Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm so annoyed >_<

It's a gorgeous day outside and I'm stuck inside doing homework... so again >_<

Misawa is just screwing with me. I swear. :s I did finish all the Scrubs I had but now I'm confused. I need to order the 8th season but it doesn't come out until August 25th. I also seem to remember an episode that I didn't see on the DVDs I have so either I'm imagining things or I missed an episode or something. I don't know. I'll be watching them again anyway, we'll see.

Ugh, I've been so... mean lately. I don't know what it is. I'm so done with my hubby being gone, that's definitely a big part of it. On one hand I'm a little glad he's got a while left because I'd like to get everything done that I can (like getting bedding for both rooms that match our curtains because I'm anal. I also want to hang all the wall decor that I have and maybe get some lamps or something) but I want him home more! Also I'm debating whether or not to take next semester off for when Sky comes home. On one time I really want to so we can spend as much time together as possible but on the other hand I'd really like to get as much done while were here which means taking as many classes as much as possible. But I was thinking if I took the semester off as soon as he starts work again I could just study and try to test out of a/some class(es). We'll see. Maybe I'll base it on whether I'll receive tuition assistance from somewhere other than the Financial Aid that I'm receiving 6K from.

Well I suppose I should get back to homworking...

"Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks."
General "Buck" Turgidson (George C. Scott) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Mean, eh? Oh I can't wait to pick you up Monday! lol