Saturday: We were planning on leaving at 0930 and we were going to go to the ATM and get yen and everything. So the night before I set my alarm for 0700... and 0710... and 0730... AND I asked my sister to call me at 0800 to make sure I was up. So what happens? I wake up to the doorbell ringing at 0930 (yeah... thanks Desiree :p) I bolt out of bed and run to get the door. I open it and very sheepishly announce to Michelle that I slept through ALL my alarms and that I would only be a minute. (Good thing I showered Friday night) So I rush around and get ready and then we head out. We get on the road a full half hour late. Yeah... I felt like an asshole. They're super cool though so they only made fun of me a little. :D
So we get to the aquarium and we were given little flyers that show everything we can see and we saw that the Jumping Dolphins show was starting. So we go over to the theater and it is PACKED. It was about 1130. So we talked about what to do and just decided we would catch the 1300 showing. So we walked around. It was quite a small aquarium but it had a lot of really cool, really strange, and really ugly things. (I'll post a few pictures below) So we saw pretty much everything including the Jumping Dolphin show and the Sea Otter feeding show (they're super cute by the way). We got a couple videos of the dolphins and the sea otters as well as some of the sea lions (including one where a sea lion was chasing it's own tail, it was rather amusing.) So here, enjoy some random out of order pictures with no captions. :D
So there was the Asamushi Aquarium.
After that we went back to my house so I could pick up some stuff and stay at their place. We went and hung out there a while and then we headed to a Chinese restaurant that I can't remember the name of. It was pretty good. The only problems I had was the lack of stuff in the fried wontons (they had like tiny pieces of chicken in the very corner) and the fact that they were pricey. But the food was yummy. After we ate we went back to their house and played some poker and scrabble. We played poker first. Two games, the first game Michelle won and the second one I won. Then Gian won at scrabble (by like... a lot lol). Then we watched Scrubs and passed out.
Sunday: We woke up and bummed around watching more Scrubs. Then we finally got up and went to the commissary (which was super crowded and lame) and then I dropped my stuff off at home really quick and they dropped me off at the theater where I met up with Peggy and FINALLY watched Star Trek... and it was EFFEN AWESOME!!! I would have sat straight through a second showing if there was one! We've pretty much decided to see it again. Maybe I can understand more of what Chekov is saying. :p Srsly... that movie rocks. Go see it. (Yeah, you too Danielle and Michelle!! lol)
So now I'm going to do some homework since I start Japanese tomorrow. I'll try and do cleaning too. So... later!
"Damnit man! I'm a doctor, not a physicist!"
McCoy (Karl Urban) Star Trek