Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have been eating like absolute crap. I really need to quit that. Like... now. lol My sister just shipped the workout clothes she bought me so when I receive them and get my yoga mat and fitness ball it's time to get serious. Really... this time... I'm such a loser. lol

I've been procrastinating my butt off. I didn't want to read my child psych book so much that I actually cleaned almost the entire house. At least I've been productive though. I need to do the kitchen soon though, too tired to finish it tonight. And I'll need to mop. But I vacuumed and picked up stuff. I'm really hoping to have the house done before Sky gets home. I think it would be nice. It would be really different but at least he'd no longer have to hear me complain about the house... until we move that is. :p

Did you know that using newspaper to wipe down mirrors and windows actually doesn't leave any streaks? It actually works. I tried it today. No more paper towels for me. Plus, its more abrasive so I think it actually gets all the junk off too. Awesome.

My back hurts so I'm going to go sit on my couch and watch Scrubs.

"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
- Rita Rudner


Anonymous said...

(Hey! Kmko27 from OHO. Got your blog from your signature.) I hear you on the workout front. I have printouts of the three (only three!) short workouts I want to start doing, and I have had these printouts for months and have done nothing. I'm totally slacking. One day I'll have the motivation! :)

Michelle said...

Yeah you do, you are a bad influence on my diet. HEHE

I use to do that all the time ... I like to call it productive procrastination!
What do you mean by you need to finish the house before Sky gets home? What are you doing to it?