I know it's been a LONG time since I've blogged. My bad yo... I've been slackin. My last update was Thanksgiving. So here is what I can remember in chronological order.
November 27 was the 35th AMXS Holiday party. We had fun, there was a band. Sky had some drinks and I was his DD for the night. We didn't win anything unfortunately but it's cool, we still had some fun. Gian participated in a singing contest and won. It was pretty awesome. Gian and Michelle left pretty early so they didn't see the band. Sky and I decided to stay and we're pretty amused and shocked by some of the drunk people. So that was that.
On December 1 Sky left for Singapore for a TDY. He had a great time. He was pool or beach side practically the entire three weeks he was there. Color me jealous. I was up here freezing my arse off. lol I'm only slightly bitter, I promise. Anyway, while he was there he got his incentive flight and he had a blast. He also had some great food and some great memories. He only came back with a few battle wounds. He injured his foot a little surfing and he busted his nose doing a dive. While he was gone I just hung out with some friends and worked on school work.
Sky got back on the 19 of December and that is when my school break started. He got the week off from work as well so we really enjoyed our time off together. Before he left for Singapore we got really into "How I Met Your Mother." We had watched the first two seasons before he left and we rented the third when he got back and we couldn't find the fourth to rent... and that brings us to Christmas!
Christmas was fantastic! We got seasons 1-4 of "How I Met Your Mother" from Sky's parents. They also sent Sky the first two seasons of "Metalocalypse" and me the entire series of "My So-Called Life" (which I'm watching now actually :D). We also received their box of EPICNESS today that included Christmas peeps, pirate booty, Day of the Dead stuff, and my absolute favorite item EPIC lip balm. (Shown Below)

We had an excellent Christmas and I hope that everyone else had one as wonderful as ours. Following our opening of presents we had a pot luck with some friends in a rec room in the bottom of our neighboring tower. We had some good food and had a great time. My ham came out pretty good. I thought with all he stuff included in the recipe it would be a little different but it mostly tasted like ham. lol So we ate and hung out and played some Pictionary, which is always fun.
After a few people left a couple of other friends came by the house and hung out for a bit and then after one of them left (after a very amusing battle with the chain lock on our door) we and our other friend went out. We went to a hookah bar called Karma and shared a cherry and grenadine sheesha hookah. Then we went to the bar My Place where the guys sang some karaoke. We got home at around 3 where we talked to family and then finally went to bed.
Since then I've just been relaxing and not wanting to work on school. lol I'll probably start tomorrow. We're working with Access... ugh... Seriously. Anyway, I'm out of practice so my hands are starting to hurt. :p So here, enjoy pictures of my Christmas tree because I'm proud of myself!

"We're building an igloo in Central Park! It's going to be legendary! Snow-suit up!"
Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) How I Met Your Mother