I got up today at 0 dark thirty because I could not for the life of me remember whether my appointment was today or tomorrow. It is tomorrow as my sister and I both thought but I wanted to confirm because the last time I was sure of when my appointment was I totally failed. lol So I got all paranoid and got up at the butt crack of dawn to call. So I get to get up again tomorrow but at least I know for sure I'm going somewhere at that hour. Which is not fun either. So I called and then I cleaned a bit, then I spent way too much time on the internet. Then I was about to get to reading my child psych book and Michelle called to see if I wanted to come to Sanwado with her to get puppy pads since her puppy (now officially named Roxy) might have a slight bladder infection. So I decided, a chance to see Roxy, hell yeah! And went with her.
Roxy slept on my lap on the way to drop her off at Michelle's. We put her in her kennel and then off we went to Sanwado. Not only did we get puppy pads we got this cool little thing for them. It's sort of like a cat box... but for dogs... and minus the litter. It has three pieces: a tray, a grate, and a top with snaps. You put the puppy pad on the tray and then the grate over it and the snap on the top. So dogs get on it and pee but it goes down through the grate onto the pad and then they don't get covered in their own urine. It's pretty sweet. They're going to use that to train her. Since she's a pet store puppy they tend to be harder to train so she's thinking this might help. I hope so. I know how frustrating it can be to potty train a puppy. So anyway, we got that stuff from Sanwado and then we went to Shiroi Mori (Cake House) for lunch because we are total sluts for cake house. :) lol Then we went and played with the puppy a bit and then she dropped me off at home. Now I will stop procrastinating and actually start homework.
I just need to do this week's assignment and then study for my final. He gave us a study guide to use so that's good. I'm so glad our final only covers chapters 11-15. Hopefully I do well on it. I need to re-read chapter 14 though. I had problems getting through it. I should probably go back through all of them. We'll see. I'm definitely going to look through and find all the answers for the study guide and study those. Anyway, before I go check out these super adorable pictures of Roxy.

Isn't she just so cute????? :D
I thought so too. <3 I puffy heart Roxy. Mmmkay, I'm going to stop procrastinating now.
"No, I need to B my L on someone's T's."
Peter Bretter (Jason Segel) Forgetting Sarah Marshall