I had a really embarrassing moment today.
As I'm getting ready to meet up with my key spouse to go with her to her son's T-ball game (to observe for my term paper) my home phone rings. I answer and the conversation goes as followed:
Man: I'm looking for Laura (my last name)
Me: Speaking.
Man: This is So&so from (hospital). You missed an appointment today so we need to reschedule.
Me: What? What appointment?
Man: The consult put in by (my new PCM) with (doctor name I don't recognize).
Me: I don't recall making that appointment. What was it for?
Man: Stress management.
Me: That is supposed to be with mental health.
Man: This is mental health.
Me: Well that appointment isn't until tomorrow.
Man: No ma'am, it was today.
Me: But it was for Friday.
Man: Today is Friday.
Me: *facepalm* Oh, my God! *hysterical laugher* I feel like an idiot! I am soooo sorry!
Man: It's okay, ma'am. We need to reschedule.
Me: Can I call back when I figure out what is going on.
Man: Sure. Are you thinking of hurting yourself or anyone else.
Me: ... No. (Thinking wtf?)
Man: Okay, call back whenever and reschedule.
I didn't know until later that at mental health they have to ask that question so I was like geez, just because I'm crazy and don't know what is going on in my life doesn't mean I'm a suicidal homicidal maniac. lol I feel like such a jackass though. I really hope my husband doesn't get in trouble for that.
Obviously it is ultimately my responsibility but in my defense I told them when they called the first time (on Monday last week) that I was in the middle of a really important school paper and I wanted to make the appointment for after it was completed and that was when we scheduled it. Then they call back on Tuesday this week and tell me I can't have that appointment and that their only afternoon appointment was this Friday. So it was short notice and I was trying to do all my observations this week so I totally spaced. Ugh... I'm going to call them on Monday and let them know I'm scheduling it after my term paper is done because school is my #1 priority.
So anyway, Sunday Michelle and Gian and some of their friend's and I are going out to Hachinohe for the Nebuta festival. I'm really excited about it. I'll have to take lots of pictures. I will post them when I can. I'm going to force myself to sleep so I can adjust my schedule because apparently mental health is only open for appointments at freakin 8am. :s So g'night.
"Is that so Rambo?"
Connor McManus (Sean Patrick Flanery) Boondock Saints
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Over the weekend
Michelle, Gian, some friend's of thiers, and myself went to this festival that was right outside the main gate. I forgot my camera so I stole all these pictures from Michelle. Check these out.

There was the dance show, the cool decorations, and food... lots of food. It was like this festival was just an excuse to sell food on the street. lol Oh and that picture of me was basically just a picture of that Japanese girl. :)
Other than that festival and going to the bowling alley a couple times I've pretty much sat around watching NCIS.
Today I went to the Youth Center for some observations for my term paper. I'm going to call my key spouse and see if I can tag along to one of her son's baseball games to observe there and then maybe just observe her children at her house sometime. Maybe go to a park too. Nothing conclusive as of now. Stay tuned. Maybe I'll even post my paper as a blog, if I think it's that good. :p
But now I'm probably going to go back to watching NCIS. So enjoy... or be horrified by this video courtesy of collegehumor.com.
"I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany."
Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

There was the dance show, the cool decorations, and food... lots of food. It was like this festival was just an excuse to sell food on the street. lol Oh and that picture of me was basically just a picture of that Japanese girl. :)
Other than that festival and going to the bowling alley a couple times I've pretty much sat around watching NCIS.
Today I went to the Youth Center for some observations for my term paper. I'm going to call my key spouse and see if I can tag along to one of her son's baseball games to observe there and then maybe just observe her children at her house sometime. Maybe go to a park too. Nothing conclusive as of now. Stay tuned. Maybe I'll even post my paper as a blog, if I think it's that good. :p
But now I'm probably going to go back to watching NCIS. So enjoy... or be horrified by this video courtesy of collegehumor.com.
"I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany."
Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Woo hoo!!!!
For a number of reasons!!
1. It was the last day of Japanese
2. I got a 99% on my Japanese final
3. We went to Cake House to celebrate and had an amazing lunch
4. I figured out my subject for my term paper for child psych
5. I figured out and enrolled in what I want to take next semester
Also, the coffee thing with the OHO ladies was cool. A couple weren't able to come. I think we'll do it again sometime soon so we're able to get everyone together. We may need to get coffee and then go somewhere a little bigger so the kids can play. I felt bad they were stuck in a little area with us. :p
Tomorrow I'm actually going to try to make it to legal. We'll see how that works. :) I'm going to stop by the Youth Center and pick up their schedule to see if there is anything I think would help with my term paper. It's on gender stereotypes, similarities, and differences. Now I'm going to eat, read, and watch some NCIS.
"That's uh... gross, doctor."
Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) NCIS
1. It was the last day of Japanese
2. I got a 99% on my Japanese final
3. We went to Cake House to celebrate and had an amazing lunch
4. I figured out my subject for my term paper for child psych
5. I figured out and enrolled in what I want to take next semester
Also, the coffee thing with the OHO ladies was cool. A couple weren't able to come. I think we'll do it again sometime soon so we're able to get everyone together. We may need to get coffee and then go somewhere a little bigger so the kids can play. I felt bad they were stuck in a little area with us. :p
Tomorrow I'm actually going to try to make it to legal. We'll see how that works. :) I'm going to stop by the Youth Center and pick up their schedule to see if there is anything I think would help with my term paper. It's on gender stereotypes, similarities, and differences. Now I'm going to eat, read, and watch some NCIS.
"That's uh... gross, doctor."
Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) NCIS
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The past couple days
have been pretty boring. I still haven't figured out what to write about for child psych. Hopefully my sister will be able to help me choose a topic. I did get my midterm grade back. I got a B. So that's pretty cool.
Last night Michelle and I made practice tests for each other for Japanese since we didn't receive a study guide yesterday. We did them this morning before class. We both got the chance to see what we really need to focus on. We ended up getting a study guide type thing today and we did it after watching Army Wives. Hopefully that will be mostly what is on the test because that is what our teacher has been stressing. I hope we're not focusing on something for nothing. So I guess we will see tomorrow.
Tomorrow Michelle and I will be studying a bit before class again. We have the first part of our final tomorrow. Then we'll study a little more for the second half while we wait at the cafe for the ladies we're having coffee with. Coffee should be a nice break. But I'll update then. I'm going to try and call my sister and then start getting ready to turn in for the night.
"For a crew that doesn't do any drugs you guys sure do a lot of drugs."
Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) NCIS
Last night Michelle and I made practice tests for each other for Japanese since we didn't receive a study guide yesterday. We did them this morning before class. We both got the chance to see what we really need to focus on. We ended up getting a study guide type thing today and we did it after watching Army Wives. Hopefully that will be mostly what is on the test because that is what our teacher has been stressing. I hope we're not focusing on something for nothing. So I guess we will see tomorrow.
Tomorrow Michelle and I will be studying a bit before class again. We have the first part of our final tomorrow. Then we'll study a little more for the second half while we wait at the cafe for the ladies we're having coffee with. Coffee should be a nice break. But I'll update then. I'm going to try and call my sister and then start getting ready to turn in for the night.
"For a crew that doesn't do any drugs you guys sure do a lot of drugs."
Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) NCIS
Friday, July 17, 2009
And it begins...
Uber stressed out time is what I'm talking about. I just got the guidelines for my term paper and I gotta admit I'm a little bit scared. I finished my midterm, that didn't seem too painful but I guess I'll see when I get my grade back. So today I'm going to attempt to do this weeks discussion for child psych and study for Japanese a bit. Michelle and I will be reviewing tomorrow. I'm also going to go through my book and try to find a topic for my paper. Something that I can observe naturally as well as find research for. :s
I'm definitely looking forward to coffee on Wed with the OHO ladies. It will be nice to get my mind off of school for a little bit. I'm definitely going to need a massage after this semester. I'm still debating on what to take for fall. I guess I need to get cracking on figuring that out too. Ugh... my head is going to explode.
Well, time to get crackin.
"Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?"
Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) Zoolander
I'm definitely looking forward to coffee on Wed with the OHO ladies. It will be nice to get my mind off of school for a little bit. I'm definitely going to need a massage after this semester. I'm still debating on what to take for fall. I guess I need to get cracking on figuring that out too. Ugh... my head is going to explode.
Well, time to get crackin.
"Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?"
Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) Zoolander
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I'm so effen tired!
Ugh!!! I'm pretty sure I'm adjusting to my medication I started yesterday but ugh... I hope it doesn't stay like this. Since I've been stressed out and eating like crap my fibromyalgia pain has worsened. I've decided to go the medication route until I can get into some sort of a schedule. It's been difficult though.
Things are starting to peak at school. We'll be having our Japanese midterm soon so Michelle and I will be going over stuff as much as we can. See if we actually retained anything. :s I've got my midterm in child psych and we'll be starting on our term papers. Busy, busy, busy...
So I decided to finish Breaking Dawn so I wouldn't have any distractions. lol No I'm full of it, I was already so close though, I figured, why not? So I'm done with that. I have started NCIS over but I'm going to take it really slow. Only one to two episodes a night so I'll be ready to watch season five by the time Sky gets home. :) I'm so excited! I've been dying for us to catch up. I can't wait to just curl up on the couch and watch TV with him again.
Things will probably be pretty boring. Next week the OHO ladies who live here are all going to get together for coffee. So that should be fun. That and lunch on Friday is pretty much all I'm looking forward to for a while. But I'm going to watch my second episode of NCIS tonight and then get ready for bed. Oyasumi.
" True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend..."
Mitch Martin (Luke Wilson) Old School
Things are starting to peak at school. We'll be having our Japanese midterm soon so Michelle and I will be going over stuff as much as we can. See if we actually retained anything. :s I've got my midterm in child psych and we'll be starting on our term papers. Busy, busy, busy...
So I decided to finish Breaking Dawn so I wouldn't have any distractions. lol No I'm full of it, I was already so close though, I figured, why not? So I'm done with that. I have started NCIS over but I'm going to take it really slow. Only one to two episodes a night so I'll be ready to watch season five by the time Sky gets home. :) I'm so excited! I've been dying for us to catch up. I can't wait to just curl up on the couch and watch TV with him again.
Things will probably be pretty boring. Next week the OHO ladies who live here are all going to get together for coffee. So that should be fun. That and lunch on Friday is pretty much all I'm looking forward to for a while. But I'm going to watch my second episode of NCIS tonight and then get ready for bed. Oyasumi.
" True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend..."
Mitch Martin (Luke Wilson) Old School
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Last night
I had a blast at the movies. My only disappointment of the night was the food we got at the Mokuteki. I got the same thing I get all the time and last night it was just disappointing. :( That made me sad. But other than that it was a good night. We both really enjoyed The Proposal. It was very cute. Obviously it's predictable but it's cool, I still liked it. I can go ahead and freely admit it was not bad seeing Ryan Reynold's in the nude! Sandra Bullock looked great too. I hope I look like her when I'm her age! I think she's gorgeous, she's one of my favorite actresses. So I could be biased about that movie because I love those two and Betty White! And she was, of course, awesome.
The Soloist was a little depressing. I wish they would have played that first. It was still good though. I thought Jamie Foxx did amazing. Robert Downey Jr. was incredible as well, obviously. Not to mention really, really ridiculously good looking. :)
Anyway, today I did some homework that I was slacking on a little. I also made my house fairly presentable since I have a friend coming over tonight and I need to start getting this place super presentable for homecoming! Its still a while away but if I keep procrastinating I'll get done at the last second. lol Ugh... I really need to stop that. In fact, I think I'll start trying to get ahead. :) But before that, enjoy these amazing yet disturbing images. NSFW or children.

They were playing vollyball. lol Sorry, I had to see it and now you do too!
"What's a fuckass?"
Samantha Darko (Daveigh Chase) Donnie Darko
The Soloist was a little depressing. I wish they would have played that first. It was still good though. I thought Jamie Foxx did amazing. Robert Downey Jr. was incredible as well, obviously. Not to mention really, really ridiculously good looking. :)
Anyway, today I did some homework that I was slacking on a little. I also made my house fairly presentable since I have a friend coming over tonight and I need to start getting this place super presentable for homecoming! Its still a while away but if I keep procrastinating I'll get done at the last second. lol Ugh... I really need to stop that. In fact, I think I'll start trying to get ahead. :) But before that, enjoy these amazing yet disturbing images. NSFW or children.
They were playing vollyball. lol Sorry, I had to see it and now you do too!
"What's a fuckass?"
Samantha Darko (Daveigh Chase) Donnie Darko
Friday, July 10, 2009
I got a 92.something or other on my LIBS final. Now I just have to finish the Research Log Project 2 and email that one and the one that's already done to my instructor and I will be done with LIBS! Japanese ends soon too. I'm still trying to decide what to take. I'm very likely taking Japanese. I'm in absolutely no rush to take biology. I guess I'll just have to figure out an online class to take. The speech one I have in my "career plan" isn't an online course so I guess I'll see if they will let me change it and I'll just do that.
I finished Eclipse last night and started Breaking Dawn today but I haven't read much. I'm having problems sitting still. I guess it's because I'm stoked to see the movies with a friend tonight and I'm feeling a lot better. My throat is still a bit sore and I'm still having to blow my nose every five seconds but I'm not feeling nearly as terrible as I did last night. I must have gotten decent sleep.
I'd like to talk to my hubby but I'm not sure where he is. He was going to a BBQ but I thought he would be back by now. I keep forgetting it's Saturday. You would think I would know what day it is considering I go to classes on site now. Somehow I just always know when I have to be a school though. Speaking of which, I do have some homework I can do I guess... but I'm really not wanting to. Maybe I'll just do it tomorrow and give myself a freebie today to have fun and relax. lol I just realized I'm having this mental debate in my blog. I'm such a loser. Or at least I would be if I weren't so awesome. :D I'm kidding... some. God, I'm hilarious.
"What made you want to become a policeman-officer?"
Danny Butterman (Nick Frost) Hot Fuzz
I finished Eclipse last night and started Breaking Dawn today but I haven't read much. I'm having problems sitting still. I guess it's because I'm stoked to see the movies with a friend tonight and I'm feeling a lot better. My throat is still a bit sore and I'm still having to blow my nose every five seconds but I'm not feeling nearly as terrible as I did last night. I must have gotten decent sleep.
I'd like to talk to my hubby but I'm not sure where he is. He was going to a BBQ but I thought he would be back by now. I keep forgetting it's Saturday. You would think I would know what day it is considering I go to classes on site now. Somehow I just always know when I have to be a school though. Speaking of which, I do have some homework I can do I guess... but I'm really not wanting to. Maybe I'll just do it tomorrow and give myself a freebie today to have fun and relax. lol I just realized I'm having this mental debate in my blog. I'm such a loser. Or at least I would be if I weren't so awesome. :D I'm kidding... some. God, I'm hilarious.
"What made you want to become a policeman-officer?"
Danny Butterman (Nick Frost) Hot Fuzz
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Hangover
Was hilarious! I'm really glad I went to see it even though I felt really crappy. Unfortunatley I still feel really crappy. I was going to go to legal today but I guess that will have to wait until next Friday. I'm just going to stay in and do homework. Maybe finish Eclipse if I get around to it. I'm almost done. If I had the time to just sit down and read I would probably be done with both of them by now. Oh well. I'll finish them soon enough.
Sorry this post is so short but I need to get food and start homework so I can go to sleep early. I have class at 9am tomorrow and I have to go to that. And I'm totally not missing The Proposal or The Soloist which is tomorrow night. :)
"I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart."
-Albany Bach Reid
Sorry this post is so short but I need to get food and start homework so I can go to sleep early. I have class at 9am tomorrow and I have to go to that. And I'm totally not missing The Proposal or The Soloist which is tomorrow night. :)
"I think about you constantly, whether it's with my mind or my heart."
-Albany Bach Reid
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Oh man
I feel like crap. My throat is sore and my head is throbbing. And to top it off I went to the gym yesterday with Michelle and Gian so I'm incredibly sore. :s I soooooooooooo don't want to go to class today. But I'm going to. Michelle was wanting to go to the beach after class if it was as nice out today as it was yesterday but from the looks of it we might have to wait until tomorrow. Although the weather here is pretty unpredictable so who knows.
I need to go to verizon and the commisarry today. Food is pretty much my only motivation to move today. :(
Ok... I'm too sore and tired to keep whining so bye.
"I'm directly underneath enemy scrotum."
Agent Simmons (John Turturro) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I need to go to verizon and the commisarry today. Food is pretty much my only motivation to move today. :(
Ok... I'm too sore and tired to keep whining so bye.
"I'm directly underneath enemy scrotum."
Agent Simmons (John Turturro) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Friday, July 3, 2009
At a Japanese theater... and it was awesome. I love this country! It's expensive to see a movie off base and I might not do it often but Sky and I definitely have to at least once when he gets home. There was some amusing pre-movie stuff.
The rest of the weekend will probably just be filled with homework and studying. We have another Japanese quiz on Monday. I'm also going to try and get through Eclipse this weekend I think. I might not be able to though. Ugh, I really need to clean too. :s
I'm still super boring. lol I'm hoping to add some yoga to my weekly routine starting Monday. I got workout clothes from my sister. She's been super awesome and sending me stuff. Speaking of which, I really need to fold my laundry. :p I got some yoga stuff from the BX the other day. I got a mat, block, and strap in one set and then a fitness ball and two 2lb medicine balls in another set. My uncle got me the MTV fitness four pack so I'll be doing some of that and maybe check out the video that came with my yoga mat set.
I can't wait until my husband comes home! He'll help motivate me to use the treadmill. I freakin hate running with a passion. I'll need a babysitter until I get into the habit of it. I need to do something though because with all the stress of school and the fact I can't cook so I'm eating like crap has caused my body aches to worsen. I really need to work on that. Peggy and her husband went on the South Beach Diet and it seems to be working out for them so Sky and I will try doing that a while after he gets home. Not immediately because he'll want to go places (like Sukiya) for a while first. So I'm hoping that will work. I don't want to lose any weight really I just want to lose fat. Anyway, I'll keep you in the loop. Hopefully I can actually commit. lol Tired. Bed. Oyasumi!
"If you don't have a drummer, then why do you have drums you fistful of assholes?"
Norah (Kat Dennings) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
The rest of the weekend will probably just be filled with homework and studying. We have another Japanese quiz on Monday. I'm also going to try and get through Eclipse this weekend I think. I might not be able to though. Ugh, I really need to clean too. :s
I'm still super boring. lol I'm hoping to add some yoga to my weekly routine starting Monday. I got workout clothes from my sister. She's been super awesome and sending me stuff. Speaking of which, I really need to fold my laundry. :p I got some yoga stuff from the BX the other day. I got a mat, block, and strap in one set and then a fitness ball and two 2lb medicine balls in another set. My uncle got me the MTV fitness four pack so I'll be doing some of that and maybe check out the video that came with my yoga mat set.
I can't wait until my husband comes home! He'll help motivate me to use the treadmill. I freakin hate running with a passion. I'll need a babysitter until I get into the habit of it. I need to do something though because with all the stress of school and the fact I can't cook so I'm eating like crap has caused my body aches to worsen. I really need to work on that. Peggy and her husband went on the South Beach Diet and it seems to be working out for them so Sky and I will try doing that a while after he gets home. Not immediately because he'll want to go places (like Sukiya) for a while first. So I'm hoping that will work. I don't want to lose any weight really I just want to lose fat. Anyway, I'll keep you in the loop. Hopefully I can actually commit. lol Tired. Bed. Oyasumi!
"If you don't have a drummer, then why do you have drums you fistful of assholes?"
Norah (Kat Dennings) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm super hungry
And tired... and not wanting to do anything. :p I've been all whiney this week. I just want to crawl into bed with my hubby and do nothing! I can't wait until he comes home.
I'm still incredibly boring. I've still just pretty much been up to school and all that. I did watch a movie with Airman last night. We watched Office Space (yes I just watched it with Peggy but that movie is awesome). I've showed four people that movie since I've been here. I'm spreading the awesomeness.
Ugh... I need to clean and do loads of homework. :s I'll be back.
"They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart. They want to change things."
Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) Donnie Darko
I'm still incredibly boring. I've still just pretty much been up to school and all that. I did watch a movie with Airman last night. We watched Office Space (yes I just watched it with Peggy but that movie is awesome). I've showed four people that movie since I've been here. I'm spreading the awesomeness.
Ugh... I need to clean and do loads of homework. :s I'll be back.
"They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart. They want to change things."
Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) Donnie Darko
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