I got my Japanese midterm grade back. I'm a little upset. I made a mistake so I didn't get 100%. It wasn't a careless mistake but it was something I shouldn't have missed or at least something I should have caught when I went back over it. I used the wrong tense. :s It makes me sad faced.
The fall classes are up. I think I'll take JAPN 112 on site and SPCH 125 online and then study for the IFSM DSST for the first part of fall. Unless Michelle decides she wants to take BIO the first half of the fall because I'd like to take that with her. It's nice knowing someone in class and having someone to study with. I'm really enjoying us being in Japanese together.
Anyway, I've got a lot to do so... bye...
"Uh-oh. Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.:
Female Temp (Jennifer Jane Emerson) Office Space
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
My, my...
Busy weekend. And so much to do... Ugh...
Friday, I did some homework and then that nice Airman who saved Sky and I when we first moved here called which was good because I hadn't seen him in forever. We talked on the phone a while and then he came by to see what I did with the house. I found out he hadn't seen a ton of awesome movies so as soon as he heals from getting his wisdom teeth pulled I'm forcing him to watch like everything I own. But Friday we started with Clerks. About twenty minutes in I realized I was starving so we went and got a large pizza which the two of us destroyed. After he left I talked to Sky for a bit before heading to bed early since I had class Saturday morning.
I woke up at 0700 (with the help of my wonderful sister who has been my alarm clock for far too long :s Sorry Des) for class. Got ready and then walked over and damn was it hot. I was in class until about 11. It was supposed to last until 1 but he let us leave when we were done. I'm mad at myself for rushing because I made a careless mistake that cost me my A on the quiz we took. I was just trying to get out of there before it was too hot to walk home but I should have at least checked my answers. I would have caught it if I did. At least I learnd from my mistake. It won't happen again. Anyway, I was supposed to stay at Peggy's and watch a movie but the Airman was having a BBQ and I had been promising him that I would go to one of them forever so I was torn. When I got home from class I called Peggy and asked if she just wanted to do an early movie. She agreed and came to get me. She needed to stop by a Daiso (100yen store) so she could get something and we just decided to go to the mall and get lunch as well since she knew what she needed was there. I was explaining to her why I wasn't going to stay over and then she guilted me for about five seconds before I gave. :p Apparently Jewish people are good at guilting people into stuff. So we finished up at the mall, went to her house to watch Chaplin (which she gave me, thanks again!), then we stopped my her neighbor's place (she was going to babysit and I was going to hang out with her while she was doing so and watch a second movie) and talked about what time they needed us. Then I contacted the Airman and told him we'd come but we'd be late. So after we got the night figured out we went and got food then came back and watched the kids while watching Office Space (which she hadn't seen. Blasphemy, right?) then when her neighbor's got home we headed to the BBQ. It was about 2100. We hung out there for about an hour before we came back and got in her neighbor's hot tub. We stayed in there until like midnight just hanging out. I drank an entire beer to myself! I know that seems trivial but for me to actually have a BEER is a very big accomplishment. lol Anyway, we finally called it a night a little after midnight.
Now I have oodles of homework to do but I had fun. Peggy's husband is coming home tomorrow so we probably won't do something like that again for at least a few weeks. I'm glad I didn't miss out on it. Anyway, time to get productive.
"We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison."
Michael Bolton (David Herman) Office Space
Friday, I did some homework and then that nice Airman who saved Sky and I when we first moved here called which was good because I hadn't seen him in forever. We talked on the phone a while and then he came by to see what I did with the house. I found out he hadn't seen a ton of awesome movies so as soon as he heals from getting his wisdom teeth pulled I'm forcing him to watch like everything I own. But Friday we started with Clerks. About twenty minutes in I realized I was starving so we went and got a large pizza which the two of us destroyed. After he left I talked to Sky for a bit before heading to bed early since I had class Saturday morning.
I woke up at 0700 (with the help of my wonderful sister who has been my alarm clock for far too long :s Sorry Des) for class. Got ready and then walked over and damn was it hot. I was in class until about 11. It was supposed to last until 1 but he let us leave when we were done. I'm mad at myself for rushing because I made a careless mistake that cost me my A on the quiz we took. I was just trying to get out of there before it was too hot to walk home but I should have at least checked my answers. I would have caught it if I did. At least I learnd from my mistake. It won't happen again. Anyway, I was supposed to stay at Peggy's and watch a movie but the Airman was having a BBQ and I had been promising him that I would go to one of them forever so I was torn. When I got home from class I called Peggy and asked if she just wanted to do an early movie. She agreed and came to get me. She needed to stop by a Daiso (100yen store) so she could get something and we just decided to go to the mall and get lunch as well since she knew what she needed was there. I was explaining to her why I wasn't going to stay over and then she guilted me for about five seconds before I gave. :p Apparently Jewish people are good at guilting people into stuff. So we finished up at the mall, went to her house to watch Chaplin (which she gave me, thanks again!), then we stopped my her neighbor's place (she was going to babysit and I was going to hang out with her while she was doing so and watch a second movie) and talked about what time they needed us. Then I contacted the Airman and told him we'd come but we'd be late. So after we got the night figured out we went and got food then came back and watched the kids while watching Office Space (which she hadn't seen. Blasphemy, right?) then when her neighbor's got home we headed to the BBQ. It was about 2100. We hung out there for about an hour before we came back and got in her neighbor's hot tub. We stayed in there until like midnight just hanging out. I drank an entire beer to myself! I know that seems trivial but for me to actually have a BEER is a very big accomplishment. lol Anyway, we finally called it a night a little after midnight.
Now I have oodles of homework to do but I had fun. Peggy's husband is coming home tomorrow so we probably won't do something like that again for at least a few weeks. I'm glad I didn't miss out on it. Anyway, time to get productive.
"We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison."
Michael Bolton (David Herman) Office Space
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I have the greatest husband ever! I haven't been the easiest person to deal with during this deployment (hell, I'm not the easiest person to live with either) but despite my crazy, he loves me. He loves me unconditionally. His heart warms mine (not literally though, because that would be gross) and he can always make me smile. It may take a little longer when he's not here beside me but he can always do it. It comforts me knowing he's always there, even when he's not physically. I love you honey, and I can't wait until you get home.
I know that was some lame touchy stuff but whatev. It's true. :D
Moving on to less lovey-dovey stuff. I have a pretty uneventful day planned. I'm going to do homework and clean. Maybe watch a movie. I may finally watch Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Or maybe I'll start Charmed. Its not close enough to homecoming to start NCIS over. I go through seasons like a crazy person. Sooo.... yeah... nothing terribly interesting today. I just pretty much wanted to gush about how my husband is cooler than yours. :p (Just kidding... sort of. :D)
"For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow."
-Rosemonde Gerard
I know that was some lame touchy stuff but whatev. It's true. :D
Moving on to less lovey-dovey stuff. I have a pretty uneventful day planned. I'm going to do homework and clean. Maybe watch a movie. I may finally watch Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Or maybe I'll start Charmed. Its not close enough to homecoming to start NCIS over. I go through seasons like a crazy person. Sooo.... yeah... nothing terribly interesting today. I just pretty much wanted to gush about how my husband is cooler than yours. :p (Just kidding... sort of. :D)
"For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow."
-Rosemonde Gerard
So... tired...
I'm super tired. And for no reason. :s We had the second half of our Japanese midterm today and I feel like I did fairly well. I guess we'll see on Monday.
I finished New Moon (for those of you who don't know it's the second book in the Twilight Saga). It was good enough. Bella annoyed me more this time, regardless I hope the movie is better than the first.
Anyway, I should have been doing homework today but I didn't want to use that much brain power so I did some but not as much as I would have liked. Peggy helped me escape and from then on I read New Moon until I was done. It's okay though, I have tomorrow.
I'm still dreading class on Saturday but here's hoping it won't be so bad. I'm going to go collapse into a coma though... Oyasumi.
"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why."
Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
I finished New Moon (for those of you who don't know it's the second book in the Twilight Saga). It was good enough. Bella annoyed me more this time, regardless I hope the movie is better than the first.
Anyway, I should have been doing homework today but I didn't want to use that much brain power so I did some but not as much as I would have liked. Peggy helped me escape and from then on I read New Moon until I was done. It's okay though, I have tomorrow.
I'm still dreading class on Saturday but here's hoping it won't be so bad. I'm going to go collapse into a coma though... Oyasumi.
"Doesn't that suck? I just hit you for no reason. I don't even know why."
Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Was the first part of our Japanese midterm. I think I did well. I guess only time will tell. We're doing the second half tomorrow which I think we just read and respond to the questions and stuff. I think all the listening stuff is over.
I'm extremely impressed with how quickly Michelle learned hiragana. We didn't study it as much as we should have but she picked it up so fast. The mnemonics really worked for her. She learned them in like two days. :D Now on to combined forms and katakana! *insert evil grin here*
Anyway, I finally started New Moon this morning. We'll see how long it takes me since I have child psyc and I start LIBS on Saturday. But I should eat and continue being productive.
"I'm fine... but Charlotte, maybe your "hmmm hmmm" would like an order of fries?"
Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) Sex and the City
I'm extremely impressed with how quickly Michelle learned hiragana. We didn't study it as much as we should have but she picked it up so fast. The mnemonics really worked for her. She learned them in like two days. :D Now on to combined forms and katakana! *insert evil grin here*
Anyway, I finally started New Moon this morning. We'll see how long it takes me since I have child psyc and I start LIBS on Saturday. But I should eat and continue being productive.
"I'm fine... but Charlotte, maybe your "hmmm hmmm" would like an order of fries?"
Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) Sex and the City
I'm still a little worried about how I'm going to handle my classes this semester but I think I'm just being a wuss. My LIBS class begins this Sat but then there's only one more class meeting and the rest is online. From what I understand its a fairly easy class. I'm hoping so because I feel like I'm struggling in Japanese and Child psych.
Michelle is going to come a little early tomorrow and we're going to brush up on stuff right before class. So hopefully that will help. I believe we're having the "Listening Comprehension" part of the exam tomorrow. I think I've got the hiragana part down. Pretty much the only ones I get confused with are "ne," "re," and "wa" and then "nu" and "me." But I think I've been going through them enough with Michelle that I have them down as well. At least I hope so. I don't think she'll be doing all 46 syllables anyway.
Anyway, I'm going to read... either my child psych book or New Moon, I'm not sure which yet. Maybe I'll just switch back and forth. :p
Speaking of Twilight if you have seen the movie and Buffy the Vampire Slayer enjoy this. Courtesy of Blip TV and Oh no they didn't. (Thanks to Desiree for sending it.)
"Sweetie, you shit your pants this year. Maybe you're done."
Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) Sex and the City (The Movie)
Michelle is going to come a little early tomorrow and we're going to brush up on stuff right before class. So hopefully that will help. I believe we're having the "Listening Comprehension" part of the exam tomorrow. I think I've got the hiragana part down. Pretty much the only ones I get confused with are "ne," "re," and "wa" and then "nu" and "me." But I think I've been going through them enough with Michelle that I have them down as well. At least I hope so. I don't think she'll be doing all 46 syllables anyway.
Anyway, I'm going to read... either my child psych book or New Moon, I'm not sure which yet. Maybe I'll just switch back and forth. :p
Speaking of Twilight if you have seen the movie and Buffy the Vampire Slayer enjoy this. Courtesy of Blip TV and Oh no they didn't. (Thanks to Desiree for sending it.)
"Sweetie, you shit your pants this year. Maybe you're done."
Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) Sex and the City (The Movie)
Monday, June 22, 2009
I just realized my LIBS 150 class starts this Saturday! :s I'm suddenly very annoyed. I have my Japanese midterm this week and I didn't get ahead nearly as much as I thought I would last weekend. I have to study for Japanese tonight. Ugh... I'm freaking out a bit here.
So I'm going to go ahead and try and read some Child psyc before class starts. I'll update when I've calmed down.
"Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age?"
-Erich Fromm
So I'm going to go ahead and try and read some Child psyc before class starts. I'll update when I've calmed down.
"Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age?"
-Erich Fromm
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I'm so annoyed >_<
It's a gorgeous day outside and I'm stuck inside doing homework... so again >_<
Misawa is just screwing with me. I swear. :s I did finish all the Scrubs I had but now I'm confused. I need to order the 8th season but it doesn't come out until August 25th. I also seem to remember an episode that I didn't see on the DVDs I have so either I'm imagining things or I missed an episode or something. I don't know. I'll be watching them again anyway, we'll see.
Ugh, I've been so... mean lately. I don't know what it is. I'm so done with my hubby being gone, that's definitely a big part of it. On one hand I'm a little glad he's got a while left because I'd like to get everything done that I can (like getting bedding for both rooms that match our curtains because I'm anal. I also want to hang all the wall decor that I have and maybe get some lamps or something) but I want him home more! Also I'm debating whether or not to take next semester off for when Sky comes home. On one time I really want to so we can spend as much time together as possible but on the other hand I'd really like to get as much done while were here which means taking as many classes as much as possible. But I was thinking if I took the semester off as soon as he starts work again I could just study and try to test out of a/some class(es). We'll see. Maybe I'll base it on whether I'll receive tuition assistance from somewhere other than the Financial Aid that I'm receiving 6K from.
Well I suppose I should get back to homworking...
"Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks."
General "Buck" Turgidson (George C. Scott) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Misawa is just screwing with me. I swear. :s I did finish all the Scrubs I had but now I'm confused. I need to order the 8th season but it doesn't come out until August 25th. I also seem to remember an episode that I didn't see on the DVDs I have so either I'm imagining things or I missed an episode or something. I don't know. I'll be watching them again anyway, we'll see.
Ugh, I've been so... mean lately. I don't know what it is. I'm so done with my hubby being gone, that's definitely a big part of it. On one hand I'm a little glad he's got a while left because I'd like to get everything done that I can (like getting bedding for both rooms that match our curtains because I'm anal. I also want to hang all the wall decor that I have and maybe get some lamps or something) but I want him home more! Also I'm debating whether or not to take next semester off for when Sky comes home. On one time I really want to so we can spend as much time together as possible but on the other hand I'd really like to get as much done while were here which means taking as many classes as much as possible. But I was thinking if I took the semester off as soon as he starts work again I could just study and try to test out of a/some class(es). We'll see. Maybe I'll base it on whether I'll receive tuition assistance from somewhere other than the Financial Aid that I'm receiving 6K from.
Well I suppose I should get back to homworking...
"Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks."
General "Buck" Turgidson (George C. Scott) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Friday, June 19, 2009
Watashi wa kyo Bazaar ni ikimasu.
I think I did that right (Danielle? Did I?) Anyway, it's supposed to say I went to the bazaar today, and frankly I have no clue if there is a Japanese equivalent to "bazaar." Anyway, the bazaar was alright. Smaller than I expected and I didn't end up buying anything. Peggy got two scarves though. They were nice. I thought about getting one but I don't wear the ones I have enough to convince myself that I would wear one if I bought it. I don't like things around my neck. But whatev...
I guess I should clear something up though, my sister isn't actually getting married. I just really love my "future brother in law" and project my strong feelings that they should get married. I figured if I just kept saying it eventually it will happen. :p Regardless, he's family and we're all very proud of him.
Well, I'm talking to Sky and then I have to eat and work on all my homework.
"You're my boy, Blue! You're my boy."
Frank AKA "Frank the Tank" (Will Ferrell) Old School
I guess I should clear something up though, my sister isn't actually getting married. I just really love my "future brother in law" and project my strong feelings that they should get married. I figured if I just kept saying it eventually it will happen. :p Regardless, he's family and we're all very proud of him.
Well, I'm talking to Sky and then I have to eat and work on all my homework.
"You're my boy, Blue! You're my boy."
Frank AKA "Frank the Tank" (Will Ferrell) Old School
Some random stuph
Still procrastinating. I've decided to stop that tomorrow though. Danielle might be able to come see me the first week of July so I'm going to try and get ahead this weekend so I can slack then. Seems like a good plan to me.
Congratulations to my future brother in law who just made TSgt!!! I'm so proud of you!
I think I might have some sort of parasite. I've been eating all day and I'm still starving. I'm just going to go to bed though. I know I shouldn't be eating right now.
Tomorrow Peggy and I are going to the bazaar so I'll post after that. I'll put up some of the things I'm wanting to get for my house also. It'll be fun!! And this way I can talk about it and not hear Sky talk about how he doesn't care. :p
"Either this kid has a lightbulb up his butt or his colon has a great idea."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
Congratulations to my future brother in law who just made TSgt!!! I'm so proud of you!
I think I might have some sort of parasite. I've been eating all day and I'm still starving. I'm just going to go to bed though. I know I shouldn't be eating right now.
Tomorrow Peggy and I are going to the bazaar so I'll post after that. I'll put up some of the things I'm wanting to get for my house also. It'll be fun!! And this way I can talk about it and not hear Sky talk about how he doesn't care. :p
"Either this kid has a lightbulb up his butt or his colon has a great idea."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I have been eating like absolute crap. I really need to quit that. Like... now. lol My sister just shipped the workout clothes she bought me so when I receive them and get my yoga mat and fitness ball it's time to get serious. Really... this time... I'm such a loser. lol
I've been procrastinating my butt off. I didn't want to read my child psych book so much that I actually cleaned almost the entire house. At least I've been productive though. I need to do the kitchen soon though, too tired to finish it tonight. And I'll need to mop. But I vacuumed and picked up stuff. I'm really hoping to have the house done before Sky gets home. I think it would be nice. It would be really different but at least he'd no longer have to hear me complain about the house... until we move that is. :p
Did you know that using newspaper to wipe down mirrors and windows actually doesn't leave any streaks? It actually works. I tried it today. No more paper towels for me. Plus, its more abrasive so I think it actually gets all the junk off too. Awesome.
My back hurts so I'm going to go sit on my couch and watch Scrubs.
"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
- Rita Rudner
I've been procrastinating my butt off. I didn't want to read my child psych book so much that I actually cleaned almost the entire house. At least I've been productive though. I need to do the kitchen soon though, too tired to finish it tonight. And I'll need to mop. But I vacuumed and picked up stuff. I'm really hoping to have the house done before Sky gets home. I think it would be nice. It would be really different but at least he'd no longer have to hear me complain about the house... until we move that is. :p
Did you know that using newspaper to wipe down mirrors and windows actually doesn't leave any streaks? It actually works. I tried it today. No more paper towels for me. Plus, its more abrasive so I think it actually gets all the junk off too. Awesome.
My back hurts so I'm going to go sit on my couch and watch Scrubs.
"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
- Rita Rudner
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I finally watched Marley & Me. It was sad... I miss my puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :(
I've been procrastinating and confused on my Child PSYC homework. Japanese is starting to get hard. We're in the numbers and the counting systems are crazy.
I'm wicked tired. My internet has been funky. Ever since the switch to Verizon people have been having issues. Let's hope they get all that worked out. I'm going to bed though. Oyasumi nasai!
"In your endo."
The Todd (Robert Maschio) Scrubs
I've been procrastinating and confused on my Child PSYC homework. Japanese is starting to get hard. We're in the numbers and the counting systems are crazy.
I'm wicked tired. My internet has been funky. Ever since the switch to Verizon people have been having issues. Let's hope they get all that worked out. I'm going to bed though. Oyasumi nasai!
"In your endo."
The Todd (Robert Maschio) Scrubs
Sunday, June 14, 2009
So I just watched the first episode (I think) of 16 and Pregnant on MTV.com. It was about a girl named Maci and her "fiance" Ryan. And I just have to say that Ryan is a total douche.
Anyway, last night I had a great time at Peggy's for her birthday. We ate entirely too much junk food. We watched Swingers (awesome movie), had sake, and went over and hung out in her neighbor's hot tub. It was a good night. She also made me an awesome breakfast this morning. After that she dropped me off at home where I talked to Sky for a while.
Around 6ish Michelle came and picked me up and we studied for our Japanese quiz that we'll take tomorrow. I also ate my weight in lumpia. lol Anyway, I'm le tired.
"Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to mime diarrhea?"
Dr. Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke) Scrubs
Anyway, last night I had a great time at Peggy's for her birthday. We ate entirely too much junk food. We watched Swingers (awesome movie), had sake, and went over and hung out in her neighbor's hot tub. It was a good night. She also made me an awesome breakfast this morning. After that she dropped me off at home where I talked to Sky for a while.
Around 6ish Michelle came and picked me up and we studied for our Japanese quiz that we'll take tomorrow. I also ate my weight in lumpia. lol Anyway, I'm le tired.
"Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to mime diarrhea?"
Dr. Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke) Scrubs
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Oh happy day!!!
Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my WONDERFUL Uncle!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I absolutely LOVE my PSYC Professor. He must know that (second to Kimmie) I'm like the most impatient person ever. He's already posted the grades for my final as well as my final grade in the class. I'm a little disappointed with how I did on the final though. I studied but I guess I just wasn't prepared. :( I did get an A in the class though so I'm very happy about that.
Anyway, going over to Michelle's soon for studying/homework/Army Wives. :D I'll blog again later... perhaps.
"I love this moment so much I want to have sex with it."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
OMG I absolutely LOVE my PSYC Professor. He must know that (second to Kimmie) I'm like the most impatient person ever. He's already posted the grades for my final as well as my final grade in the class. I'm a little disappointed with how I did on the final though. I studied but I guess I just wasn't prepared. :( I did get an A in the class though so I'm very happy about that.
Anyway, going over to Michelle's soon for studying/homework/Army Wives. :D I'll blog again later... perhaps.
"I love this moment so much I want to have sex with it."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
Well then...
I just took my PSYC final. And of course because I'm incredibly impatient I'm going to be on pins and needles until the grades post.
We're still working on numbers and money in Japanese class. We have a quiz on Monday for lessons 4 & 5. Michelle and I will be studying tomorrow and Sunday. Saturday I'm probably staying over at Peggy's. It's her birthday so we'll do a movie or something. We were going to go kareoke but since I'm not entirely positive I'm in the clear with this Financial Aid hiccup that will have to wait till another time.
Monday my Child PSYC class starts. I've already done a few things but I'll probably read a chapter or two on Sunday to get ahead. I certainly don't need to slack like I did in PSYC 100. :s Bad me. lol
We hope to finish Army Wives soon. I'm thinking I might just have to buy it soon. We shall see. They're not airing the third season here like we thought they would so I guess the internet it is. I'll have to locate that S-Video cable and Michelle and I will just have to hook up her laptop to one of our TVs.
Anyway, I'm tired of sitting in my computer chair.
"He doesn't know that I cry sometimes because I'm not sure if there's a cat heaven. Its all about hiding the crazy and acting like the most confident girl in the room."
Nurse Carla Espinosa (Judy Reyes) Scrubs
We're still working on numbers and money in Japanese class. We have a quiz on Monday for lessons 4 & 5. Michelle and I will be studying tomorrow and Sunday. Saturday I'm probably staying over at Peggy's. It's her birthday so we'll do a movie or something. We were going to go kareoke but since I'm not entirely positive I'm in the clear with this Financial Aid hiccup that will have to wait till another time.
Monday my Child PSYC class starts. I've already done a few things but I'll probably read a chapter or two on Sunday to get ahead. I certainly don't need to slack like I did in PSYC 100. :s Bad me. lol
We hope to finish Army Wives soon. I'm thinking I might just have to buy it soon. We shall see. They're not airing the third season here like we thought they would so I guess the internet it is. I'll have to locate that S-Video cable and Michelle and I will just have to hook up her laptop to one of our TVs.
Anyway, I'm tired of sitting in my computer chair.
"He doesn't know that I cry sometimes because I'm not sure if there's a cat heaven. Its all about hiding the crazy and acting like the most confident girl in the room."
Nurse Carla Espinosa (Judy Reyes) Scrubs
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
We are being taught numbers and time in Japanese. Which sucks because man am I bad at numbers... in all languages.
I believe the financial aid issue has been resolved. I'm still going to call and bother them until I see it on my account. I absolutely cannot afford to keep my Child PSYC class if this payment doesn't go through. It should be all good though. I corrected the typo and the term dates and now I know for next time to go over things and be more careful. I do need to change some things on my career plan though. I'll do that next term. I may take it off for when Sky gets back but I may not. We shall discuss.
I'm tired and need to clean.
"I've always wanted to be the father of a tiny gay sailor."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
I believe the financial aid issue has been resolved. I'm still going to call and bother them until I see it on my account. I absolutely cannot afford to keep my Child PSYC class if this payment doesn't go through. It should be all good though. I corrected the typo and the term dates and now I know for next time to go over things and be more careful. I do need to change some things on my career plan though. I'll do that next term. I may take it off for when Sky gets back but I may not. We shall discuss.
I'm tired and need to clean.
"I've always wanted to be the father of a tiny gay sailor."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
Monday, June 8, 2009
The nightmare continues!!!!!!!!! I finally got ahold of someone who might be able to help me so everyone keep your fingers crossed that I didn't screw myself over. I REALLY don't want to drop Child PSYC.
On the bright side Michelle rented the first disc of the second season of Army Wives and we watched it yesterday. After class we'll be getting the next two so maybe that'll cheer me up some.
Anyway, I've got stuff to do.
"Don't think, do."
Colonel Joan Burton (Wendy Davis) Army Wives
On the bright side Michelle rented the first disc of the second season of Army Wives and we watched it yesterday. After class we'll be getting the next two so maybe that'll cheer me up some.
Anyway, I've got stuff to do.
"Don't think, do."
Colonel Joan Burton (Wendy Davis) Army Wives
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I'm so mad!!! I really hope this doesn't effect my classes this summer!!!! *crosses fingers* I made a typo on my financial aid so now I might get boned. I really hope not though. I'm so mad at myself for not double checking!!! Grrrrr!!!!! Well, hopefully I can get a hold of someone tomorrow and I don't have to drop any of my classes.
About to start getting ready for Japanese. Michelle is going to pick me up early so we have more study time before the quiz. I just wanted to rant. Might post later.
"Your heart is breaking inside? ... That is so embarrassing for you."
Jordan Sullivan (Christa Miller) Scrubs
About to start getting ready for Japanese. Michelle is going to pick me up early so we have more study time before the quiz. I just wanted to rant. Might post later.
"Your heart is breaking inside? ... That is so embarrassing for you."
Jordan Sullivan (Christa Miller) Scrubs
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I'll start of with last night. I stayed over at Peggy's, we watched James Franco in Flyboys and Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus in The Boondock Saints. We also went over and scared the crap out of her neighbor and then played a couple rounds of darts. But it rained all last night as well as most of the day today so we didn't end up going to American day. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.
After Peggy dropped me off at home I talked to Sky for a bit. I started feeling pretty crappy so I went and bummed around on the couch and watched Scrubs. Then we talked again, then I ate and went back to Scrubs. I love that show. :D
Ugh... I feel so crappy though. Physically and emotionally. I am sooooooo ready for Sky to just be home already. It seems like the days are getting longer the closer we get to him coming home. I've been so distracted I haven't really studied for my PSYC final. I'm glad I set it for the 11th. Wah!!! I MISS MY HUBBY!!! :(
...Mmmmkay... done bein a girl... for now.
Mata ne.
"Heaven help me. I love newbie theater. Honest, I do. Its the way you both play your parts with such wonderful commitment that almost had me believing that you aren't having whiny, neurotic, extremely pale sex with each other."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
After Peggy dropped me off at home I talked to Sky for a bit. I started feeling pretty crappy so I went and bummed around on the couch and watched Scrubs. Then we talked again, then I ate and went back to Scrubs. I love that show. :D
Ugh... I feel so crappy though. Physically and emotionally. I am sooooooo ready for Sky to just be home already. It seems like the days are getting longer the closer we get to him coming home. I've been so distracted I haven't really studied for my PSYC final. I'm glad I set it for the 11th. Wah!!! I MISS MY HUBBY!!! :(
...Mmmmkay... done bein a girl... for now.
Mata ne.
"Heaven help me. I love newbie theater. Honest, I do. Its the way you both play your parts with such wonderful commitment that almost had me believing that you aren't having whiny, neurotic, extremely pale sex with each other."
Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley) Scrubs
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I'm really failing at titles now. :p
So, Japanese again today. Before that I found out a dear friend is coming to see me!! I'm excited. That means I have to get my house clean. :p lol Hopefully Danielle can come after that! I would just be totally stoked and feel uber loved! Because hopefully that would take up enough time that Sky would be home soon after! I would be so happy!!! See all the exclamation points!!!???
So after Japanese Michelle and I went back to her place where we did our homework and then studied for the test we'll have on Monday. I quizzed her then she quizzed me. We'll probably study again on Sunday or something. We're going to figure it out. She's going to study hiragana and then we will use flash cards to study. That comes next week.
This weekend I will be studying for my PSYC final and also going to Peggy's for wine or sake and to watch James Franco be hot in Fly Boys. Then we might hit American Day.
Well, I've got other stuff to do but before that I would like to introduce you ladies to "W." I think every woman (except you mom and Aunt C, because that would be weird) should own this picture. :D

lol g'night everybody.
"Satan is in the house. He killed my mom... and turned her into a bull."
Sean (Devon Sawa) SLC Punk
^If you haven't seen it already you should get on that.
So, Japanese again today. Before that I found out a dear friend is coming to see me!! I'm excited. That means I have to get my house clean. :p lol Hopefully Danielle can come after that! I would just be totally stoked and feel uber loved! Because hopefully that would take up enough time that Sky would be home soon after! I would be so happy!!! See all the exclamation points!!!???
So after Japanese Michelle and I went back to her place where we did our homework and then studied for the test we'll have on Monday. I quizzed her then she quizzed me. We'll probably study again on Sunday or something. We're going to figure it out. She's going to study hiragana and then we will use flash cards to study. That comes next week.
This weekend I will be studying for my PSYC final and also going to Peggy's for wine or sake and to watch James Franco be hot in Fly Boys. Then we might hit American Day.
Well, I've got other stuff to do but before that I would like to introduce you ladies to "W." I think every woman (except you mom and Aunt C, because that would be weird) should own this picture. :D

lol g'night everybody.
"Satan is in the house. He killed my mom... and turned her into a bull."
Sean (Devon Sawa) SLC Punk
^If you haven't seen it already you should get on that.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hello there
Hello, hello, hello...
I just got back from driving the Subaru again. Michelle and Gian said I did much better than last time. I think so too. I only stalled like 5 times or something. Which is pretty good for the amount of times we went around. I almost stalled once but I saved it... that's right. I'm awesome. :p The feelings of nausea are fading quicker, maybe soon I'll be ready to do more than just parking lots. We shall see. I'm still scared to death. Anyway, before driving...
Michelle came and got me at around 1145. We did class. Learned how to give our phone numbers and all that jazz. After class we were starving so we were going to run by verizon and pay my bill but their system was down. I also found out it isn't due until the 29th so I'll just pay it on the 15th. I bought my book instead which is good because it already arrived. When I got my book I realized what a nerd I am because I was excited to be able to read ahead. :p Oh well, I'm okay with it. Hopefully it will be beneficial. :D
We were starving so we went to Pepper Lunch. God, I effen love that place. <3 Anyway, then we went to Daiso and got some things. I got my in laws some tea cups for their tea kettle. I got them eight. I'd take a picture but I already packed them in a box. They're nice though. It looks like it'll match their kettle pretty well. I hope they like them. After the mall they just dropped me off so I could study and talk to Sky.
Well, I'm going to watch a few episodes of Scrubs before bed. Oyasumi!!
"Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!”
Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) Fight Club
I just got back from driving the Subaru again. Michelle and Gian said I did much better than last time. I think so too. I only stalled like 5 times or something. Which is pretty good for the amount of times we went around. I almost stalled once but I saved it... that's right. I'm awesome. :p The feelings of nausea are fading quicker, maybe soon I'll be ready to do more than just parking lots. We shall see. I'm still scared to death. Anyway, before driving...
Michelle came and got me at around 1145. We did class. Learned how to give our phone numbers and all that jazz. After class we were starving so we were going to run by verizon and pay my bill but their system was down. I also found out it isn't due until the 29th so I'll just pay it on the 15th. I bought my book instead which is good because it already arrived. When I got my book I realized what a nerd I am because I was excited to be able to read ahead. :p Oh well, I'm okay with it. Hopefully it will be beneficial. :D
We were starving so we went to Pepper Lunch. God, I effen love that place. <3 Anyway, then we went to Daiso and got some things. I got my in laws some tea cups for their tea kettle. I got them eight. I'd take a picture but I already packed them in a box. They're nice though. It looks like it'll match their kettle pretty well. I hope they like them. After the mall they just dropped me off so I could study and talk to Sky.
Well, I'm going to watch a few episodes of Scrubs before bed. Oyasumi!!
"Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!”
Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) Fight Club
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Another day...
So today Michelle picked me up and we went to class. It was cool. She made us talk in front of the class though. That kind of sucked. I have crazy "stage fright" so I was shaking when I sat down. So we went through class, there were a couple more people there today so that's cool. After that we went to the Frame Shop, the post office, the BX and commissary, then over to Michelle's for homework. When we got done and Gian got home they dropped me off at my place so I could study some for my PSYC final and talk to Sky.
They were going to go to the pool in that time but it was packed so they went back to their house and then walked over to mine. So we took the Subaru over to their place to have dinner and then we were going to go and I was going to drive. But after we ate I was so bloated I thought I would puke just on the drive home so we're doing it tomorrow. We'll get an earlier start anyway.
But here are some pictures I've wanted to share but kept forgetting to get (thanks for sending them, Michelle!)
First I give you the epic "Cup of Noodles Guy" at Shimoda mall.

Here are the Hachinohe horses outside the brand new shoppette.

Here are some crazy, awesome, weird bread things at a bakery.

Well I shall leave you now.
"Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team."
Murphy McManus (Norman Reedus) The Boondock Saints
They were going to go to the pool in that time but it was packed so they went back to their house and then walked over to mine. So we took the Subaru over to their place to have dinner and then we were going to go and I was going to drive. But after we ate I was so bloated I thought I would puke just on the drive home so we're doing it tomorrow. We'll get an earlier start anyway.
But here are some pictures I've wanted to share but kept forgetting to get (thanks for sending them, Michelle!)
First I give you the epic "Cup of Noodles Guy" at Shimoda mall.

Here are the Hachinohe horses outside the brand new shoppette.

Here are some crazy, awesome, weird bread things at a bakery.

Well I shall leave you now.
"Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team."
Murphy McManus (Norman Reedus) The Boondock Saints
Monday, June 1, 2009
I forgot to blog yesterday! :s Well here's a recap for you.
I had told both my parents and my sister to call me in the morning just in case since yesterday my parents forgot. :p Luckily my sister remembered and she called. So I got up and started to get ready for Michelle to come get me. She got to my place about 1130. Class didn't start for another half hour so we decided to go and check out the new Shoppette. We got some water and things and then we each got free cans of beer with our purchases. That's right... free beer at 1130. :p I was amused by that. Anyway, before we left we took pictures with the Hachinohe horses they had outside and I'll put those up when I get them from Michelle later today.
Anyway, we got to class and it's pretty empty. I guess quite a few people were absent. That's cool though. We pretty much just went through the Syllabus, a little bit of history, practiced the hiraganas A-O, and then went over the "common expressions" (you know, ohaiyo gozaimasu, konnichiwa, konbanwa...etc).
After class Michelle and I checked out the bookmark and got some cards (they'd just put father's day ones out). Then she took me back to my place. I ran upstairs and dropped all my crap off before running back down and meeting up with Peggy. She and I then went to the mall.
When we got there we immediately got Pepper Lunch (duh, lol) then we shopped around. I replaced the mermaid for my mother in law that I lost (sort of, its the same size just a little bit different) and then we hit up Daiso. We got some sticker pictures done! :D It was the first time in forever so it took a little while to figure it out. We messed two up but it's cool. Anyway, we shopped around a bit and then we headed out. We checked out the Cake House which is an awesome bakery near her place then we went to Universe for produce and then she took me home.
Then I talked to Sky for a bit but he had to head to work so we didn't get to talk long. I then watched a little Scrubs, did some homework, did a little studying, had dinner, did some more stuff and then got ready for bed. I'm now about to have to get ready for school again so dewa mata! :D
"What handicap? They guy's just in a wheelchair, it's not like he's Anne Frank or something."
Randal Graves (Jeff Anderson) Clerks II
I had told both my parents and my sister to call me in the morning just in case since yesterday my parents forgot. :p Luckily my sister remembered and she called. So I got up and started to get ready for Michelle to come get me. She got to my place about 1130. Class didn't start for another half hour so we decided to go and check out the new Shoppette. We got some water and things and then we each got free cans of beer with our purchases. That's right... free beer at 1130. :p I was amused by that. Anyway, before we left we took pictures with the Hachinohe horses they had outside and I'll put those up when I get them from Michelle later today.
Anyway, we got to class and it's pretty empty. I guess quite a few people were absent. That's cool though. We pretty much just went through the Syllabus, a little bit of history, practiced the hiraganas A-O, and then went over the "common expressions" (you know, ohaiyo gozaimasu, konnichiwa, konbanwa...etc).
After class Michelle and I checked out the bookmark and got some cards (they'd just put father's day ones out). Then she took me back to my place. I ran upstairs and dropped all my crap off before running back down and meeting up with Peggy. She and I then went to the mall.
When we got there we immediately got Pepper Lunch (duh, lol) then we shopped around. I replaced the mermaid for my mother in law that I lost (sort of, its the same size just a little bit different) and then we hit up Daiso. We got some sticker pictures done! :D It was the first time in forever so it took a little while to figure it out. We messed two up but it's cool. Anyway, we shopped around a bit and then we headed out. We checked out the Cake House which is an awesome bakery near her place then we went to Universe for produce and then she took me home.
Then I talked to Sky for a bit but he had to head to work so we didn't get to talk long. I then watched a little Scrubs, did some homework, did a little studying, had dinner, did some more stuff and then got ready for bed. I'm now about to have to get ready for school again so dewa mata! :D
"What handicap? They guy's just in a wheelchair, it's not like he's Anne Frank or something."
Randal Graves (Jeff Anderson) Clerks II
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