class 6 (we had a craving). I just bought my house though, and then I saved because Sky got home. Anyway, back to NCIS. :)
"Who dressed you?"
Tony Dinozzo (Michael Weatherly) NCIS
Sky has been spoiling me, today he bought me the Wii microphone. :D So Now I can play AC and talk to the people I play with! I started playing today while Sky ran and got ice cream from the Class 6 (we had a craving). I just bought my house though, and then I saved because Sky got home. Anyway, back to NCIS. :)
"Who dressed you?"
Tony Dinozzo (Michael Weatherly) NCIS
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Two posts... one day
That's right... Got some more interesting stuff for ya. First of which I got my Wii!! Sky hooked it up for me. So that's awesome. He also bought me Animal Crossing. Kimmie got it for V-day so Danielle if you don't have it yet you better get on it. And we can all play together! All us OHO ladies too. :D
So I was on the phone with Kimmie when an earth quake starts, not horrible but pretty noticeable. I looked over at Sky and he thought that I was sitting there shaking the couch. lol I said, "We're having an earth quake" and he responded, "oh, really? I thought you were doing that." Yeah, dork, I'm shaking the coat closet causing all the hangers to pound into the wall from the couch... I'm that good. :p Ugh... it made me nauseous. I used to not mind them (from what I can remember) but being up so high they give me motion sickness I think. :s I've been barfy ever since. :s
As I was writing the above anecdote Sky read it and commented on how he thought the hangers banging against the wall was someone knocking on the door and right before I told him we were having an earth quake he was thinking about how he wanted me to stop shaking the couch and go open the door. :D lol (literally by the way... both of us.)
Back to NCIS... Just wanted to share.
So I was on the phone with Kimmie when an earth quake starts, not horrible but pretty noticeable. I looked over at Sky and he thought that I was sitting there shaking the couch. lol I said, "We're having an earth quake" and he responded, "oh, really? I thought you were doing that." Yeah, dork, I'm shaking the coat closet causing all the hangers to pound into the wall from the couch... I'm that good. :p Ugh... it made me nauseous. I used to not mind them (from what I can remember) but being up so high they give me motion sickness I think. :s I've been barfy ever since. :s
As I was writing the above anecdote Sky read it and commented on how he thought the hangers banging against the wall was someone knocking on the door and right before I told him we were having an earth quake he was thinking about how he wanted me to stop shaking the couch and go open the door. :D lol (literally by the way... both of us.)
Back to NCIS... Just wanted to share.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Mmm.... mmmm.... mmm
Tonight I'm making this and rather than just doing spaghetti noodles we'll be having pierogies with it. Mmm... dinner is going to rock.
Until them we'll be cleaning a little and watching NCIS. And maybe play some Wii or PS3. Sky ran to the BX to see if they had Super Smash Brothers for the Wii so we can play together. If they don't he might just get me Animal Crossings. A whole bunch of ladies on OHO play so Danielle and I wanted to fit in and be cool too. :p Anyway, when he gets back we will eat our very late lunch of free BK and hang out. So deuce!
"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason, I don't even know why."
Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
Until them we'll be cleaning a little and watching NCIS. And maybe play some Wii or PS3. Sky ran to the BX to see if they had Super Smash Brothers for the Wii so we can play together. If they don't he might just get me Animal Crossings. A whole bunch of ladies on OHO play so Danielle and I wanted to fit in and be cool too. :p Anyway, when he gets back we will eat our very late lunch of free BK and hang out. So deuce!
"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason, I don't even know why."
Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
I know I'm a bit late but I have been very involved with a strange group of people. Special agents Gibbs, Todd, and DiNozzo. Yes, that's right, Sky and I have spent the majority of our v-day hanging on the couch with the first two seasons of NCIS. Actually we just finished the first and are starting on the second. We'd been watching the first for a few days now.
It has been a very satisfying day. We got our massages which were great (although I could really use another one.) Man, the massage therapist is also a body builder and personal trainer. That woman scares the hell out of me. :p No, seriously, I think it's great that she's talented and athletic and all that jazz. Anyway, we got our massages, went to McDonald's for lunch, came home and watched some NCIS, went to Sukiya for dinner, went to the BX for the second season of NCIS, went to BK (because my hormones are out of whack and I was craving fries), and now we're back home watching some more NCIS. So there... :p
"Lets face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing."
Tony Stark AKA Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) Iron Man
It has been a very satisfying day. We got our massages which were great (although I could really use another one.) Man, the massage therapist is also a body builder and personal trainer. That woman scares the hell out of me. :p No, seriously, I think it's great that she's talented and athletic and all that jazz. Anyway, we got our massages, went to McDonald's for lunch, came home and watched some NCIS, went to Sukiya for dinner, went to the BX for the second season of NCIS, went to BK (because my hormones are out of whack and I was craving fries), and now we're back home watching some more NCIS. So there... :p
"Lets face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing."
Tony Stark AKA Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) Iron Man
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Its a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
My god, have you seen that video? Its freakin creepy! If you haven't you can check out Cake Wrecks.
Ugh... anyone want to do my homework? :p My Intro to political science is difficult! He asks questions that makes you think. Gah... Doesn't he know people don't go to school to actually learn stuff. :p (To anyone who happens to read my blog who is still in any sort of school I totally don't mean that! Keep up the good work and focus on your education! It is important!)
My sister shared this with me. It is hilarious but also NSFW (not safe for work) because it is incredibly inappropriate. Please do not watch unless you are 18 and if you have children it is suggested they are not present unless they are 18 or older. If you meet these requirements click here.
"What fuckhead? Badly is an adverb. Who taught you grammar? Get out. Vanish."
Gay Perry (Val Kilmer) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Ugh... anyone want to do my homework? :p My Intro to political science is difficult! He asks questions that makes you think. Gah... Doesn't he know people don't go to school to actually learn stuff. :p (To anyone who happens to read my blog who is still in any sort of school I totally don't mean that! Keep up the good work and focus on your education! It is important!)
My sister shared this with me. It is hilarious but also NSFW (not safe for work) because it is incredibly inappropriate. Please do not watch unless you are 18 and if you have children it is suggested they are not present unless they are 18 or older. If you meet these requirements click here.
"What fuckhead? Badly is an adverb. Who taught you grammar? Get out. Vanish."
Gay Perry (Val Kilmer) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Did you know....
That Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars, Sarah Marshall) is "Lucy Stillman" in Assassin's Creed? Sky noticed the character looked an awful lot like her so we IMDBed her and sure enough... its her. Thought that was interesting.
Ugh... I have a lot to do tomorrow school wise. I've just been having such difficulty concentrating. I hope it passes soon. :s My brain feels like its about to fall out. I just can't focus because there is so much I have to do. I'm driving myself nuts.
"Quit tailgatin me you pasty teabag! I'm goin potty. Wanna hold my dick?"
The dude playing the dude disguised as another dude
AKA "Kirk Lazerus" playing "Lincoln Osiris" played by Robert Downey Jr.
Ugh... I have a lot to do tomorrow school wise. I've just been having such difficulty concentrating. I hope it passes soon. :s My brain feels like its about to fall out. I just can't focus because there is so much I have to do. I'm driving myself nuts.
"Quit tailgatin me you pasty teabag! I'm goin potty. Wanna hold my dick?"
The dude playing the dude disguised as another dude
AKA "Kirk Lazerus" playing "Lincoln Osiris" played by Robert Downey Jr.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sky actually got off fairly early tonight. We were able to eat dinner... together... before 10pm! So that was pretty cool.
He's playing Megaman on the PS3. It looks ridiculously difficult. We need to get a secondary controller for this thing so we can play Street Fighter or Tekken against each other. Oh! And wii finally bought mii a wii!!! Ah... I crack myself up. :p
I got a mystery package from VS. I guess someone must have bought me some stuff from my wish list but I thought they got my order wrong. lol I need to talk to my uncle and figure out if it was him. I sent him an e-mail but he has yet to respond. I'll probably call him tomorrow when I wake up or something.
Not a whole lot else going on. I've been having trouble concentrating. I think its because I've been so emotional lately. Agh... why do I have to be such a girl. :p Whatev... I'm gonna hang with my hubby and go to bed soon.
"Oh my god.... you're a fucking garbage man!"
Cody (Danny McBride) Tropic Thunder
He's playing Megaman on the PS3. It looks ridiculously difficult. We need to get a secondary controller for this thing so we can play Street Fighter or Tekken against each other. Oh! And wii finally bought mii a wii!!! Ah... I crack myself up. :p
I got a mystery package from VS. I guess someone must have bought me some stuff from my wish list but I thought they got my order wrong. lol I need to talk to my uncle and figure out if it was him. I sent him an e-mail but he has yet to respond. I'll probably call him tomorrow when I wake up or something.
Not a whole lot else going on. I've been having trouble concentrating. I think its because I've been so emotional lately. Agh... why do I have to be such a girl. :p Whatev... I'm gonna hang with my hubby and go to bed soon.
"Oh my god.... you're a fucking garbage man!"
Cody (Danny McBride) Tropic Thunder
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
That's what it's been like this morning. Especially for Sky. I slept in. But when I got up after bumming around a bit we headed out.
First order of business we went to our legal appointment. Got our wills and most of the POAs done. Not a fun conversation. I am an organ donor and I've specified my organs be used for transplant first but if there is anything left (or unusable for transfer for whatever reason) than they shall be donated to science. Man, I'm going to look like a deflated beach ball... maybe I should specify cremation for funeral arrangements.... ha! Inappropriate and morbid humor always cheers me up.
Anyway, after that I sort of tagged along while he got a bunch of stuff ready. We ate and then he dropped me off at home before realizing he should probably come up and put more layers on. lol. Nerd. Anyway, my brain feels like its about to fall out so I will do Sky's homework assignment (watch a movie in HD since we just received and hooked up our HDMI cables) before finishing the rest of my homework. Can't...comprehend...words...
"Me and my friends saw a platypus; me and my friends wrote a comic book."
Lyrics from Handlebars by the Flobots.
Is that not the most random song lyric ever? lol
First order of business we went to our legal appointment. Got our wills and most of the POAs done. Not a fun conversation. I am an organ donor and I've specified my organs be used for transplant first but if there is anything left (or unusable for transfer for whatever reason) than they shall be donated to science. Man, I'm going to look like a deflated beach ball... maybe I should specify cremation for funeral arrangements.... ha! Inappropriate and morbid humor always cheers me up.
Anyway, after that I sort of tagged along while he got a bunch of stuff ready. We ate and then he dropped me off at home before realizing he should probably come up and put more layers on. lol. Nerd. Anyway, my brain feels like its about to fall out so I will do Sky's homework assignment (watch a movie in HD since we just received and hooked up our HDMI cables) before finishing the rest of my homework. Can't...comprehend...words...
"Me and my friends saw a platypus; me and my friends wrote a comic book."
Lyrics from Handlebars by the Flobots.
Is that not the most random song lyric ever? lol
Monday, February 9, 2009
(That's a tear not a nose)
I've been really exhausted today. Emotionally. I'm really dreading this whole waking up and not seeing my husband in the morning thing.
I iz sad.
I hope that Danielle will be able to come see me or I will be able to go see her. That will definitely help with the whole unhappiness thing.
I can't wait for Valentine's day, and then I never want it to end. I want Sky and I to do the whole "groundhog day" thing while the rest of the world moves on and then we won't have to be apart! lol No I know I sound a little pathetic. I know we'll be fine and I'll be fine but that still doesn't mean I want it to happen!
School, the house, cooking, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends and perhaps making new ones will keep me occupied. I might volunteer depending on my class load and such. I will continue to post (hopefully interesting things) and all that so worry not. If I slack of right now for a little while its because I'm sad!
"I wonder if the carpet matches her pubes"
- "Chuck" (Paul Rudd) from Forgetting Sarah Marshall
I've been really exhausted today. Emotionally. I'm really dreading this whole waking up and not seeing my husband in the morning thing.
I iz sad.
I hope that Danielle will be able to come see me or I will be able to go see her. That will definitely help with the whole unhappiness thing.
I can't wait for Valentine's day, and then I never want it to end. I want Sky and I to do the whole "groundhog day" thing while the rest of the world moves on and then we won't have to be apart! lol No I know I sound a little pathetic. I know we'll be fine and I'll be fine but that still doesn't mean I want it to happen!
School, the house, cooking, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends and perhaps making new ones will keep me occupied. I might volunteer depending on my class load and such. I will continue to post (hopefully interesting things) and all that so worry not. If I slack of right now for a little while its because I'm sad!
"I wonder if the carpet matches her pubes"
- "Chuck" (Paul Rudd) from Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Last night
I know, gomen. I missed a day.
Last night we played poker over at one of Sky's co-workers house. It was fun. I got knocked out pretty early but I didn't mind because the guy's wife was really cool and so was their dog. Seriously, this dog is the shit. They don't know exactly what she is but she has like the rottweiler coloring and big fat back, shepherd eyes, barrel chest, and undercoat, and lab webbing and head shape. She's soooooo cute!!! Next time I talk to them I'll ask if I can post a picture of her on here.
We had a lot of fun though. It had been a while since either of us had played and I know Sky was really excited to play again. Well we've got a lot of stuff to do today. We're going to go check the mail and go schedule our v-day massages as well as some other stuff. I'll be back though, probably.
"Cocaine isn't habit forming. I should know--I've been using it for years"
-Tallulah Bankhead
Last night we played poker over at one of Sky's co-workers house. It was fun. I got knocked out pretty early but I didn't mind because the guy's wife was really cool and so was their dog. Seriously, this dog is the shit. They don't know exactly what she is but she has like the rottweiler coloring and big fat back, shepherd eyes, barrel chest, and undercoat, and lab webbing and head shape. She's soooooo cute!!! Next time I talk to them I'll ask if I can post a picture of her on here.
We had a lot of fun though. It had been a while since either of us had played and I know Sky was really excited to play again. Well we've got a lot of stuff to do today. We're going to go check the mail and go schedule our v-day massages as well as some other stuff. I'll be back though, probably.
"Cocaine isn't habit forming. I should know--I've been using it for years"
-Tallulah Bankhead
Friday, February 6, 2009
So today was the potluck. It was definitely interesting meeting all the people Sky works with. I was like the only spouse there too, which was sort of weird.
I guess we're going to clean tomorrow and finally watch Eagle Eye and then we're going to go over to some guy's house and play poker.
I'm really tired. Just got done talking to Kimmie and submitting my last assignment for the week. Really, really late. Not by the professor's standards but by my own. I didn't mean to I was just stuck. Not a big deal though, got it done.
I've decided to start having a "quote of the day" in my blog. Today's quote brought to you by some guy Sky works with.
"Prostitutes are like cats. They don't have souls."
(If you are a prostitute or a cat I apologize.)
I guess we're going to clean tomorrow and finally watch Eagle Eye and then we're going to go over to some guy's house and play poker.
I'm really tired. Just got done talking to Kimmie and submitting my last assignment for the week. Really, really late. Not by the professor's standards but by my own. I didn't mean to I was just stuck. Not a big deal though, got it done.
I've decided to start having a "quote of the day" in my blog. Today's quote brought to you by some guy Sky works with.
"Prostitutes are like cats. They don't have souls."
(If you are a prostitute or a cat I apologize.)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Gah!!! Weekend come already!!!
I really, really, really want to watch EAGLE EYE ALREADY!!! But I'm going to be nice and wait to watch it with Sky which won't be till this weekend.... UGH! I'm impatient!! I want to watch it nooooowwww!!!! *pouts* ;)
I'm tired. I don't want to clean. But my kitchen is a mess and I have one more conference for sociology. So no slacking... maybe. lol
I just made some cookies for the potluck tomorrow. I was wanting to use my new bake ware but I think I did something wrong. The oven started to smoke and when I opened it my whole kitchen filled with smoke. Luckily I got it all cleared out and the smoke alarm didn't go off which is really good because if I did set it off the entire tower would have to be evacuated and I don't think my neighbors would be too pleased. I'm going to wait a while before using the silicon cookie sheet again. I'll try the cake pan first. If anyone knows what I did wrong please tell me!!! Am I supposed to put something under it? I thought I could just plop it on there. Any ideas?
I thought this was cute. :( I miss my babies!!! *sigh* On to do something productive... I think...
I'm tired. I don't want to clean. But my kitchen is a mess and I have one more conference for sociology. So no slacking... maybe. lol
I just made some cookies for the potluck tomorrow. I was wanting to use my new bake ware but I think I did something wrong. The oven started to smoke and when I opened it my whole kitchen filled with smoke. Luckily I got it all cleared out and the smoke alarm didn't go off which is really good because if I did set it off the entire tower would have to be evacuated and I don't think my neighbors would be too pleased. I'm going to wait a while before using the silicon cookie sheet again. I'll try the cake pan first. If anyone knows what I did wrong please tell me!!! Am I supposed to put something under it? I thought I could just plop it on there. Any ideas?
I thought this was cute. :( I miss my babies!!! *sigh* On to do something productive... I think...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
People are strange... I got an e-mail a few days ago from someone I haven't spoken to in months. While it is pretty normal in my life not to speak with people for long periods of time (because I'm lame like that sometimes) this was different. Not only had I not spoken to this person in months but I don't have the greatest history with this person. Anyway, this person writes and acts like we've been best friends our whole lives. I just thought it was strange. While I am fine with talking to them and everything I would just think that if they're trying to get back in to talking to me often (first of all they would talk to me more often) they would try and clear the air with me. I just think it is odd. Wonder if anything would actually come of it... hmmm.
Speaking also of people from my past, I got bored and decided to search for someone on myspace. Typed in his name and bam, there he is. Took a look around his page and ultimately sent it to Kimmie. She added him and told me I should do the same. I don't think I will but I am half tempted to write him. Mostly because I'm the nosiest person alive and am just curious if he would finally tell the truth. We have some not so pleasant history together as well. But it involves innocent people that I don't want to out if they're not cool with being outed so I'll talk to them and if they're alright with the mention I'll post again about it. Very long story short though some people messed with, screwed with, and lied to a lot of people. Things ended pretty badly.
Other than small contacts with my fairly recent past I've been working on my present and future. Mainly school. I had/have a ton of work this week. I'm done with most of it but I think I'm finished for the night. I don't want to over do things and fry my brain the second week of class. Oy, remind me not to take two classes with so much reading at the same time though. Very time consuming.
I got presents from my awesome uncle! He sent me some kitchen stuff. I needed new bake ware because having roommates was not conducive to keeping my stuff nice so he bought me this cool silicon bake set from my amazon wish list. I'm excited to use it. Came with perfect timing too. There is a potluck coming up so I'm going to make some cookies. He also got me a smaller cutting board so I'm happy about that. This one, unlike the one I bought from the 100 yen store, is dishwasher safe. :D
Speaking of awesome family members, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM (IN LAW)!!! Yeah, people have got some stuff coming up. Mom and Dad (in laws) birthdays are both this month. My parents 28th anniversary is coming up soon. Danielle and Gary are celebrating their first (awwww!!!!!)... I think that's it... man, I could have sworn that list was longer. :p I think that's a sign for me to go veg out on the couch... Oh! Damn... I wish Sky were home. We bought Eagle Eye on blu ray and I really want to watch it! But I'll be nice and wait for him... Hmm... Gonna go figure out a movie. I'll let you know what I think after I watch Eagle Eye on blu ray on an HDTV! (Don't worry, I won't spoil it.) Everyone have a good night and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM again!!
Speaking also of people from my past, I got bored and decided to search for someone on myspace. Typed in his name and bam, there he is. Took a look around his page and ultimately sent it to Kimmie. She added him and told me I should do the same. I don't think I will but I am half tempted to write him. Mostly because I'm the nosiest person alive and am just curious if he would finally tell the truth. We have some not so pleasant history together as well. But it involves innocent people that I don't want to out if they're not cool with being outed so I'll talk to them and if they're alright with the mention I'll post again about it. Very long story short though some people messed with, screwed with, and lied to a lot of people. Things ended pretty badly.
Other than small contacts with my fairly recent past I've been working on my present and future. Mainly school. I had/have a ton of work this week. I'm done with most of it but I think I'm finished for the night. I don't want to over do things and fry my brain the second week of class. Oy, remind me not to take two classes with so much reading at the same time though. Very time consuming.
I got presents from my awesome uncle! He sent me some kitchen stuff. I needed new bake ware because having roommates was not conducive to keeping my stuff nice so he bought me this cool silicon bake set from my amazon wish list. I'm excited to use it. Came with perfect timing too. There is a potluck coming up so I'm going to make some cookies. He also got me a smaller cutting board so I'm happy about that. This one, unlike the one I bought from the 100 yen store, is dishwasher safe. :D
Speaking of awesome family members, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM (IN LAW)!!! Yeah, people have got some stuff coming up. Mom and Dad (in laws) birthdays are both this month. My parents 28th anniversary is coming up soon. Danielle and Gary are celebrating their first (awwww!!!!!)... I think that's it... man, I could have sworn that list was longer. :p I think that's a sign for me to go veg out on the couch... Oh! Damn... I wish Sky were home. We bought Eagle Eye on blu ray and I really want to watch it! But I'll be nice and wait for him... Hmm... Gonna go figure out a movie. I'll let you know what I think after I watch Eagle Eye on blu ray on an HDTV! (Don't worry, I won't spoil it.) Everyone have a good night and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM again!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm so wicked exhausted
I'm trying to stay awake... watching Kung Fu Panda right now. For the first time. Seems pretty good so far.
I was trying to finish my reading and I was practically falling asleep in my book. So I decided to watch the movie instead so hopefully I'm conscious when Sky comes home.
Anyway, on to watch the movie.
I was trying to finish my reading and I was practically falling asleep in my book. So I decided to watch the movie instead so hopefully I'm conscious when Sky comes home.
Anyway, on to watch the movie.
Monday, February 2, 2009
^______^ (Danielle, look what you did)
I am extremely happy faced! Sky got home wicked early today! Which is awesome because I really needed him today. One of those days... that and we're getting take out so neither one of us has to cook. It is a lazy, lazy day.
We both woke up pretty exhausted this morning. We didn't get very much sleep and I didn't sleep well when I finally did pass out. There is just a lot of stuff going on. I know I'm still adjusting to being here. The house still isn't completely finished (but luckily we should be able to get our couches soon) and then school and everything. I'm still trying to get used to the fact there are times where I'm probably going to be alone and I need to be comfortable with that because I'm going to be okay. We're going to be okay, better than that. We're going to be fan-freakin-tastic. Still doesn't mean I want to be without him for that long! :( Wonder how I'll sleep.
Luckily I have school to keep me busy. Kimmie, Danielle, and Desiree will keep me more than amused. And I may even start working. We'll see about that though. The classes I'm taking right now are pretty time consuming so we'll see.
Anyway, gonna spend time with my hubby! :D :D :D
We both woke up pretty exhausted this morning. We didn't get very much sleep and I didn't sleep well when I finally did pass out. There is just a lot of stuff going on. I know I'm still adjusting to being here. The house still isn't completely finished (but luckily we should be able to get our couches soon) and then school and everything. I'm still trying to get used to the fact there are times where I'm probably going to be alone and I need to be comfortable with that because I'm going to be okay. We're going to be okay, better than that. We're going to be fan-freakin-tastic. Still doesn't mean I want to be without him for that long! :( Wonder how I'll sleep.
Luckily I have school to keep me busy. Kimmie, Danielle, and Desiree will keep me more than amused. And I may even start working. We'll see about that though. The classes I'm taking right now are pretty time consuming so we'll see.
Anyway, gonna spend time with my hubby! :D :D :D
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Oh the hilarity....
I love the captions. They're usually better than the photos. Anyway, enjoy some cracked.
15 images you won't believe aren't photoshopped
16 more images you won't believe aren't photoshopped
I don't remember which one it is but I loved what they wrote about the "Down" one. I laughed so hard I cried.
15 images you won't believe aren't photoshopped
16 more images you won't believe aren't photoshopped
I don't remember which one it is but I loved what they wrote about the "Down" one. I laughed so hard I cried.
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