Sunday, August 2, 2009


:D Nebuta festival!

Freaking awesome floats. And Michelle's friend picked like the perfect place for us to stand because they would stop the huge floats and spin them right in front of us. It was awesome. See?

After the festival we went to a resturant called "Biki Donkey" (I think) and it was pretty good. I got the dinner set with my meal which had a really good soup and salad. I was stuffed. Which made me kind of sad because their dessert looked awesome. But whatev.

Anyway, I just got some suitcases that Sky sent me and I need put those and lots of other laundry away. I need to clean up a bit and then start reading for my paper. I'll probably post some of the other videos again later. (It takes forever and I don't have the patience right now.)

"Now you see, the changing of the worrd is inevitabre!"
Kim Jong Il (Trey Parker) Team America: World Police

1 comment:

manysisters said...

awesome pix! go for all the cool things you can do in Japan, Laura---be my eyes! love you lots,,Juliemom